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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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If they are planning to make the Goldberg Vs Lesnar match at Mania another squash then I would rather Wyatt and Orton go on last.

It HAS to be surely. I honestly don't think they trust Goldberg with even a 5 minute match, to me he looks all over the joint, his movement is unsteady, when he does his big moves i keep worrying that his back will snap. Unfortunately you can't beat the clock, just have him charge at Lesnar looking for the hail mary spear again except this time Lesnar has him figured, snatches him up and F5's him, maybe twice for the dominant victory back. Goldberg got to play hero to his kid and take pictures with the belt and does not get crippled. Everyone walks away safe and sound a lot richer, Lesnar gets a fresh boost going forward to maybe feud with Balor or something. Fucking just end it.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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I thought the PPV was good overall but what the actual fuck were they thinking with that finish to the Women's Title match ?! If you're going to have Sasha interfere surely a DQ would've made for a better finish ? Shocking

The sensible idea is that Sasha sometime in the next couple of weeks says "The only reason you're champion is because of me, give me a shot" and they do that match at Mania?

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I much prefer Sasha as a babyface, I think she has the adult fans vote while Bayley has more of the kids vote, I know they will turn Sasha heel to just do it but the crowd was really behind her against Jax last night, they had a really good match.

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What about Cesaro's new jacket? He looked such a twat in that. First time in my life I've wanted Jinder Mahal to win a match.

he's always had shocking style and probably fully admits to it.

Last night reminded me of his Claudio Castagnoli days, he always had some right odd get up

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I thought the PPV was good overall but what the actual fuck were they thinking with that finish to the Women's Title match ?! If you're going to have Sasha interfere surely a DQ would've made for a better finish ? Shocking

The sensible idea is that Sasha sometime in the next couple of weeks says "The only reason you're champion is because of me, give me a shot" and they do that match at Mania?



My thinking was that now Steph plays the stirrer and says, "one way to make sure you won't interfere for Bayley is if you've got a chance at the title yourself... your selfish side will come out and prove your friendship is phony *evil laugh*". Sasha vs Charlotte vs Bayley triple threat at Mania (or maybe a four-way with Nia if they're desperate to include her). A bit of growing tension up to Mania, then possibly a Sasha heel turn either at Mania or the night after. In my mind, you've then got the potential to call Asuka up to feud with Charlotte while Sasha and Bayley mix it up. It wouldn't even really matter who had the title out of that lot. Probably pure fantasy, of course.

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I much prefer Sasha as a babyface, I think she has the adult fans vote while Bayley has more of the kids vote, I know they will turn Sasha heel to just do it but the crowd was really behind her against Jax last night, they had a really good match.

Sasha is a rubbish face, the whole boss character is naturally heel. She's just lost in the mix now trying (and failing) to make it work as a face. Heel turn is desperately needed.

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She's got a naturally disdainful tone to her voice. It doesn't sound right coming out of a babyface's mouth.

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You're Gonna Pay was a great theme. I wouldn't listen to it in my free time like

I would. But then I also liked Bischoff's theme, so apparently my taste is not to be trusted.



The ones that piss me off far more are when you get excited for Bret Hart's return after 13 years and instead of his iconic, epic theme you get the shit version a rival promotion settles for because it sounds vaguely enough like the old one.

Same here. I don't know why they changed Bret's theme when he came back, it wasn't quite WCW bad, but why change it?

Probably the same reason they changed The Rock's when he came back. I feel as if it's a "legend's edition" that indicates they're now on a level above their status as in-ring competitors. The same might very well be done for Taker if he stays away long enough after retiring. I do agree though, that it almost robs fans of that first moment being exactly how they'd imagined it for years.

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I keep hearing all this stuff about how Owens didn't deserve this outcome... bizarre! He won it via nefarious means, without doing anything to cause the pinfall. He retained it time and time again by cheating, using his friend to make it through each hurdle... and then he roughs up the friend? The guy got EXACTLY what he deserved. It was classic pro wrestling.

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I keep hearing all this stuff about how Owens didn't deserve this outcome... bizarre! He won it via nefarious means, without doing anything to cause the pinfall. He retained it time and time again by cheating, using his friend to make it through each hurdle... and then he roughs up the friend? The guy got EXACTLY what he deserved. It was classic pro wrestling.

But you're not supposed to watch it as if the characters are real and if you do you're a mark. You're supposed to want Kevin Steen the real guy to win clean because he deserves it and because every young wrestler hss to beat every old wrestler because that's how you make stars and anything else is a burial.

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Tried to watch it but it became very apparent it was an episode of Raw. It was background noise from then on.

Killing Charlotte and Strowman's streaks a few weeks before Mania is so dumb, and they have the balls to put a Jinder Mahal match on. It makes me glad I barely watch anymore.

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I thought the PPV was good overall but what the actual fuck were they thinking with that finish to the Women's Title match ?! If you're going to have Sasha interfere surely a DQ would've made for a better finish ? Shocking

The sensible idea is that Sasha sometime in the next couple of weeks says "The only reason you're champion is because of me, give me a shot" and they do that match at Mania?



I agree but you can still achieve that coming off a DQ victory for Charlotte. Bayley keeps the title, Charlotte keeps her PPV record and the seeds are sown for a Sasha heel turn. The way it was done at Fastlane just makes all three women look weak.

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