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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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I skipped through the show in about an hour. Most noteworthy thing was how much Rusev and Chad Gable stood out in the tag match. Both guys should be far, far higher up the card. Rusev in particular would likely have some cracking title matches against AJ Styles. 

Fair play to them. I am interested in where this Daniel Bryan thing goes. I’m almost certain it’ll be similar to those HBK vs. Daniel Bryan teases though, where nothing will come of it. Surely, if they’re going to clear him to wrestle, the last person you’d put him with is Shane McMahon? Shane can’t even protect himself in the ring, never mind his opponents! 

I love how the video packages have completely re-written the Survivor Series main event. Watching the video package you’d think Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn cost Smackdown the match by running in on Shane. That would’ve been a great direction to go in. It’s almost as if, in retrospect, they’ve realised how fucking stupid it was for Shane and Triple H to kill everyone on the roster for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Imagine needing hindsight to come to that conclusion.

Edited by Supremo
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3 hours ago, Ambulance Chaser said:

Tell you what, I enjoyed that main event, fair play Jinder sold well and AJ got a good, back and forth type match out of him. If I paypal someone say £15 who's up for nutting that scrubby Jesus cunt who goes to all the shows on the front row, you know he'll be at Mania.

I've been raging about Marilyn Manson cunt for a few years now. I'm at the point where I find I'm watching him more than the actual show at times. I noticed during Clash of Champions that he's suddenly become a big Jinder fan. Prick. He claps his hands in a really stiff manner too which winds me up no end. 

Anyway, I enjoyed the show more than I expected. Triple threat and the tag title match were fun and AJ/Jinder was really good. I was a little disappointed in Zayn/Owens vs Nakamura/Orton but I expected it to end in a fuck finish that doesn't really establish whose heel or face between the two referees. 

I'm interested in who will face AJ at the Rumble. Everybody whose high enough up the card to challenge for the title seems to be tied up in the Bryan/Shane stuff. Really hope they don't try and get another month out of Jinder.

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I suspect Nakamura is getting a title shot either at Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania. AJ Styles vs. Nakamura for the WWE Title. Wild. It’s unbelievable how little that match means now though. And to think, they made Nakamura look like such a dickhead for so long in order to build Jinder up, who they’ve already gave up on. Again, you didn’t need hindsight to know this was always the way things were going to turn out.

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1 hour ago, Lorne Malvo said:

I've been raging about Marilyn Manson cunt for a few years now. I'm at the point where I find I'm watching him more than the actual show at times. I noticed during Clash of Champions that he's suddenly become a big Jinder fan. Prick. He claps his hands in a really stiff manner too which winds me up no end. 

Anyway, I enjoyed the show more than I expected. Triple threat and the tag title match were fun and AJ/Jinder was really good. I was a little disappointed in Zayn/Owens vs Nakamura/Orton but I expected it to end in a fuck finish that doesn't really establish whose heel or face between the two referees. 

I'm interested in who will face AJ at the Rumble. Everybody whose high enough up the card to challenge for the title seems to be tied up in the Bryan/Shane stuff. Really hope they don't try and get another month out of Jinder.

haha Ive been wondering the same, then go on twitter and type wwe front row fan and his pics come up, hes called simon and basically won a competition to go to any wwe show and sit front row for 10 years. pretty good prize, he goes with his mum. theres another dude with bright green on a lot, hes won the same prize

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How long left until we no longer have to look at them? Sick to the back teeth of all the same people popping up and being more and more irritated by their habits the more familiar I get with them. It's like if every time you went out to eat or drink you see the same 5 or 6 blokes and you get pissed off at things like how they hold their pint or eat their soup. it's quite maddening. Long hair guy loves to applaud heels, green shirt rarely reacts to anything and spends way too much time looking at his digital camera when there's action right infront of him and I hate that I've noticed any of this

By the way I watched Survivor Series 2009 recently, and saw green-shirt in a purple shirt, I'm stunned he has a change of clothes to be honest. Well in 2009 he did anyway. Hopefully that means less than 2 years of looking at him.


Show was pretty forgettable, triple threat was good but Ziggler winning is laughable, either run with Corbin for a bit or go with Roode - this shits on both of them. Corbin throwing a bin around in a strop backstage was fun though.

Tag titles were a lot of fun once it got past the weird rules, I'd have capitalized on Rusev & English's great momentum but no issue with Usos retaining. As mentioned, Rusev & Gable in particular looked great.

The entire women's division feels like an afterthought on this brand at the moment, I enjoyed the brief tease of a MITB cash-in and not much else

The 2 refs match was pretty dull but got decent. Going into the match I thought the only way it could be good is if Shane turns heel and KO & Sami come out faces, as Shane is clearly the bad guy in this story. That.. kind of happened? But not definitively, so it's an odd one. I'm not sure if that's the direction they were going for or if it's that trademark WWE warped morality values at play. On the plus side I am intrigued to see how this develops on Smackdown so job well done in that regard.

Bludgeon Bruvs v Breezango I wanted to be a lot more competitive, pretty disappointed. Breezango can really go and are one of the most popular teams in the division, so it's a shame to reduce them to comedy jobbers. For a while I've wished they'd stop running the Fashion Files, which were awesome for a bit, into the ground and focus on them doing more in-ring stuff, whether that is wrestling or microphone stuff, if you're only in vignettes 95% of the time you basically become Hornswoggle or some shit. Obviously Bludgeon Brothers should've still won but there's a limited amount of people they can have competitive matches with and that should've been one of them, for it to end in less than 2 minutes was a let down to me.

AJ v Mahal was okay, but nothing special, the kickout from the kalas was good and thank god that experiment's presumably over and done with, was real scared we were heading for Mahal v Cena for #17 in a patriotism special infront of the most international crowd of the year. AJ v Nakamura presumably is much much better, even if it should mean more it still feels big.

Edited by sj5522
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Reminded me of the December PPV's in 04/05/06/07 etc where nothing really happened.

I know we're meant to hate Ziggler on here, but with the live crowds he is still over, more so than Baron Corbin anyway.

I'll tell you who the crowd couldn't give a shit about, Chad Gable. Decent in the ring but ive yet to see an ounce of personality since he came to the main roster, clear as day that the crowd wanted Rusev day to win.

Had a horrible feeling Jinder would get the belt back so I'm glad they have ended that experiment, hoping AJ keeps the belt through Mania now as I don't really see a credible alternative.

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54 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

I'll tell you who the crowd couldn't give a shit about, Chad Gable. Decent in the ring but ive yet to see an ounce of personality since he came to the main roster, clear as day that the crowd wanted Rusev day to win.

Don't agree with this. Whilst Rusev had the crowd behind him more than anyone in this match, at the end Gable received pops for his Germans and definitely got a positive reaction from the crowd (I can't stop watching all three German suplexes, incredible stuff). I think he shows enough charisma as well. Might not be a decent promo yet, but that's not to say he doesn't have charisma. He might not be a Kurt Angle, but he's certainly not a Charlie Haas or even a Shelton either.

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5 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Don't agree with this. Whilst Rusev had the crowd behind him more than anyone in this match, at the end Gable received pops for his Germans and definitely got a positive reaction from the crowd (I can't stop watching all three German suplexes, incredible stuff). I think he shows enough charisma as well. Might not be a decent promo yet, but that's not to say he doesn't have charisma. He might not be a Kurt Angle, but he's certainly not a Charlie Haas or even a Shelton either.

Nothing before the german suplexes got any reaction, look at that cloverleaf he put on someone, it was done to deathly silence.

Maybe he will show it in time, but just take a look at him and Shelton on last weeks Smackdown, the crowd couldn't have cared less if they had tried when doing that promo walking down to the ring, it was horrible.

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The fact that it was less than three hours was the best thing about this show. 

Pretty much an episode of Smackdown, and if you had missed this show then you didn't miss much of consequence. 

Ziggler winning the U.S title was ridiculous. I can't be having Corbin either, but him keeping it would have been better than Ziggler winning it, just for the sake of a title change. 

Rusev was amazing, as always, and he got the crowd reaction that he rightly deserves. He has been criminally underutilised ever since WM 31 ended. The last five minutes of the match was good, but the early parts weren't. Rest holds in a match involving 8 people? For real? 

Speaking of rest holds, the tag match between Orton/Nakamura and Owens/Zayn had about 1076 minutes of rest holds. Bored to tears for fifteen minutes I was, until they went to the home straight. On top of that I still don't care about a possible feud involving Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan. The match didn't seem designed to be good and without the referees I expect it would have been a pretty damn good match, but I guess the main purpose was to further the (warped) story of Bryan/Shane being at odds.

AJ pulled off a miracle in the main event. Take a bow that man. The best match Jinder will ever have in his life. I'm glad to see they are sticking with AJ for the next wee while anyway. 

One thing I seemed to notice even more on this show than most, were the amount of adverts. Fuck me it may as well have been ITV. This irritated me more than it should as it's difficult skipping adverts when using the Network App on your phone. I guess it's a lesson that karma's a nasty mistress, as I should have been working harder rather than "taking a late break". 

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2 minutes ago, WeeAl said:

 One thing I seemed to notice even more on this show than most, were the amount of adverts. Fuck me it may as well have been ITV. This irritated me more than it should as it's difficult skipping adverts when using the Network App on your phone. I guess it's a lesson that karma's a nasty mistress, as I should have been working harder rather than "taking a late break". 

And adverts during matches! As if they don't have enough without sticking them on quarter the way through a match.

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Has there ever been anything said as to why Rusev is seemingly slumming it in the lower card? 

To look at him you'd think he's everything and more that Vince would want in a top guy. An absolute brick shit house who can go in the ring, cut a decent promo and the fans enjoy seeing. Quite baffling really.

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9 minutes ago, Silky Kisser said:

Has there ever been anything said as to why Rusev is seemingly slumming it in the lower card? 

He's married to Lana.

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