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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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Bit of a shame that the worse looking women's match on the card is for the title.


Hoping Harper gets a good showing. This is really a good opertunity for him. Is it his first singles PPV match since his match with Ambrose a few years back?

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Yeah I think their feud after Mania 31. It wasn't long after that he joined back up with Bray

Quite fond memories of the match with Dean at Extreme Rules that year, they open the show, brawl it out, chase each other out of the arena in cars, then come back a few matches later to finish their match

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I'm actually looking forward to it for the fact it won't take up a huge chunk of my life. It can run for 4 hours all it wants, but the only things of any interest to me on the card are the Chamber match and the Orton/Harper match. However I expect both of those to be very good. I'll get up at 5am and I should see all I need to see before starting work at 7.00.


Any SD brand PPV's since the split have only gone about 2h40 so hoping this trend continues

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Hoping Harper gets a good showing. This is really a good opertunity for him. Is it his first singles PPV match since his match with Ambrose a few years back?

Last one I recall was a ladder match with Dolph, who was intent on killing himself to get over. If I recall, it was just after a shit-hot Takeover and some of the guys (Dolph, for example) felt they had a point to prove.


Edit: TLC 2014 I'm thinking of, which took place a few days after NXT TakeOver: R Evolution- which had that superb Neville VS Zayn match, Itami VS Balor and Kevin Owens' debut.

Edited by PunkStep
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I've thought this whole Orton in the Wyatts thing was that Orton has only been playing along to bring them down from the inside, but maybe it has gone on a little to long for that to be the case now.


Too much coincidence involved for that to be the payoff too. Orton happened to win the Rumble and Bray happens to win the title.

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Well, it will either mean that:



a) Dolph was originally supposed to be in Dean's place, with plans changing after the T-shirts went to print, or


b) it's just meant to be a picture of (edit: some of) the brand's top stars and, by a not-very-large coincidence, most of them happen to be in the main event chamber match.


Edited by Uncle Zeb
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Decent enough chamber match, predictable result although I was quite surprised Cena was dealt with relatively easily. Sister Abigail was protected big time when the AA and Styles Clash weren't.


Liked the visual at the end but six weeks is a long time to build towards the Mania match, I wonder what they've got up their sleeves.


Also, I'm now officially fearful about what Cena's doing at Mania :(


Edit - another strong showing from Corbin wasn't it?

Edited by Otto Dem Wanz
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Yet another quality PPV that.


First couple matches werent up to too much. Ziggler is just as aimless as he was coming into the turn. Nice bit of heat at the end of the match with the Crews injury angle, or at least it would've been if the FUCKING CROWD didn't chant "thank you Ziggler" during it. Aaaaaaaarrggggghhh!


Anyways, tag turmoil was decent fun. Glad to see them give the Usos/AA feud a couple minutes in the microwave. Through clever booking they actually had me convinced the cunting Ascension were leaving with the straps. So got into this one a lot at the end. Also I say this nearly every time they get screen time, but please please push the Sexy Cops!!


Natty/Nikki was decent, best performance of Natalya's I've seen in a long time. Don't mind the feud continuing although the constant beatdowns and brawls are starting to get a bit rinse repeat now


Orton & Harper was cracking. I hope that was a breakthrough moment for Harper and not him hitting a ceiling. I would assume he plays some role in the build to the Mania match and I'm extremely intrigued to see how


Naomi winning the title was a big surprise, but I'm cool with it. Amazing what a cool entrance can do for your career. She was a nobody before the split, now seems to be getting over nicely. I think she's decent in the ring too, adds a slightly different style to the division. Sweet stuff in the post-match, that's the only time I can recall a 'you deserve it' chant actually coming off as somewhat meaningful. Oh, and while I remember, Carmellsworth were gold on this show


Loved that Chamber. Everybody did great in their roles and it came off as really well-placed. Hints of an AJ face turn too, possibly. It may already be up there as one of my favourite chamber matches.

When Wyatt was entering the chamber, going up to everybody's pods with his lantern, it served to remind me just how special this boy is. They don't come around like that everyday.

The time is now, make him a megastar.

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Decent enough chamber match, predictable result although I was quite surprised Cena was dealt with relatively easily. Sister Abigail was protected big time when the AA and Styles Clash weren't.

Liked the visual at the end but six weeks is a long time to build towards the Mania match, I wonder what they've got up their sleeves.

Also, I'm now officially fearful about what Cena's doing at Mania :(

Edit - another strong showing from Corbin wasn't it?

Well the Cena match was "confirmed" a few weeks ago apparently. You're right to be fearful.

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Becky Vs Mickie was an entertaining match. That flesh toned attire on Becky was a bit unexpected out of the corner of my eye. Nice finish as well. To the match that is. The reactions of Mickie James were great, and the shot right after the pin of Mickie's expression of disbelief with Beckie celebrating in the background was a great one.


Ziggler as a heel in his American Flag tights and getting a massive pop for Pillmanising Crews' ankle was bollocks. Then again I think some of the blame has to be on those fans being knobs.


Tag Team Turmoil was pretty good. Rhyno got a nice pop again. The Usos Alpha feud appears to be back on now.


Is there a committee dedicated to trying to see how little Nikki Bella can wear while still getting a PG rating? The video package for that match was great. I really enjoyed the build to that match. Somebody mentioned on here that there's not much technical wrestling on the roster anymore, but it seems to be the domain of the women's division at the moment thanks to the likes of Nattie and Mickie. The match got over how much heat there was between the two of them. My guess is it's being held off until the week of the Raw PPV when they have the blowoff for this feud.


Carmellsworth in the skybox were quality.


The Orton/Bray/Harper story is an intriguing one. I still wonder whether it's about divide and conquer. I had in my head a scenario of it being Harper/Rowan Vs Orton/Bray at Mania with Orton's turn coming when it's become obvious that Bray has nobody to turn to, but the Rumble win has either expedited that or thrown another twist into everything. Harper is a great talent and could do well on a singles run given his very unorthodox style and quirky charisma. Orton as that cold, cocky, sadistic heel is such a good character and it felt like he was doing everything he could to get Harper over as the face, even though people's instinct is usually to cheer for Randy. Those "10" chants seemed to calm down briefly during the match as well. Mauro appears to be playing a character rather than calling the matches nowadays which is a shame. That was a class finish though. The RKO is such a devastating move still. One of very few.


The seeds have been sown for Nikki & Maryse to come to blows at some point.


Naomi Vs Alexa came out of nowhere. I understand why the match would be made given Naomi's pins in those tag matches in the intervening weeks & at the Rumble. Naomi's improved massively since her feud with the other Funkadactyl. That was an awfully sloppy pin at the end. The title change was unexpected and a bit anticlimactic if you ask me. Surely the usual way that storyline runs is that she gets the wins in the tag matches but can't do it in the singles match? Is this just so she can be booked to job in her home town at Mania? Have they got a load of Unsold UV Jeff Hardy shirts in the warehouse they can repurpose and shift on WWEshop.com? Tokenism for Black History Month?


The new Chamber looks a lot more square which I'd imagine is a logistic choice as there's more room to do stuff inside it. That main event atmosphere was electric again. Cena and Styles starting made sense Who would have thought Ambrose would be the first to go for a big high spot? Some of those towers of doom were impressive. Corbin looked like a monster in there again. Miz sold it brilliantly hiding in his pod like that then striking like the opportunist he is. Ambrose's finish should be the schoolboy rollup, not the Dirty Deeds. Will that be Corbin Vs Ambrose at Mania or on the Fastlane Smackdown? Miz was great for that little spell that he was in. That pop for Cena's elimination was huge. The shot of those kids in their Cena shirt and hats on the verge of weeping was funny though. Always good to see the Shining Wizard get a run out. That Flying squirrel attempt into the Sister Abigail was a great finish. Bray Vs Orton will certainly have an interesting dynamic going forward.


Decent show. Sets us on the road to Wrestlemania nicely, and hopefully it will be the road to wrestlemania now, as opposed to the road to that episode of Smackdown that happens to be the same week as Fastlane followed by four weeks throwing the Smackdown Mania matches together.

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That was one of those moments where you wish you didn't hear the rumours. I like Bray. Never fell out of love with the guy like a lot of people and am delighted to see him get this shot. Just wish I didn't know. I'm sure I'd have worked it out by the end that they were probably setting up Orton/Wyattt but that pin on Cena would have come out of nowhere for me. Really good match.


The lack of realism in the commentary is hammered home by the fact they didn't mention the possibility of Bray vs. Randy until 2 secs before the end of the show when Randy gave them a massive clue by walking out.


Skipped through a lot of the rest. Crowd reactions were the usual jumble. "Thank you, Ziggler". "You deserve it" at Naomi. Cheering Miz mocking Bryan. Cheering most heels in fact. Odd times.


Glad Alpha retained and they've re-setup the Uso feud.

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