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Yokozuna Roughing Up Jobbers


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Did Yoko have a reputation for this? Check out the Yokozuna match on the first Monday Night Raw of 1994 on the Network. He beats the absolute piss out of him (blood comes out of his nose), then absolutely squashes him with a "Banzai Drop". Just beats the ever-loving snot out of him. It's brutal. Quite painful to watch.


Did he rough anybody else up like that? Cheers!

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I've never heard anything about him being a jobber beater. Could it just be that hes been told that its the 1st Raw make it look good? Off to watch it now.


I think it was one of Kevin Nash's shoots where he said jobbers would regularly leave TV tapings with bruised/broken ribs after working with Yoko. I always remember the compilation of Banzai Drops they showed on the Rumble 94 countdown show and Yoko would just kill guys with the move when he felt like it.

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I remember it being discussed a little while back on here with cringeworthy videos being posted. I guy his size, he's lucky he didn't kill some one. Absolutely reckless behaviour.

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Proper dickhead behavior personally. Probably had no diet cokes in.


Aye, a bit of respect has been lost after watching some of these squash matches. He wouldn't dare try it with anybody established.

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Pretty standard for the time. Get your stuff over, make sure it looks like it fucking hurts. In hindsight, it's cunty. Back then, jobbers took their life in their hands with some big monsters.


Cornette said in a shoot that if Yoko liked you or respected you he would be as light as a feather and you wouldn't feel a thing but if he didn't then he would be a lot more reckless.

I'd be interested to hear from Jeff Hardy, Justin Credible and Scotty 2Hotty on the matter as they were all jobbers when Yoko Banzai'd them. 

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check this shit out:



can anyone confirm that the jobber lived?


I remember Powerslam used to claim Yoko wore padding, that's how i assumed he was able to do the move with such force.


God, I remember that! Fin used to say thing like, "....during the match Yoko's leg padding look ridiculous". 


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