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King of the Ring 2015 *spoilers*


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I'd like to see Barrett win, he doesn't seem to be tied in any real fueds lately so it will give him something to go with and I think a smug British king would play off the fact he comes from a country with a royal family, I could see him being really obnoxious plus i think he needs to the win to build his credibility back up. With they exception of perhaps Harper no body else needs the win to get them over, Stardust and Truth don't stand a chance so they our out of that equation. Also if you look at previous winners it for some reason has always seemed to be mid carders the office have an interest in but are struggling to get over at the time of the tournament which I can imagine is the case with Barrett.


Neville is new and fresh out of the box I can imagine creative have a ton of ideas for him and a cheesy King of the Ring win I don't believe will be one of them some how. If he were to win it would be over kill and to much to soon.


Ziggler, Sheamus and Ambrose are already over so a win for them would be a waste, Barrett seems to lost in the shuffle some what and could really make the gimmick work I believe.


I'd of really preferred Damien Sandow to have been in this and go on to win, he comedy gold and he could of really relished a comedy role like this and it would have given him something to instead of more than likely fall back down the card now that his fued with the Miz appears to be over.


Gimmicks like this should be used for Superstars who are in-need of a push and would be able to really sell the gimmick not those who are already over.

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I do feel they've missed a trick here. A multi stage, King of the Ring series would of been a lot of fun. Having a one show special seems to be a case of killing the golden goose to get the eggs.


A network exclusive, 32 man tournament, spread over 3 months would be great filler for the post Mania lull.


Edit: Maybe 32 men is pushing it. But 16 would be fine.

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Neville is new and fresh out of the box I can imagine creative have a ton of ideas for him and a cheesy King of the Ring win I don't believe will be one of them some how especially after his title win.


You've dreamt that.

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Neville is new and fresh out of the box I can imagine creative have a ton of ideas for him and a cheesy King of the Ring win I don't believe will be one of them some how especially after his title win.


You've dreamt that.


You missed a trick, air_raid. You could have said to C-Rock…


“I’m afraid I have some bad news…”

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I do feel they've missed a trick here. A multi stage, King of the Ring series would of been a lot of fun. Having a one show special seems to be a case of killing the golden goose to get the eggs.


A network exclusive, 32 man tournament, spread over 3 months would be great filler for the post Mania lull.


Edit: Maybe 32 men is pushing it. But 16 would be fine.


Agreed.   This week on Raw, I would have had 16 names announced in alphabetical order.  


On TuesdayI would have done a live from the studio special.   Bring in the crappy tombola they always use.   Have Bret Hart, HHH, William Regal and maybe Booker T (if he isn't co hosting) each talk about what it meant to win the tournament.  Hell bring in Paul Heyman to talk about the fact that the KoTR was Brock's first major achievement in WWE.  In between you cut to classic KOTOR Matches, and "Crowning Moments" Jerry Lawler attacking Brett, Austin 3:16 putting over etc.  


Each past King draws two names from tombola, then in the last segment of the show, we cut to the round up in the studio, run down all the matches, and have tweets from the guys involved.  


Then the tournbament starts on May 5th, with all the King of the Ring tournaments, and all of the past kings greatest moments on the WWE Network. 

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I do feel they've missed a trick here. A multi stage, King of the Ring series would of been a lot of fun. Having a one show special seems to be a case of killing the golden goose to get the eggs.


A network exclusive, 32 man tournament, spread over 3 months would be great filler for the post Mania lull.


Edit: Maybe 32 men is pushing it. But 16 would be fine.


Agreed.   This week on Raw, I would have had 16 names announced in alphabetical order.  


On TuesdayI would have done a live from the studio special.   Bring in the crappy tombola they always use.   Have Bret Hart, HHH, William Regal and maybe Booker T (if he isn't co hosting) each talk about what it meant to win the tournament.  Hell bring in Paul Heyman to talk about the fact that the KoTR was Brock's first major achievement in WWE.  In between you cut to classic KOTOR Matches, and "Crowning Moments" Jerry Lawler attacking Brett, Austin 3:16 putting over etc.  


Each past King draws two names from tombola, then in the last segment of the show, we cut to the round up in the studio, run down all the matches, and have tweets from the guys involved.  


Then the tournbament starts on May 5th, with all the King of the Ring tournaments, and all of the past kings greatest moments on the WWE Network. 


But all that requires too much thought and effort from WWE.

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It's completely unnecessary too. There are not 16 or 32 guys who anyone wants to see fight, KOTR tournament or not. They've done the right thing keeping it to 8 fairly relevant guys and even then the crowd fid not give a single fuck about Truth vs. Stardust.


This isn't about the tournament, it's about trying to convince free subscribers that the Network is a happening place worth spending ten dollars a month on.

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It's completely unnecessary too. There are not 16 or 32 guys who anyone wants to see fight, KOTR tournament or not. They've done the right thing keeping it to 8 fairly relevant guys and even then the crowd fid not give a single fuck about Truth vs. Stardust.


This isn't about the tournament, it's about trying to convince free subscribers that the Network is a happening place worth spending ten dollars a month on.



That'd be kinda the point.   Giving away the entire tournament in the free week seems short sighted, especially when you've got something going on all the other nights this week.   If you wanted to keep it to 8, just tape the four matches before Raw, do that as a special and have the finals next week.    If you can hype up the old tournaments on demand too, then so much the better

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But anyone who gives a shit about King of the Ring can ejaculate buckets just over seeing the logo and getting a bringoldthingsback nostalgia rush anyway. And either already subscribes to the network or never will. Spending months on the tournament, at the expense of building matches for the next pay-per-view, would have little to no upside. This way, they're getting the free folk to watch it before the trial ends (and getting more people to sign up for the last couple of free days), they get a big fanwank moment from doing King of the Ring, and they get a quick push onto someone.

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