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Egg Shen

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3 hours ago, ColinBollocks said:

Thing with this is, simply, the division isn't much of a draw. DJ tried his hardest to say otherwise, but the numbers speak for themselves. Nevertheless, Helwani's point about "well, ask for point if you reach a certain number" is solid. 

I get that, but surely the same could be said about BW. It doesn't strike me that people are clamouring to see Dillashaw or Garbrandt in particular. Did any of Barao, Dillashaw, or Garbrandt get points? Because if they did or do, that seems unfair, given that one could argue they weren't seen as big draws (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). I love Barao, but I remember him being pretty much glossed over for a long time, and only just before losing the belt did talk start of him being potentially the P4P best, almost as if it had just dawned on them that he hadn't lost since before YouTube was founded. And why would Dillashaw be considered a money match anyway? Only money match there might have been was Cruz as champ, and he'd have injured himself skipping breakfast.

It seems to me that BW isn't much bigger a draw than 125. I don't blame Mouse for not wanting to move back up either; his losses were only ever at 135. Can't fault him for wanting to stay where he's untouchable.


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All bantamweight has that flyweight doesn't is they've been lucky that they've had some feuds/rivalries on top. Or at least a lot of the title fights had some beef between the competitors. The Cruz vs Faber feud lasted 9 years (although the first fight was actually at featherweight). Then you had Cruz vs Dillashaw which had some bad blood at the time, Cruz vs Garbrandt, Garbrandt vs Dillashaw was becoming something similar. Even the Faber vs Dillashaw fallout feud was a thing for a while that was at least drawing interest and attention to the division despite the fight itself never actually materialising. 

If you look at flyweight there's none of that. It's weird because I think part of what makes DJ so great and such a hard nut to crack - him being so calm, cool under pressure and extremely difficult to rattle - also seems to be the thing that holds the division back in terms of interest. Because his not giving a fuck and being unfazed by what his opponents do or say means hype for his fights gets nipped in the bud before it can even get started. Then you couple that with his sheer dominance in the cage and it basically means he never has a true rival. Nobody can match him in the cage and nobody can rattle him outside it. It's really admirable in some ways but just as frustrating in others.

The PPV points thing, I mean I do actually get that. From the UFC's point of view, DJ doesn't draw on PPV and probably doesn't really make a difference to the buys one way or the other when he's added to a card. That sounds harsh but that's the way it is. Look at UFC 178 from September 2014 for example. That was absolutely stacked with great fights like Cerrone vs Alvarez, McGregor vs Poirier, Romero vs Kennedy, Zingano vs Nunes, Cruz vs Mizugaki etc. But it was headlined by DJ vs Chris Cariaso to the sound of crickets and drew something like 200-250,000 from what I remember. It's unfortunate but he just doesn't resonate in that way. So to the UFC, if you're not adding buys to the PPV, you don't get a cut of the PPV. 

On the flipside, Dana was all over DJ's cock for the longest time saying he was the number one P4P fighter in the sport and this and that. So you'd think he'd pay that man a hefty sum. I always saw that as a political thing though where the UFC were calling DJ (and sometimes Barao) the P4P king back then as a shot at Jon Jones, who it's no secret isn't exactly buddies with Dana behind the scenes. But still, if you're going to publicly go about pimping this guy as the best fighter in your sport but then go about bitch publicly every time he asks for more money, then I'm with the fighter every time. 

I know its popular to hate on Mighty Mouse and people will just harp on the 'he doesn't move the needle' bit. Like I said above, I get that to a degree. But he's one of the most skilled fighters there's ever been in the sport, he's in there making history, busting his arse in the gym day in day out, he's never missed weight, never had even a hint of a PED controversy attached to him, never made the sport/company look bad and has generally been a great ambassador for MMA. To me, a guy like that should be getting paid big dough. He shouldn't have to fake trash talk if that's not his style. When you get to the level he's at and you're a champion as long as him you should be making PPV cut type money anyway. And not have to beg for crumbs off the billionaire owners dinner tables. 

I'm not saying he should get what McGregor's getting. But I don't get the hate the guy gets either. And Dana throwing him under the bus and acting like he's a bitch for this Dillashaw stuff is bullshit. Really smart business publicly portraying your fighter, and the champion of a division that's already having a hard time drawing, as a coward. Really good move that. I can't believe there are people that buy into that either. Like Dana's word is gospel or the stuff we're being fed in the media is the whole story. To a lot of people when stories like this come out, Dana says DJ is a pussy = DJ is a pussy. End of. But Dana always does shit like this when he doesn't get the fights he wants. I've seen no argument that's made me think that DJ vs TJ was some big money fight. And apparently DJ is never getting PPV cuts so I guess they were basically expecting him to fight TJ for the same money he's on anyway. I don't blame DJ for not playing ball. Especially when you can imagine how Dana was in that conversation. 

Dana: Hey, Demetrious. About your next fight. 

DJ: Hey Dana. Splendid weather today, isn't it? 

Dana: We were thinking about TJ Dillashaw coming down to 125 and fights for your title. 

DJ: TJ Dillashaw? Gee whizz, bossman! But he's never even fought at 125 in the UFC. Ray Borg's more deserving than hi...

Dana: Ray Borg! Seriously? Ray Fucking Borg! What the fuck dude that guy's a nobody. We haven't even fucking promoted him at all. He's a bum. Why the fuck would you wanna fight that guy? TJ's the money fight. 

DJ: Oh, am I getting more money? 

Dana: Erm...no. 

DJ: Erm...Ok well I'm not fighting Dillashaw then. 

Dana: What the fuck? Why the fuck would you get more money? You don't move the fucking needle. You fucking think we're gonna fucking pay you what fucking Conor gets? Fuck man.

DJ: I never said that. But you said it's a money fight so...

Dana: FUCK! You're a fucking idiot. 

Dana hangs up and gets on the phone to the MMA media to tell everyone his flyweight champ is a fight ducking fanny. 

I know I'm taking the piss but I honestly don't imagine it being a million miles away from that. Dana's good at a lot of things as a promoter but he's such a big baby when he doesn't get things 100% his way. I can imagine him blowing a fuse as soon as DJ even mentioned not liking the idea. 

Man, this thread has gone way off topic. I'd have created a Mighty Mouse thread to talk about this but it probably wouldn't have got any viewers :p 

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6 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:


I know you put the :p but people do actually spout that and they're serious. And it's shite. Hot steaming shite. He's finished 6 of his 10 title defences. With both strikes and submissions. He's been more of a finisher as champ than GSP or Jones were. 

Yeah, that was tongue in cheek. To be honest, I could hear people complaining about the concept of DJ 'destroying' someone. Maybe 'dominated' would be a better description.

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Fully agree with Helwani and the chap above. Why can't he/they agree that he gets ppv points after a certain number?

If he's so cocksure - then boom he's in the money, but if he's wrong then ufc don't have to pay him so they don't lose anything! 

TJ fight aside why wasn't the dopey cunt pitching something like this if really believes he's right. Put your money where your mouth is mate! His lack of response to Ariel sums him up for me.

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After I'd seen him on the MMA hour, I kinda lost all the sympathy for him that I had initially reading the article. 

Whilst the UFC handled it very poorly, DJ does himself no favours. He doesn't even have a manager to deal with this stuff.. Baffling  

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To me, it just seems like the worst thing he's done is be incredibly naïf about the business - not only about generating profitable interest in his fights, but also by being so trusting that UFC management would do right by him just because he's been such a good company man for them and gone about things by the book.

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I was listening to Miletich on Austin's podcast there, and they were talking about Pat's podcast, Conspiracy Farm. Have any of you listened to it before? 

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