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WWE Payback 2015 Discussion


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You could see it as a 'sneaky cunt move' or you could see it as a 'screw you ... I owe you one'. If you want to play off long standing feuds that make sense then this would be an effective way to do it. I don't believe for a second that the heel/face  booking generally applies anymore. When bad guys get cheered more and more it is difficult to see how that logic holds weight any longer. 


I am sure fans would love to see Reigns get one up on the chicken shit heel by using the same tactics against him. 


It's only when you veer away from traditional 'time tested' booking that you come up with something fresh and different. Would fans react the same way if you had Reigns stroll out and tell him? Probably not

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I am sure fans would love to see Reigns get one up on the chicken shit heel by using the same tactics against him.


The fans are already having a hard enough time accepting Reigns when he handles himself like a man. If he wins a title - especially his first title - by cashing in MITB after numerous failed attempts to win it straight up, it makes him look like a loser who doesn't deserve to be there.


I'm going to play my "CM Punk" card one more time.

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I am sure fans would love to see Reigns get one up on the chicken shit heel by using the same tactics against him.


The fans are already having a hard enough time accepting Reigns when he handles himself like a man. If he wins a title - especially his first title - by cashing in MITB after numerous failed attempts to win it straight up, it makes him look like a loser who doesn't deserve to be there.


I'm going to play my "CM Punk" card one more time.



Reigns is an odd case. It's specifically because his character has no edge that fans have struggled to accept him. If he were to out-connive Rollins to take his first title it might help his image in that regard.


If I were Vince I'd have a working group meeting twice a week to talk about ideas for tweener Reigns.

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That Shield triple threat is a much weaker prospect as a big match now because they were in the 4-way last week, and given the lack of roster depth, they'll be at it all year as well. Very interesting dynamic at the moment though, as it seems like best mates Reigns and Ambrose have to to turn on each other at some point.

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Ambrose wins the title, holds for a few months until Reigns cashes in his MITB. That is a proper heel turn right there. I can't think of another face that Reigns could turn on to generate that much hate. 

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I thought a few months would give it enough time for the impact to be fully felt once Reigns cashes in. Gives Ambrose a run with the belt in the process. I don't think a win loss record means anything these days.

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It wouldn't need to be that long. If the aim was to get Reigns over as a heel then him taking Ambrose dream away before he really got to live it would do that.


Have Reigns win the briefcase. Come out on Raw the next night and give Ambrose notice that he wants his shot but he's giving him notice to be ready for SummerSlam. Then the same night have Reigns cash in like a massive cunt when Ambrose is beaten down.


Never gonna happen but would work well I think.

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It wouldn't need to be that long. If the aim was to get Reigns over as a heel then him taking Ambrose dream away before he really got to live it would do that.


Have Reigns win the briefcase. Come out on Raw the next night and give Ambrose notice that he wants his shot but he's giving him notice to be ready for SummerSlam. Then the same night have Reigns cash in like a massive cunt when Ambrose is beaten down.


Never gonna happen but would work well I think.


Lovely bit of fantasy booking, that. Would elevate Ambrose and Reigns, position Reigns as a heel for a returning Brock to eventually chase. They should do it.

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Costing him the title before he wins it makes the most sense. "If I'm not allowed to win it, you're not either" type thing.


Lesnar vs Rollins and Ambrose vs Reigns is a better lineup for SummerSlam than Lesnar vs Reigns and Ambrose vs Rollins, so I'd keep the belt on Seth rather than doing any switch yet. Although for the more short term interest level, Ambrose winning it would be better.

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Does Lesnar/Rollins really need the title? There's enough of a grudge and it's fair to assume Lesnar would be more interested in revenge than regaining the title anyway

Didn't Heyman make a point on the post-Mania Raw that Lesnar wants his title back? While you can do a match without it, the reason Lesnar is angry with Rollins is because he pinched his WWE title.

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