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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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I think someone alluded to it in the 'Mania entrances and gear thread but it seems everyone got the memo about doing something different/special for their look - Rollins gear with the gold trim, Wyatt's new t shirt, Orton's red trunks, Ambroses shades etc all made it feel like that little bit more special.

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And whats R-Truth done to get a Mania match?


He's been one of the most entertaining guys on RAW this past month or so, when he's not doing that whole "What's up?" schtick and is allowed to have a bit of character he's great.

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I think someone alluded to it in the 'Mania entrances and gear thread but it seems everyone got the memo about doing something different/special for their look - Rollins gear with the gold trim, Wyatt's new t shirt, Orton's red trunks, Ambroses shades etc all made it feel like that little bit more special.

I thought that right from the off. Ziggler had his hair done up, Stardust had a funny bit on his back and Harper had new dirty trousers.
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Was there any reason why the ladder match was 7 people and not even 8?, I could understand if they left a slot for a surprise entrant but didnt, surely Goldust would've slotted in there fine with his Stardust feud and nice final wwe appearence if he's going back behind the scenes.

The match was promoted as a 6 man match pretty much until 2 weeks before Wrestlemania. Daniel Bryan was just handed the magical 7th slot for whatever reasons. I think there was a qualifying match but by that time all "6" slots were already filled.

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Proper review later, like, but I really enjoyed it. Best PPV since I returned from that island where I learned to be the best archerman ever. Some of the booking decisions were screwy and horrible but as a standalone show it was really, really fun.

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The Sting vs Triple H match is everything I want in wrestling. You can keep your Fergal Devits and Ricochet's. Scott Hall taking a back bump on the floor. Thinking Nash had torn his quad again. Watching Waltman fly through the air after a Hogan punch as if a grenade had just exploded. Shawn Michaels out of nowhere! The sledgehammer snapping. DX vs NWO.


I felt like a 12 year old again, bouncing up and down on my couch like a tit! Phenomenal stuff, slightly tainted by the handshake. That was extremely odd. I'm also certain Kevin Dunn et al would have been annoyed that the Bad Guy ruined the camera shot of the handshake.


Mundane question of the thread. When did Orton start wearing elbow pads?

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Where does that RKO rank in the best ever list? I went mad for it, it might be my favourite one ever. Unbelievable skill demonstrated by both men to execute that to perfection on the big stage like that. Orton's reaction after hitting it was brilliant too, the guy is just unbelievable. In 2015 any spot that can make me bounce around in my seat like an excited child deserves high praise. Twitter exploded after it too, which is a good thing. The move is over even with non-wrestling fans now.

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I love the RKO, I was gutted he left to make a film and they didn't capitalise on the RKO's brief mainstream attention. When he did the RKO last night I was thinking I'd love to see a compilation of all his mental RKO spots, he'll have a great highlight reel when he retires.

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Where does that RKO rank in the best ever list? I went mad for it, it might be my favourite one ever. Unbelievable skill demonstrated by both men to execute that to perfection on the big stage like that. Orton's reaction after hitting it was brilliant too, the guy is just unbelievable. In 2015 any spot that can make me bounce around in my seat like an excited child deserves high praise. Twitter exploded after it too, which is a good thing. The move is over even with non-wrestling fans now.


My favourite one was the one he did on Evan Bourne whilst Evan was doing Air Bourne, 


Gif of the stunner:



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Absolutely loved that show, best Mania in ages. Definitely helped that I've not watched the TV all that frequently since the Rumble.


Cena vs Rusev was perfect hammy pro wrestling (and showed just what an out of touch nutter Vince is with the Reagan/Bush heavy babyface video package!) and the main event was fantastic, although I really hoped Reigns would win after his fiery comeback, which was perfectly sold by Brock. Rollins will be a great heel champ though.


Taker looked way better than I expected, and even the Divas match was passable. Sting/ HHH was okay, but Sting looked knackered after 5 minutes.


They look to have set up Rock/HHH for next year, and I was really surprised UFC let Rousey get involved.

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It was a good show with a terrific main event for me.


Ladder Match - It was quite short but did its job as opener, a couple of great spots and the IC Title now being on the best out-and-out wrestler in the company in Bryan is great for the prestige of the title and tradition. The Bryan and Legends segment afterwards was great too.


Orton/Rollins -  Really good match and that Curb Stomp into an RKO was a brilliant finish. Orton winning made me completely forgot any thought of Rollins cashing in later on too, which I guess was the intention.


HHH/Sting - It was a really good smoke and mirrors match, Sting looked good out there and even though DX and nWo didn't make much sense, it was a brilliant  surprise but HHH winning with the sledgehammer shot and the aftermath killed the show for a while for me personally. All I can guess is that it was Sting's only match, it did seem like HHH mouthed something to him along the lines of ''one night'' at the end because it doesn't make a lick of sense if they were gonna do Sting vs Taker next year. If it is that then fair enough, he got his Mania moment and went out on his back like the old school guys traditionally do.


Divas Tag Match - Decent enough match to settle the crowd down and it was great to see Paige enjoy her Wrestlemania moment.


Cena v Rusev - Solid stuff, and Cena holding the other mid-card title elevates that too, though I don't have a clue who he's gonna feud with for it after he's done with Rusev. 


The HHH/Rock/Stephanie/Rousie segment was a good moment but lasted absolutely forever. On a show where none of the matches went particularly long, they could've cut that right down and given more time to another match or even added another one. Anyway...


Taker v Wyatt - Good match and considering the talk of Wyatt's injury beforehand, was better than expected. Taker looked a lot better than he has over the past couple of years and definitely has one more in him next year before he packs it in. Wanted it to be against Sting but whether or not that happens is another question.


Lesnar v Reigns - This was brilliant, completely exceeded any expectations I had. There's never been anyone remotely like Lesnar in wrestling, so glad he's staying. He absolutely battered Reigns but Reigns seemed to bust him open with every shot he took at him and his reactions were great. Then, of course, Rollins cashing in was the icing on the cake. I didn't mind Reigns winning but the crowd would've hated it so they've saved him and he looked a star, Lesnar is still a beast and then it made Rollins too, whilst Orton has a legitimate claim to a title show after beating him. Superbly done and made the show for me.


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Was there live and absolutely loved it. Third Mania (24, 27) and sixth U.S PPV and this was by far the best one I've ever witnessed. I too was concerned about the sheer hours of sunlight and, whilst disappointed with the obvious effect it would have on some entrances, thought enough was done to offset said disappointment.


I just thought the card played out beautifully. Yeah, the Sting/HHH made no logical sense but fuck it, if that is to be Sting's swan song, shake it out and move on to the next thing. I mean,who wouldn't forgive a sledgehammer shot to the temple?!?!


From a live perspective the crowd were solid. I understand that it doesn't always translate well to people watching it home but trust me, the noise was there.


I don't know how else to explain it other than...it was fun! I'm never one to lose my shit but there were a number of times I did just that. It made me feel like a fan again.

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This Wrestlemania wasn't built up greatly but it delivered when it counted. I have to give big props to WM Today to get me excited for the show.


I really enjoyed the IC Title Ladder match - the right person won. I am a massive fan boy of Daniel Bryan and enjoy everything he does. Hopefully, he will elevate the title to where it belongs and the upcoming matches with Ziggler will help as well. Got to give credit to Ambrose for that crazy bump.


The Orton vs Rollins match was good with a great RKO to win. As I have posted before if Orton then it was a virtual guarantee that Seth was cashing in at some point in the near future.


Sting vs Triple H match was booked perfectly. The shortcuts with DX and nWo added to the match. I loved this nostalgia that it didn't bother me that Sting lost. Triple H needed a win imo because he has lost every match in the last couple of years and so when he competes next, it will mean more when he gets defeated.


The Divas match was decent, given a reasonable amount of time and was the right result with Paige and AJ winning. Paige is 1-0,  the streak begins!!


The US Title match was good but the Rusev entrance and the pro US video were terrific. I laughed at  the funny sign in the crowd when Rusev entered the ring when it said he is the greatest Bulgarian after Berbatov.


I thought the ending to Rusev's winning streak felt a little bit anticlimatic. It reminded me a bit of how I felt when JBL lost the title to Cena at Mania, as his long title reign ended so easily. It was the right call to make Cena the US Champion as the face of the company should never lost at WrestleMania. I wonder if we will see a return to the spinning US Title??


The Wyatt vs Taker match was acceptable. I was pleased to see Taker go over especially after being gutted at the Superdome when he lost to Lesnar.


The main event was brilliant. Every man benefitted. Lesnar looked like a beast and he was never pinned to lose the title. Reigns looked tough as hell, he withstood every bit of Brock's offence whereas Cena couldn't last year. Rollins looked like a slimy cunning heel and used the MITB to perfection. 


Coming out of Mania, we have loads of challengers to Rollins - Orton, Roman and Brock. Raw will be must not miss.


Overall, this Wrestlemania was a huge thumbs up. I enjoyed every match, every segment (Ronda Rousey competing in a WWE ring makes me giddy) and even the music segment. After waiting until today to watch it, instead of staying up to watch, it was well worth the wait.


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