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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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Who was the dozey twonk who tried taking some trainers back for a refund whilst wearing them? I remember that from when I first started posting here. That definitely won't be happening, since my first thought was "I better take these off before I split them like Bruce Banner."

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The lad I sit near at work has came in today with a backwards red cap on. It's been an hour and already he's been called Bart Simpson and TJ Detweiler.

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Utterly fucking miserable this morning.  Witnessed the very best and worst of humanity in the space of an hour yesterday, sadly not in equal measure.


A few months ago, my mum bought a business in a box with the idea of making a few extra quid working from home.  A combination of shift work and nights has rendered it a bit of a non starter though, so we both agreed we'd do some car-boots during the summer, nice way to spend some time together and try and get shot of some of the stock that way.


Anyway, yesterday was our first, we rocked up on a glorious summers day, full of enthusiasm.  Took us about 25 minutes to set up and 5 minutes later, an old boy collapses right next to me and smashes through our table sending everything flying and just to make matters worse, catches his head on the corner of the table on the way down, slicing it open.


Now here's why I hate being a human being in 2016.  That guys wellbeing should have been my number one priority, and yet because of the number of people who swarmed round, rather than focus on what was happening, I was distracted by the very real possibility of people taking advantage of the chaos and walking away with fistfuls of stuff.  


My mum's a trained first aider and would have likely had to deal with the guy, however as luck would have it, another woman, who'd just turned up a moment before to drop her daughter off, was also trained and took care of all the hands on stuff, which meant Mum could gather up her things while I spoke with 999 and assisted the paramedic when they arrived, it was so packed he couldn't get his vehicle to us, so I was running back and forwards getting things for him while he attended to the fella.


The woman who administered first aid, and her daughter who helped were nothing short of incredible.  I'd never been in that situation before and was getting frustrated with 999 for asking me questions, thinking it was delaying the dispatch of an ambulance and having to relay information to the first aiders when I could see they were already doing it, I kept my cool, but wouldn't say I coped with the situation especially well. 


As for the rest of the cunts there, as my mum gathered together her stuff, people were walking up, picking it up, trying it on, and then putting it back on the floor.  It was during the peak of the chaos I made my only sale of the day, or at least I would have if I hadn't said, just take the fucking thing, we're dealing with something more important right now, I also glanced up to see a woman rummaging through our bags that we'd just bought to carry our wallets, ipods etc in!


There was nearly a fight because a man didn't like the fact he was asked to walk away or turn around and started kicking off, the supposed staff did absolutely fuck all during any of this, although one asked me to hold on to his can of coke while he went to fetch a radio.. (whilst I was on the phone to 999 and trying to communicate with the first aiders) and then, the icing on the cake, after all was said and done, the guy running the car boot came over (we'd lost two thirds of our trading time at this point) and refused to waive our pitch fee because, and I quote "It's not my fault".  Not so much as a 'Really sorry about this unfortunate incident, but it's not something we're covered for' Basically, his view was that this selfish old cunt should have fallen over in the road instead, so why should he have to give us back our £7.  At this point I was fucking seething and, take my word for it when I say im the least confrontational human being on the planet, had to walk away for fear I was going to lose my temper - fortunately a few stall holders around us got pretty vocal and pretty much forced his hand, although even then, he was utterly unrepentant.  Cunt.


So yeah, I've no idea what happened to this old boy, or if he's even alive this morning.  He never woke at all prior to being stretchered away at which point we heard nothing more.  If he makes it, he was meant to make it, that woman and her daughter were fucking inspiring, but their kind hearts were out weighed a thousand fold by the sheer volume of fucking bellends who don't deserve to breathe the same air.


Worse though than any of this, is that in all the madness I forgot to apply any sunblock, and will have hideous fucking tan lines on my arms for the next 18 months. :-(


I'm grumpy as fuck today.

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I've just seen a bloke in his fifties in town wearing a shirt that said "Only Judy can judge me". Keep seeing old fellas in crap like this, with references on them that are 15 years out of date, either that or faded "Oh my god, they killed Kenny" shirts. Since when did these overtake those black shirts with panthers and wolves on them that you find down the market as the apparel of choice for the discerning older gentleman?

Edited by cobra_gordo
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Re Matrix car boot sale chaos - man that sounds horrific! Well done for keeping your cool as much as you did, lesser people including me would have had a meltdown with all that going on. Its a shame other people around were acting like complete helmets. I haven't been to a car boot sale for years, not since this old guy with no teeth and long greasy hair angrily shouted in my face "PETROL PRICES SHOULD BE GOING DOWN, NOT UP!".


I had a bit of a nightmare at the weekend although nothing quite like a man dying in my car boot


I bought a new pickup and about 200 yards down the road from the dealership was quite a bad car accident that must have just happened. The police were there so traffic was busy, and just as I get to where the policeman is about to wave me through the ambulance turns up and parks right in front of me. The paramedics all rush off and the police just shout to me that I will have to drive round the ambulance.


Unfortunately the ambulance is right in front of me, and a bus is right behind me with lots of traffic behind him, and there is nowhere else to go. Anyway I start to reverse and the pickup blares out beep beep beep as im reversing towards this bus. Ive driven the pickup for 200 yards by this point so have no idea how to judge the distances and size of pickup but just hope for the best. I inch back, then put full lock on to go forward a bit. As im turning the wheel I keep honking the fucking horn because of where it is on the steering wheel and because im not used to any of this!


So basically for the next five minutes there are people lying on the floor being attended to by paramedics while some tosser in a pickup is beeping while reversing and constantly honking his horn as he tries to inch forward and backward to get around this ambulance. I really cannot convey to you how stressful this all was - i'll never forget the look on the policeman's face.

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