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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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37 minutes ago, Factotum said:

I am not, in any way saying this is ideal or what anybody wants. I simply asked if anyone can honestly tell me who they would put forward from the Democrat's to fight Trump who has a chance of winning? Fact is we are through the looking glass. I put Oprah forward as it is something that has been discussed (as has Michelle Obama) by people, and she would be able to take him on.

American politics does not follow the same conventions as most Democracies. Its Presidency has been held before by people who did not hold Political office (as is the case now)

I am not saying this is what I want, but can anyone see anyone taking on Trump who isn't something different?

What the "Left", and its more vocal cousin, the Liberal Left, should admit to itself is that people like Trump coming to power is largely a result of their own failings, rather than some massive shift in intelligence or sentiment of the average voter. Bernie Sanders had a better chance of winning than Hilary Clinton, because he had clear ideas and he was relatable, but still they went with Clinton 2 Electric Boogaloo. 

If Liberals in America really want to get Trump out of office they should focus on having clear soundbites that resonate with the people they claim to represent. Sanders would have done that, but he'll be too old and unsexy next time. Who can even remember what Hillary's manifesto was? It was overshadowed by all that stuff about building a tunnel or something, and her emails. Again, great choice, Liberals! It's a bitter irony that a millionaire from New York is now a champion of the angry working class.

Edited by Brewster McCloud
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Totally. As I mentioned earlier Sanders had the opportunity to appeal to places that ultimately Trump picked up. It was an election for change and he was the candidate to take Trump on.

However, worth mentioning that Hillary still won the popular vote by about 3 million and lost those key states not by much at all. I don't see America having shifted massively to the far right. They just need to appeal to those states like Michigan that they have ultimately failed.


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The American left tend to be centrists or centre right.  It's getting like that over here.  Anything slightly left of the tories gets called left wing despite it not being.  Conversely, things to the right of some people on the left get labelled as right wing.

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3 minutes ago, Brewster McCloud said:

I'm aware of that. I was typing too quickly rather than trying to make a bold political statement, and possibly forgetting the American left are Democrats rather than "Liberals". It's quite late where I am. Not really a big deal, is it?

Sorry, to clarify: that post was meant as a reply to the thread in general, not just yourself.

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16 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Pedantry side bomber, I think you know what I meant about people throwing the term 'liberal' around as a catch all pejorative without defining what they mean by it.

True, but as Brewster was making distinctions in his original post, I thought maybe give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was talking about the more centrist Liberals, as most of the American left tend to be of that stripe.

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