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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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I've just realised they've missed a massive trick with this match. Had they done the Jericho/Owens split a little earlier we could have had Jericho challenge Owens for Wrestlemania prior to Fastlane, and then they could have had the same dynamic as the Bret Hart/Sid cage match from 1997 where the Mania opponents of the guys in the match have to actually help their hated rival in order to ensure their own title match at Mania. 


Maybe I just love that match too much, but I would have loved to see that here. Shame.

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Fair point. I'm not saying this scenario is perfect, and it's all hypothetical now anyway. Plus it relies on WWE booking being far better than it has been. I just really like the dynamic from that match, and would like to see it used again somewhere. An underutilised concept.

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I think the plan is that Reigns goes over Taker at Mania, then challenges Lesnar based on the fact that they're the only two to have beaten Taker at Mania and wins the belt from Brock to be "The Guy" again.

This would be perfect if Roman turned heel during his feud with Taker. Beat him. Then beat Brock. Then went on to beat all the babyface heroes until eventually losing to someone important (who they admittedly haven't found yet). I think Roman is ace and that he'd be a brilliant heel. Trouble is, as soon as he turns heel, the shit crowds will start cheering for him again and they'll turn him back too quick thinking they've finally "won".



Not sure the fans are booing because they are shit crowds, probably booing because his character is shit and no one is buying into it. 

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I'd guess they boo because he's been put into a position on the card that the fans don't want him to be put in immediately. It's like the Super Cena syndrome isn't it? Shame as well, because there are little things Reigns does to make it feel a lot more realistic. Little bits of selling he does through the match.

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I think the plan is that Reigns goes over Taker at Mania, then challenges Lesnar based on the fact that they're the only two to have beaten Taker at Mania and wins the belt from Brock to be "The Guy" again.


This would be perfect if Roman turned heel during his feud with Taker. Beat him. Then beat Brock. Then went on to beat all the babyface heroes until eventually losing to someone important (who they admittedly haven't found yet). I think Roman is ace and that he'd be a brilliant heel. Trouble is, as soon as he turns heel, the shit crowds will start cheering for him again and they'll turn him back too quick thinking they've finally "won".


Not sure the fans are booing because they are shit crowds, probably booing because his character is shit and no one is buying into it.

I didn't mean they're shit for booing Roman, although they are. I mean they're shit because they always have to get their shit in like The young bucks. They're not booing Roman for any reason other than because they think that's what they're supposed to do to seem like cool smart wrestling fans. Same with Cena. What reason is there to boo Cena in 2017? Other than it's what they think they're supposed to do? There's no reason to boo him. He's great. They'll cheer shit like Dolph Ziggler though, who has had the worst character and booking I've ever seen. Absolutely horrendous.


I can guarantee thoug, that if Roman turns they'll start cheering him. They'll think it's some sort of victory for them.

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I can guarantee thoug, that if Roman turns they'll start cheering him. They'll think it's some sort of victory for them.

100% this, I've always believed this too, they'll love him. He'll get a 'you deserve it clap clap clapclapclap' just for turning heel. The whole heel/face dynamic has never been more skewed and unbalanced as it is right now.

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If you define a heel as "someone the fans want to see lose" and a baby face as "someone the fans want to see win" then Roman wouldn't be turning heel, he'd be turning face. Just because it's not how the WWE format sheet is laid out doesn't make it less true.

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What about the Punk Cabana podcast and "making Roman look strong", I feel like that hurt his appeal with smarks and of course that was right after the 2014 Rumble

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His original "gradual" push wasn't that bad, with decent fueds/matches with Orton. I think what tipped fans over the edge was his slammy win for Superstar of the year, (despite being off for 6 months), then his MEGA-push to win the rumble, when by that point nobody gave a real toss about him. That and the rumble was gash that year AND nobody in their right mind though he could beat Lesner, as Brock was (Kafabe) above everybody else by that point.


If they'd have given him a decent slow-burn fued, and then a mid-card title run first, people might have more receptive. Maybe have had him be the one to beat Rusev for the US title that year.

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