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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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Fun tag title match, bit predictable to just end the reign as soon as the concussion lawsuit participant's record had been broken but the tag scene needed it, liked all the post-match too


didnt mind the Strowman Zayn thing so much, it serves its purpose in making you wanna see more anyway but Foley in his funeral clothes with a little towel in his hand can fuck off. I get the story but subtlety exists and it just came off shit to me


Jericho/Rollins dull and overlong


Cruiserweight match was consequential but Neville coming back and beating the shit out of guys was great and a true surprise, really good stuff


women's match was brilliant. not thrill a minute but a tension masterclass. worthy finish to a really good feud, all their rematches have had a really unique flavour and this was a great way to round it off. oh and I'm a sick fuck but I was like "oh goody, Sasha's bleeding" cos of course it just helped the story they were telling, Sasha looks better in defeat than she's done before so hard to hold anything against her losing again


main event not a bad match but yeah very meh on the finish. didn't really know what I wanted out of the match other than some unrealistic double turn and for Jericho to piss off for once as well


another minor decent event to round off the year, but rather minor. Smackdown's just the better overall brand, Raw is practically carried by Charlotte and Sasha, the men's scene is practically stationary and needs a shake-up badly. it'll feel like ages til the Rumble now


oh and the crowd were pretty shit all night. seemed to be at least one guy booing absolutely everyone at all times

Edited by sj5522
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It's pretty obvious the company aren't really that behind Sasha. How many top babyfaces tap out even once, never mind twice? The layout of that match was completely backwards.


They've traded the belt so many times that it's basically turned into "let's fight to see who's the better loser". Please, let's move on to something else now.

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Sasha has just been built as a shit champion who has lost on every first title defence. She could've held on for about her 4 seconds. Good feud but glad it's over. Let Bayley challenge now.


Tag title match was good. Really enjoyed that finish. Like in football terms, that was out of the training ground.


Sami and Braun told a good story. Neville had a welcomed return. Overall, it was like a good episode of Raw.

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Sasha has just been built as a shit champion who has lost on every first title defence. She could've held on for about her 4 seconds. Good feud but glad it's over. Let Bayley challenge now.


Tag title match was good. Really enjoyed that finish. Like in football terms, that was out of the training ground.


Sami and Braun told a good story. Neville had a welcomed return. Overall, it was like a good episode of Raw.

Bayley will challenge at Mania and take Charlotte's PPV singles record.

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Womens match of the year for me last night, I thought that was their best encounter by some way. No overly-silly bumps or unnecessary risks, just great storytelling and tension building. The accidental blood near the end was a fantastic image and really made me feel like Sasha had gone through hell to try to keep her title. I have issues with Sasha losing if they use this to justify a heel turn down the line. Deserved a much bigger response from the crowd but oh well.


Everything else on the card was solid but predictable, no major complaints. 

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WWE are so hard for Charlotte, I wouldn't count on it.


The cretins exposed themselves again with Neville's excellent heel turn.


"Thank you Neville"


Fuck off and die, you cunts.


To be honest I was thanking Neville too. The greatest thing to happen to a Cruiserweight division since Velocity. The Cruiserweights have fuck all going for them, they can put on a flashy wee match but nobody actually cares about it. Neville showed some character and opened the door for fans to actually give a shit about the Cruiserweights.

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WWE are so hard for Charlotte, I wouldn't count on it.



The reason they're so hard on her is to create a heel so unstoppable (on PPV) that when they eventually have a babyface go over, i.e. Bayley, then it will help cement that person as a huge babyface.


WWE have no doubt seen the value in having a big female superstar today, with one eye watching Ronda Rousey in UFC, and after the past 2 years no doubt see Bayley as their female John Cena-equivalent. The fact that she is super over with the young, female AND smart mark demographics mean they have the potential to make the biggest female wrestling star ever- what with the foundations that the Sasha/Charlotte rivalry has laid.

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Urgh, that finish to the main event, god that left a sour taste for me. Just have someone fucking beat someone, I don't even care which way just do it, build somebody and get them hot on a streak. They think this best friends story is brilliant don't they, so a story with really only 2 ways to go - either they ARE together or they aren't, they are absolutely milking to the point (as always with WWE) by the time the final decision is made and the trigger is pulled every bastard is over it anyway and don't give a shit. It feels to me like the end of the PPV was to set up a Raw match, tag match most likely, hated it.


Seth Rollins, what is it with this guy, he just isn't over is he, I put it down to 3 things, the initial return when he got a monster face pop and they wanted to cheer him, only for him to come out the next night as sniggering suit wearing wally. 2 - Being aligned with Reigns, he HAS to get out of that relationship, he has the Reigns stench. 3 - He's a bit shit.


Enjoyed the Zayn/Strowman stuff and Tag match was ok I guess. The definition of missable as a show for me.

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