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Could anyone recommend some good stealth games for Xbox 360? I've had my Xbox a couple of years now and the most fun I've had by far are games like the Assassin's Creed series and the Batman Arkham series. I just played Dishonored and I liked that too. Are there many more good games like this? I have Hitman: Absolution from my Games with Gold so I figured that's probably next on the agenda, but I'm looking for stuff to put on my Christmas list.

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Could anyone recommend some good stealth games for Xbox 360? I've had my Xbox a couple of years now and the most fun I've had by far are games like the Assassin's Creed series and the Batman Arkham series. I just played Dishonored and I liked that too. Are there many more good games like this? I have Hitman: Absolution from my Games with Gold so I figured that's probably next on the agenda, but I'm looking for stuff to put on my Christmas list.


Thief is pretty decent, not as good as Creed or Batman games but still decent and you can pick it up for peanuts nowadays.

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Right then.


XBone or PS4 for Xmas?


I need a good dvd/blu-ray/DNLA/Netflix/streaming hub as much as a games platform.  I'd like to play some shooters, a decent driving sim, and the odd other thing.  I haven't had a Playstation since the PS1 so I've missed a few decent exclusives, on the other hand Microsoft always seem to have better online facilities.


I should probably get the Xbone as I'm working on a MS exclusive title right now, but I'm willing to be persuaded otherwise.

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As far as shooters go Destiny is pretty good and I think the PS4 version has some sort of deal for exclusive/timed exclusive content.


Overall I would say both consoles are pretty even as far as games go right now. Drive Club was apparently a complete disaster for Sony so the XBone probably has the advantage on racing games at the moment.

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I've had my eye on the current Xbone deal at Game - it includes Forza 5 with all its DLC which sounds good for racing fans, as well as Fifa 15 and GTA 5 for £350. Admittedly I'm not arsed about Fifa or Forza but they can be sold on eBay easily enough. Payday next Friday...


Bear in mind that Forza is being pimped out with about every bundle just now as it'll be a digitial download so you might not get as m much selling it on as you would for a physical copy.


ShopTo have had some cracking bundles on recently. Tenner more than the Game deal and you can get GTAV & Sunset Overdrive bundle



Edited by Stylin_and_Profilin
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