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LPW Nemesis - A real treat (Mention UKFF at the door for free entry)


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Series 3 as I said before


Its not jokes is it, its bullying. I mean look at the title of the thread, free tickets for UKFF That is not going to happen, its lies. PowerButchi should not be a mod or deserves to be a mod on here due to the threats he made, the bullying and lies he has posted. I could do a better job than him


If you dont like it you could stop replying as you've said you will do again and again. 


Also, please stop messaging me on Facebook

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Series 3 as I said before


Its not jokes is it, its bullying. I mean look at the title of the thread, free tickets for UKFF That is not going to happen, its lies. PowerButchi should not be a mod or deserves to be a mod on here due to the threats he made, the bullying and lies he has posted. I could do a better job than him


If you want to be a mod I can make that happen.

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If this guy doesn't sort out some pies for these two events after all this, he simply doesn't deserve to call himself a promoter.


When is the card for the 2nd event being announced by the way? Will you have the same boys working both, or a different line-up? Be tough to top the name value of the card already announced, mind.

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Hmmm, something fishy going on here?!?!? I just tweeted Ross Pearson & he knows nothing about this. Says he's got no plans to fight in Leeds?


Can see the UFC going legal over false advertising here tbh.

Edited by Dead Mike
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Its not jokes is it, its bullying. I mean look at the title of the thread, free tickets for UKFF That is not going to happen, its lies. PowerButchi should not be a mod or deserves to be a mod on here due to the threats he made, the bullying and lies he has posted. I could do a better job than him


That' s the thing though, It IS all jokes. For us to bully you, we'd have to start calling you names and taking the piss out of the way you look or something. This is all random jokes about the show etc. The FACT here is that you cannot take or understand half the jokes that are coming out, and you're only exacerbating the issue by A) replying at all and B) for not just taking it for what it is......a massive joke.


The mere indication that the thread is now like 23+ pages long, full of Pie/Peas jokes, name gags, MC battles and various other things all screams hilarious. Its being made funnier because you're replying and acting like a grumpy old man about it.


And for that reason, I'm out.

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I think you are seriously over estimating how many people from the UKFF have looked at this thread and thought ... 'Wow another LPW show...and its free..BONUS'


Maybe you should advertise somewhere else , rather than begging on a forum of what will be a minority of your audience at the best of times. (and don't just reply with a list of the other places you advertise)


Maybe we should make a deal, if you draw under 10 paying people (I'm loathed to say fans)  then you never promote again if you get more and they all walk away happy PowerButchi must end his reign of tyranny over the UKFF and we will raise you above our heads, not as the mod we need ... but the mod we deserve.........

Edited by sick love song
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LPW show or can't you read


I am going to keep promoting if you like it or not why because I don't deserve to get bullied out of something I love to do.

No one deserves to get bullied


Your right 23 pages. Lets stop hear till near the show or when I update the match graphics on Facebook

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LPW show or can't you read


I am going to keep promoting if you like it or not why because I don't deserve to get bullied out of something I love to do.

No one deserves to get bullied


Your right 23 pages. Lets stop hear till near the show or when I update the match graphics on Facebook


That’s the problem though: you’re “promoting” the show to a forum that as a collective is taking the piss out of you. You’re obviously going to go ahead with the show whether people think you should or not, so get your hands off the keyboard, your arse out of the house, and hang some posters up and post some fuckin’ leaflets.

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LPW show or can't you read



OOOPS Point proven really , I couldn't give a flying fart about your promtion so much i forgot its name in its own thead... tells you something really.


although i have now edited my original comment so that no other promotions get mistakenly linked in with this shit arse.

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I think the point is, yeah its ok to stick this stuff on here for mild promotion, but you seem to be acting so crazy about this, like this is the only place you're advertising. I can guarantee that very few people from here will attend, regardless of if the show in the best ever, or if it's going to be proper dog-shit (which I'm not saying it is or isn't going to be). 

You need to chill out, and just learn to roll with it mate.

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FFS how do I know if I've got tickets to the Robbie Fowler show or not? I'll be well pissed off if he's just at the Chinese only show.

This should've all been made clear before tickets went on sale tbh. Bit disappointed with the organisation here.

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