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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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I just broke up with my girlfriend. Trouble is I bought a few Xbox games today so I started playing Rugby World Cup 11 and had the conversation during that.


Being a gentleman I put the controller down and told her I don't think we have a future. This Is in no way related to me finding out my ex wife got her PhD today oh no, not at all.


Thing is, as nice as I'm trying to be with her, considering she has to get back to Cov from Manchester, the menu screen from the aforementioned game has been going on for two hours now.


World in fucking Union? Bollocks. This is the absolute negative to Butch and Sportsnight.

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What would your ex wife getting a PhD have to do with your current relationship? Not that it's close to the same as having a wife but I've no idea what my ex girlfriends are doing these days because why should I give a shit?

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I just had to stop reading Branquey's story halfway through to take a few deep breaths and regain my composure as I was on the verge of bursting into an embarrassingly loud fit of giggles in our very busy but silent office.


I've read that AND all the after-shocks from other UKFFers, thankfully in the comfort of my own office which is somewhat of a goldfish bowl, so I can be seen in fits of laughter, tears rolling down my cheeks (face!), but not heard. Ā The state of me at the moment, people are possibly thinking I'm having a heart attack/stroke/spacker episode.


On a slightly related story, a brand new school in west Wales has unisex shithouses ... like Ally Mc-fuckin'-Beal for teens ... I'm just waiting to hear the stories of frantic frottaging at lunchtime, 'cos it's gonna happen.


Final bit of anecdotal loveliness ... I did a good deed yesterday & picked up a lady hitchiker along with her 5-year-old daughter ... they only wanted to go 6 miles along the main road & 2 miles up (& I mean UP!) a country track. Ā Made me feel proper self-righteous that did.

Edited by mikehoncho
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Our awards ceremony was held in the old "union" and they now have "gender neutral" bathrooms. The urinals are shaped in such a way that ladies (and guys I suppose) can, if you choose, sit and jobbby whilst others use them in the traditional sense. I was stunned to see a few guys pissing and a girl sitting on it plopping away. No idea how it works. But looked like an enclosed trough.


I held it in needless to say. For me gender neutral loos are too much. If I'm going for a dump I'm not doing it where nosey ladies can 1) hear me pump 2) hear me groan in agony 3) hear me exhale with relief or 4) see my face.

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Our awards ceremony was held in the old "union" and they now have "gender neutral" bathrooms. The urinals are shaped in such a way that ladies (and guys I suppose) can, if you choose, sit and jobbby whilst others use them in the traditional sense. I was stunned to see a few guys pissing and a girl sitting on it plopping away. No idea how it works. But looked like an enclosed trough.

What??? That can't be a thing. It just can't.
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Have been prescribed some Oxycodone (for 'breakout pain') and antibiotics, but hadn't needed the Oxy. However, that didn't stop me accidentally taking it, and then wondering why my head is spinning and I feel like I'm going to faint. I don't think it agrees with me.


Strong as fuck that. Amazing a doctor here has prescribed it. Normally you're either getting the Tramadol 50mg or Co-Codamols 30mg. Co-Codamols are great for dental pain. Probably the highest they'll go around here.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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