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King of the Ring 2015 *spoilers*


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Enjoyed the show. Semi-finals were nothing to write home about but having Renee and Saxton interview the guys before they went out felt far more organic. Neville gave a cracking short promo to Renee whereas the night before his little pre-tape on Raw was naff and wooden. I liked this. Except R-Truth. What the fuck is he on?


The Ziggler/Sheamus brawl was cracking. The match wasn't great because they were clearly establishing Sheamus dominance in order for the distraction to cost him. He didn't half lay down a long time from that one kick.


Truth/Barrett was dull.


Final was another good match between two guys who have good chemistry. They've done a grand job of establishing Neville in just a few weeks. He looks great whether he wins or loses. Barrett is always good value so should make good use of the bragging rights.


I'd love to see them learn from the value of having two guys give their opinion on why the match matters before it happens each time and not just when they can be arsed.

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Just finished watching this. Well worth a watch apart from Truth's promo, which I've no idea what the hell had to do with anything. Thankfully his match with Barrett is quickly done too.

Commentary wasn't even as bad as it has been, apart from JBL's mispronunciation of Nero ( and talk of him "fiddling as Rome burnt down") leading to him asking "since when did you speak Roman?". I think you'll find that's pronounced 'Latin', John.

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Commentary wasn't even as bad as it has been


I always find that the commentary on the network only shows are a lot better than on Raw/SD/PPV. They're not pushing the network for a start but they also seem more eager/willing to mention things like Neville's and Rollin's NXT run.

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Thought the King Of The Ring tournament was alright. In a strange way I quite liked the finals being on the network and gave me something to look forward to watching this week (maybe helped by those in the semi finals).


Only thing that bugged me about the show was the endless adverts and recaps, the one with Jerry Springer and whats coming up lasts over 2 minutes and must have seen it at least 10 times in the last week.

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Is it just me or does Barrett seem to win clean quite a lot considering he's supposed to be a heel?


Enjoyed that show, really happy I have the Network this week, this is the type of content I'm looking for on it. Exclusive wrestling matches, and original shows.

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Is it just me or does Barrett seem to win clean quite a lot considering he's supposed to be a heel?


Enjoyed that show, really happy I have the Network this week, this is the type of content I'm looking for on it. Exclusive wrestling matches, and original shows.

according to a stats site, Barrett has only won 15 matches via pin/submission all year including KOTR and house shows. Only 3 were on Raw or PPV. I'd guess, based on TV before KOTR, that very few of the 15 were "clean". In my head Barrett loses all the time and it's typical WWE booking that he wins KOTR after losing nearly every match I watch him in on TV. I mean, he was suppose to wrestle Bryan and instead lost to Neville on the pre show. He lost to Neville! And they showed a replay of it. Then he wins KOTR. It's just stupid.

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I liked it. I enjoyed the format, the chats before the match and fact it was 50 mins. This format would be a great way to revamp a C show. Make it 1 hour tops, no pissing about, no 15 min promos, just a quick highlight of who's on the show with a 2 min 'previous beef' wrap up.

Have a quick pre-match chat and a quick post match chat with the winners and losers and focus on 3-4 matches.

Great way to use some of the mid carders and maybe have the IC as a general point of focus.


Nice to see Neville being pushed in a general crowd pleasing manor, not shoved too much down your throat, but making a name.


BNB was the right call. Hopefully, he'll keep the same attitude with an extra gallon of arrogance. Give him a couple of royal servants too, a bit like Seths cronies to fend off opponents and be used as fodder.


I didn't mind Truths 'comedy' skit, but it was an odd choice to have him progress to this late stage. I understand it being a mid card event and I'm happy with that, although my 8 might have looked like:








Big E



I like the idea of King Curtis if im honest.

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I liked it. I enjoyed the format, the chats before the match and fact it was 50 mins. This format would be a great way to revamp a C show. Make it 1 hour tops, no pissing about, no 15 min promos, just a quick highlight of who's on the show with a 2 min 'previous beef' wrap up.

Have a quick pre-match chat and a quick post match chat with the winners and losers and focus on 3-4 matches.



They did that with Main Event for a while when it started. But of course, that kind of thing requires a bit of effort and attention, so it got fucked off after a bit and just became another Heat/Velocity.


Great way to use some of the mid carders and maybe have the IC as a general point of focus.



If they were ever going to devote time to midcard issues, they'd be far better off doing it on the main show.

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