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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick heads up for anyone whose Xbox Live subscription might be coming up for renewal soon - keep an eye on your bank account, as Microsoft are apparently having a problem with people being charged twice. I noticed two £39.99 charges on my bank statement earlier today, the woman on the support number said they've been aware of the issue since last week and Microsoft are "cooperating with the banks" to refund the extra charges but it might take "one to two months" for refunds to be processed. Pretty outrageous stuff there. Fuck knows how they've managed to keep it so quiet, surely that's a pretty big cock up?

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Absolutely loving WWE Supercard, its making the night shift at work go rather quickly (eats your battery though).


Current card set up is:

Super Rare Jack Swagger level 18,

Super Rare Batista level 9

Super Rare Alberto Del Rio level 7

Rare Cody Rhodes level 20

Rare Natalya level 12


Exibition: 196 - 34

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My record is something like 500-60... And I've only got one super rare card, Jack Swagger. How are people who have played about a fifth as much as me got more super rares? I think I did get a super rare support card though, +20 speed. I found the game quite addictive for a few days, but lost interest and now pick it up for ten minutes once every few days.

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My record is ridiculous now, I'm at around 1500 wins and 280 losses. I tend not to play it for a few days then go back and play it for hours or until my battery dies.


King Pitcos - The strength of your main team determines how likely you are to win super rares from exhibition matches. If you level up your cards, the little meter in the top left goes up some more. My level is Super Rare++ now, and I'm inches away from the next level but my main deck only has 2 super rares in it. I tend not to change my deck until I have fully levelled cards to replace others.


Sort your cards by rating, put the top 5 in your main team or top 10 in the case of KOTR then level them all up. This will give you a better chance of getting super rares and above, just make sure you check new cards often as the stronger your cards are the higher the card tier meter rises.


My first super rare came from my KOTR win and I've slowly built my collection up from exhibition games. My main deck is now rare-pro Bray Wyatt, super rare Vinnie Mac, rare-pro Cena who is unstoppable and super rare Hogan which I have two of so he'll end up being an unstoppable super-rare-pro Hogan. My divas card is a rare Eva Marie who seems to be stupidly overpowered.


I think those with low win/loss records have either been very lucky with the cards they've won, or they've probably bought some of the booster packs.

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It's definitely all about luck. Each of my Super Rares have come from exhibition matches. Training your cards makes a huge difference, though. My bar at the top corner is into Super Rare from training, meaning the likelihood of getting Super Rares is a lot higher.

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I'm currently playing Dead Island; still fairly early into it. The combat is easy/middling as long as you have space to use (and there's a lot of it). The Thugs are annoying as you can't duck their punches and have to wait for them to spazz out before hacking into them. The thing about early weapons degrading quickly is treading the line between really irritating (repairs costing money? when it's just you and a workbench?) and pretty cool as you don't just have a box to hoard stuff in like Resident Evil, so you're stuck with your loadout and have to dump / sell off anything you think you don't need.


Driving when possible is great too, the cars are very quick and can take a shit-ton of punishment. I just haven't had the chance to throw one at a Thug yet :D

Edited by seph
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I recently bought a second hand copy of XCOM: Enemy Unknown on the XBox for 6 quid. It's a kind of turn based strategy/disaster management game that I used to have on my Amiga yonks ago. I have to say it's probably the most fun I've had with an XBox game that isn't GTA. It's REALLY addictive, the kind of game you will be playing and look at the time and it's 3am in the morning. I haven't been this hooked on a game in literally decades.


Even on the lower levels it's incredibly hard and it punishes you even for the smallest errors, to the point where sometimes you have to start a new game rather than go on. It can be an absolute kick to the guts when a beloved squad member you have built up gets cut down in battle. It's probably not a young man's game but if you remember the original or enjoyed games like Syndicate as a lad (or lass) then I implore you to give it a whirl. 

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  • Awards Moderator

I recently bought a second hand copy of XCOM: Enemy Unknown on the XBox for 6 quid. It's a kind of turn based strategy/disaster management game that I used to have on my Amiga yonks ago. I have to say it's probably the most fun I've had with an XBox game that isn't GTA. It's REALLY addictive, the kind of game you will be playing and look at the time and it's 3am in the morning. I haven't been this hooked on a game in literally decades.


Even on the lower levels it's incredibly hard and it punishes you even for the smallest errors, to the point where sometimes you have to start a new game rather than go on. It can be an absolute kick to the guts when a beloved squad member you have built up gets cut down in battle. It's probably not a young man's game but if you remember the original or enjoyed games like Syndicate as a lad (or lass) then I implore you to give it a whirl.

Love this game. You MUST name your squad to experience maximum loss.


I named my first squad in the reboot after some mates. A friend of mine really ticked me off so on my next mission I sent him on to a UFO unarmed to meet his doom.


I need therapy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still playing from time to time but very infrequently these days. No Epics yet, still on the Super Rare ++ level as far as the cards I can get. I've got Super Rare Andre, Big Show and Edge levelled to 25, Barrett to 23 and a pro rare Eva Marie (created from two level 25s) which i've levelled up to 13 so far and is already really high stat wise.

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