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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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You could say that their cars are "nicht bezonderas". Our GCSE German teacher always gave us extra marks for using that phrase. Depending upon how you say it. The speaker can come across aloof or arrogant. If I remember correctly. It means " nothing special " . Hopefully the recipient has a sense of humour.

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It's the same thing with hätte gerne, which is more polite and suitable in some contexts than ich Möchte, however it requires more complex sentence structure and knowledge. To us the difference is 'I would like a cup of coffee' or 'I would like to have a cup of coffee'. Not much in that as sentence structure and the English interpretation of both is driven by tone. In German the tone of both is similar, but the first is more forceful and assertive by nature. Unless you type it included 'to have'  you always get ich Möchte from translate. 

That's what I have been taught anyway, can't be sure that's right. 

As a it's very clear I'm a johnny foreigner just trying is appreciated and most people are cool with the fact you show willing and effort. It shows less effort just using a phone or app and people are then less receptive in my experience. 

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9 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

Did you use the app or the Web version? With the app, you select the two languages (say English and Spanish) and it allows you to say things in English that are then translated to Spanish and repeated to whoever you're speaking with. A friend who speaks Spanish said it was pretty good but she's not a native speaker. 

The web version. She said the translation just flat-out omitted some words when I sent her the English version too.

The problem with a service like that when it handles languages like Spanish and French is that there are variations in dialects across the world. She said that the translation was more like a basic European Spanish - she's Mexican and said that she would barely talk anything like the translation came out as.

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Short of cash earlier in the month, sold a few PS4 games on eBay.

Of the four of them, the one that sold for the highest amount (£33), I've had the buyer complain that they haven't received it, so will probably have to refund them. Two others, one sold for £13 and one for £11, the buyers have complained that Royal Mail charged them £11 to collect them as postage hadn't been paid - postage had been paid, all relevant customs information was attached, and both were below the VAT threshold so there shouldn't have been any customs charges.

So now I've got three pissed off customers, all of whom I'm going to have to refund, and I'm going to be left out of pocket on two out of three items, and only having made about a quid off another. In the meantime, I'm going to try and claim back the incorrect postage charges from Royal Mail, which I can only assume is going to be a total ballache, particularly as I doubt I've kept the receipts from when I posted them, as I've sold 100s of items on eBay and this is the first time this has come up.

Total waste of time and effort, and I'm bloody fuming.

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I've hit the wall. The novelty has worn off. I'm bored. I'm sick of being inside. I can't sleep at night, as I'm not expending any energy during the day. So I'm relying on sleeping pills. But of course my tolerance is sky rocketing, so that's not a long term solution. 

December 13th can't come quickly enough. I've always been a bit of a home body, but this is something else. 

While I'm here, what do people know about smoking with broken bones? Apparently (according to the Internet) smoking is very bad when you're healing. The doctors never mentioned this. I'm getting conflicting information on whether it's the nicotine or the carbon monoxide that causes issues. If it's not nicotine, I can switch to vaping. 

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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When I had an operation many years ago, I was advised by my doctor to cut back dramatically if I couldn't quit smoking as it would slow down recovery.

Unfortunately, I didn't ask if it was the nicotine or carbon monoxide that slowed it down.

I'd assume that it's the carbon monoxide as nicotine is a stimulant so vaping should be fine! 😉


Edited by ThommoLincs
Wrote gaping instead of vaping.
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11 hours ago, John Matrix said:

May as well have had my fucking hands chopped off.  Spent the last two hours trying to run fixes.  Fuck all lads.  Fuck all.  

Gonna cost me a fortune this ennit?



Have you dropped/knocked the MacBook at all?. I'm sure you've tried going through system restore


If you've synced any files to iCloud they should still be on there . If you've got a recent backup of your files you could try reinstalling Mavericks but remember it will overwrite everything. Have you tried doing a step by step chat online as they will offer more specialist advice. If all fails take it to your local Macstore. Another very important tip if you've got important files you don't want to lose don't write any further to the HDD. Power the MacBook down and keep it in a safe place so nothing happens to the HDD. If its corrupted system files causing the issue that can in theory be fixed but if it's a HDD hardware error you may need to look into professional data recovery.

Another thing is that there maybe a lose/faulty connection from the HDD to the motherboard so to speak. If it can't "see" the HDD it won't boot up, this page goes into more detail


This might work and you should be able to access Terminal via the recovery disc


Hope you get it sorted out

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Thanks for taking time to respond mate.  

Not knowingly dropped no, but it travels with me a lot so it's worked hard bless it.  To be honest, data recovery isn't a massive issue - all personal photos are stored on a back up and any artwork in progress is pretty much done, so I wouldn't be too distraught if I couldn't retrieve anything - I just can't afford the downtime.  Brutal business, If I lose one gig because I can't do the work, chances are i'd lose the client all together.

Haven't tried their online chat support yet - there wasn't anyone available last night, but i've tried booting in safe mode, just got a screen of scrolling black text with gibberish ending "not found - try again in 10s" As you can see, I tried to reinstall OSX but there isn't a disc visible to do so, ran disc utility which seems to suggest all is OK, so at a complete loss!

Think our nearest mac store is 40odd miles away, but found an local independent guy ive met a few times, i'm out of warranty etc anyway, so not like i'm going to invalidate anything.  Just shitty timing, not only is it money I dont have this close to christmas, but its costing me more every minute its out of action.

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No worries. Their live chat might be able to help. Even if it's out of warranty they should still help. If it's passing disc utility diagnostics then it would suggest that it's not a HDD specific error as such,

But if it's not showing up as to be able to install to then it does, so it's confusing. The steps in this topic might help


Can you run system diagnostics at all? In the topic it mentions a failed drive cable which I'm assuming might be the culprit. If it's been solid but used a lot over the years general wear and tear might be the cause. If it has a DVD drive or can boot via USB try a live Linux distribution and see if that boots. If it does hopefully it's something simple like a software error or corruption in Mavericks that can be fixed. If it's a hardware error then it complicates matters. But make sure Linux doesn't write to the drive in case the HDD is on its way out.

Again I think the drive cable might have come lose or burnt out. I would try and get to the Macstore asap but they might need to repair it. As it's out of warranty it could unfortunately cost money etc. If you explain to your client(s) about the issue and are trying to get it fixed I'm sure they'd be understanding. It's something that can't be helped. 

I would definitely try the live chat route and they'll advise you accordingly. I'm assuming they will go through all recovery steps and suggest a Macstore visit. 

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13 hours ago, John Matrix said:

May as well have had my fucking hands chopped off.  Spent the last two hours trying to run fixes.  Fuck all lads.  Fuck all.  

Gonna cost me a fortune this ennit?



Mine did something similar and it ended up being the hard drive cable that needed replacing. From memory it was a £40 for the part and i installed it myself(there was loads of online tutorials)...

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Spent two hours on line / phone to tech support this morning and the good news is, it looks as though I may be able to retrieve my data.  

All attempts to get me back up and running thus far however, have been utterly unsuccessful.


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1 hour ago, Cod Eye said:

Mine did something similar and it ended up being the hard drive cable that needed replacing. From memory it was a £40 for the part and i installed it myself(there was loads of online tutorials)...

We used to have those ribbon cables fail all the time at my last job. John, is it a 2013ish era MBP?

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I don't know how easy this will be for you to do, as it depends on surplus hardware, but if you can get the hard disk out and see if it's readable by another mac, that would tell if you if the disk is fucked, or (more likely in my experience), the ribbon cable needs replacing. Maybe it's worth sourcing a new one anyway as they seem to be cheap (if this is the right one for yours): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Macbook-unibody-A1278-drive-821-0814/dp/B008DKIR2C



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