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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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Whilst Reigns almost does have to win because of the build, his coronation as the new top babyface is going to get off to the worst possible start if he beats Lesnar at Wrestlemania because that crowd is going to crap all over him and totally reject the move and that’s not the image you want to have when your new top star gets his big crowning moment.


How about this;


Lesnar and Reigns have their match and it’s got all the usual bells and whistles of a WWE main event; brawling outside the ring, furniture used, etc, and then we get a ref bump. Reigns has a visionary pinfall on Lesnar after the spear but no referee to count. Reigns goes to get the referee but Lesnar punts him in the balls and hits the F5. The referee comes to and makes the count but Reigns kicks out at the last possible second. Lesnar and Heyman are stunned. From the outside, Heyman pulls the still groggy referee out on the floor and grabs a chair and slides it to Lesnar. Lesnar thinks about using it but laughs and throws it away; he’s a badass who doesn’t need a chair because his hands are his weapons. Heyman wonders what Lesnar is up to, the two argue, and when Lesnar turns around, Reigns spears Lesnar, right as the referee is returning to the ring. Reigns covers but Lesnar kicks out at the last possible second. Reigns looks angry for a second but then gets to his feet, starts playing to the crowd as he readies for another and goes to spear Lesnar again but Lesnar catches him in mid move and hits another F5; the crowd goes crazy as the referee counts but Reigns kicks out again and nobody can believe it. Lesnar looks angry but storms to his feet before picking Reigns up and delivering a third F5 and this time, Reigns goes down for the count and Lesnar retains his title.


The fans go crazy as Heyman brings the WWE title into the ring and as Lesnar snatches it away from him, complete with subtle Heyman facial expression, the announcers go on about how, just like The Undertaker, it took three F5’s for Reigns to be beaten. Lesnar looks almost weary as Reigns starts to stir and Lesnar looks at Reigns, the announcers wondering what Lesnar is thinking. Reigns gets to his feet and realizes what has happened. Lesnar goes up to Reigns and the announcers speculate as to what is going to happen. Lesnar, still looking mean, whispers something to Reigns, who looks unsure and Lesnar shakes Reigns’ hand. He doesn’t make a big deal of it, it’s just a close handshake. The announcers don’t know what to make of it, and nor does Heyman. Heyman begins yelling at Brock, also wanting to know what’s going on. By this time, Reigns has left the ring, but he realizes what is going on, and turns to watch.


At this point, Seth Rollins appears out of nowhere and hits Reigns with the MITB briefcase and knocks him down and out. Lesnar doesn’t see this because he’s arguing with Heyman. Heyman, however, can see this, and he also sees Rollins enter the ring and as the announcers wonder what is going on, wondering why Heyman isn’t warning Lesnar, Rollins clobbers Lesnar with the briefcase, knocking him down, and Rollins keeps hammering Lesnar over and over and over with the briefcase. The fans are booing, naturally, but Heyman looks on...and smiles. Lesnar is down and out before Rollins places Lesnar’s face on the briefcase and delivers a curbstomp. Rollins then declares that he is cashing in his title shot and Rollins covers Lesnar, who kicks out, because that’s how WWE always does with babyface champions in this situation, before Rollins hits a second curb stomp and pins Lesnar to become the new WWE Champion, and Rollins is now aligned with Heyman.


Cue to Raw where everyone wants to know what is going on and this is how it’s explained;


Rollins says he went with Heyman because he’s tired of The Authority’s bullshit and dealing with all their drama and he knows with Heyman, he’ll be Heyman’s main focus, unlike with The Authority where it’s all about Triple H and Stephanie.


Heyman says he went with Rollins because Lesnar is the past but Rollins is the future, the true future, and he knew Rollins would want to go with a manager who appreciated him. Heyman says he turned his back on Lesnar because did not appreciate everything he did for him in WWE and if Lesnar had gone elsewhere, where would that leave Heyman? What would Heyman do in WWE if Lesnar had walked out? Heyman would have no champion to manage because WWE would simply strip the title from Lesnar if he had left as champion. Heyman decries Lesnar for not thinking of anyone but himself.


The Authority is angry and now they need their new figurehead heel to replace Rollins and they can pick, say, Sheamus. Sheamus is now their heel who they want to make champion and also get revenge on Rollins for leaving them.


Reigns admits the better man won on the night but says that whilst Lesnar was able to, eventually, put him down, he cannot be kept down and vows to one day become WWE Champion and earn not just the title but the respect of everyone who doubted him, with Reigns acknowledging the reaction he got at Wrestlemania. Reigns doesn’t Cena the reaction, he doesn’t blow it off like it’s no big deal, but makes it clear he’s still coming for the title.


Lesnar, now a major babyface, makes his only appearance right at the end of Raw and goes after Rollins and Heyman; Rollins escape but Lesnar gets his hands on Heyman and gives him an F5 to a massive pop. The next week on Raw, The Authority announce that Lesnar is suspended indefinitely for attacking a manager, and Lesnar is written out until he returns for his next program.


And this is where everything stands;


1) You avoid Reigns getting his big win on a manner and a stage where it’s going to get over like a lead balloon. That helps nobody, it only hurts Reigns, and at least like this, it no longer feels like he’s being rammed down our throats when it’s clear that the push just is not getting over like it should. The pressure is off because the push is being dialled back somewhat and hopefully, over time and with a more measured push, Reigns gets over to where the company wants him.


2) Reigns gets put over strong even in losing because it took three F5’s to beat him, just like it took 3 F5’s to beat The Undertaker and end the streak. That comparison needs to be put over strong in the commentary and it allows WWE to compare Reigns to The Streak and get him over without pushing him so hard in-ring, which is where much of the Reigns backlash stems from.


3) Reigns also gets over because Lesnar, the badass who the fans love, can be portrayed as having endorsed Reigns because Lesnar considers him worthy of his respect. Lesnar shook his hand, which Lesnar never does; that’s how much he respects him. It’s made clear that Lesnar does not like him but he respects Reigns for having survived so much before finally going down. And you know that’s an angle WWE likes to use, because they did it with The Rock, and at least in this case, it’s more subtle, and more likely to get over because of that. Not only that, you get the chance for a Reigns/Lesnar tag team, and when the time comes, you can use that to turn one of them heel on the other.


4) Rollins isn’t getting over a lick as a top heel while tied to The Authority. Nobody could because The Authority is just a vehicle for Triple H and Stephanie and everyone else is a bit player to their whims. They’re the only ones in that group who ever truly get put over. Rollins moving to Heyman gives him a fresh coat of paint as a top heel and allows him to be portrayed as front and centre in his unit with Heyman and Rollins will always be portrayed as the most important part of their unit.


5) With Sheamus as their new figurehead heel, and I’m only using Sheamus as an example, not only do we get a new and fresh-ish heel in the main event mix, WWE has the chance to switch The Authority for being all about Triple H and Stephanie and making it more about getting the new heel over. Granted, that’s unlikely because as long as they’re around, Triple H and Stephanie will always get pushed at the expense of whoever they’re allied with, but at least the chance is there and you’ve got fresh matches with Sheamus against Rollins, Reigns and, down the line, Lesnar, as well as Orton.


6) Lesnar officially turns babyface and loses the title without losing any steam, and the fans won’t reject the title loss out of hand because it’s not at the hands of the guy WWE is shoving down their throats and they’re rejecting.


7) If Reigns is the guy to take the title off Lesnar, you run the real risk of fans not caring about the title anymore because it’s in the hands of the one guy above all others the fans really don’t want holding it. With Rollins, they don’t mind if he’s holding the title, or at least aren’t actively against it, because he’s not someone they know WWE is trying to push to the moon.


Anyway, those are some thoughts I came up with.

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How about some Undertaker involvement? Distraction or something like that. He's got reason to get back at Lesnar, he could do the Jeff-Hardy-2002 style post-match endorsement with Reigns, and to be honest I think it'd take something supernatural to stop Brock at this point...

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Surely Reigns has got to win the title on Sunday after this push he's had, for them not to pull the trigger now would kill him stone dead.

Maybe that can work, but trouble is, like Ryback, Reigns maybe isn't good enough (yet) to overcome such losses


Agreed. If Reigns doesn't win now, he's Luger. Pushed as the next top guy then yanked back when his opportunity is there. While there is a level of uncertainty as to whether the vocal majority will ever take to him as a top babyface champion, you have to TRY, as there is far more certainty in the negative to admitting "this hasn't worked" by having him get beat. As a worst case, if you give him the belt and it doesn't get him the right reactions, you might end up having to turn him and still end up with a good main event heel. If you fanny out now, everything you've tried to create for Reigns to this point becomes pointless. The boos only intensify if you make him a loser too.

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but the Stone Cold WM13 thing comes to mind. If they do it right, they can protect Reigns in defeat.

I wonder if they could pull off a proper double turn without Heyman costing Lesnar the match. I think Heyman turning on Brock is a cop-out solution and I don't much care to see Paul E managing Reigns.


Rollins comes down to the ring but gets F5'd by Lesnar, knocking the ref down. Reigns uses the briefcase to knock Lesnar out and gets the win.


Apparently Lesnar has signed a multi-year deal this time so you've got to think they'll pull a Brock face turn off sooner than later.

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Ugh. I really fear for a Brock face turn...


Me too. Mostly because WWE usually require their main event babyfaces to sell for long periods. I don't want Lesnar to sell.

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Lesnar, now a major babyface, makes his only appearance right at the end of Raw and goes after Rollins and Heyman; Rollins escape but Lesnar gets his hands on Heyman and gives him an F5 to a massive pop. The next week on Raw, The Authority announce that Lesnar is suspended indefinitely for attacking a manager, and Lesnar is written out until he returns for his next program.


Why would you piss that away on the first night with no build on free TV? Heyman's had his comeuppance straight away, that's poor wrestling story-telling. Where do you go with Lesnar when he comes back if you've pissed away a hot programme which Heyman could carry for months in Lesnar's absence in one night (the FIRST night)? It should be teased and avoided for an age so people are rabid to see Heyman get his desserts and they're willing to pay to see it happen. Throwing away a possible few months to get to it first night in is a Russo move. People would pay money to see Lesnar come back in a few months later to confront a Heyman who'd been running him down and all sorts in the months he's been away. The heat for Lesnar finally killing Heyman at Summerslam or so would be huge, why on earth would you hotshot it? Smelly paul could spend months talking about how Lesnar can never get to him, and never will, and he's safe as houses, and all that noise. What can he brag about and keep the heat hot about if Lesnar twats him at the first possible instance? Law of Wrestling Storytelling: Babyfaces have to chase their desired conclusion. Not get it straight off. Lesnar's programmes are the most important in the company as you're paying him so much, so his need the most thought in them as regarding his future returns. You've considered everyone else, but Mr $5m a year. Moreover, why would the Authority suspend Lesnar for attacking Heyman when they'd be happy that the person who stole their golden boy from them has got a beating off someone who's gunning for him. The authority would want to keep him around to punish Heyman for stealing Rollins for ever and ever.


Fantasy booking on the UKFF's always a letdown. :(

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Yes ColinBollocks! Brock wearing a sombrero conducting a mariachi band is one of the best things he's ever done.



I don't know how long I have been sat here watching that gif on a loop for. Amazing.



Can't wait to watch that Rusev workout video later.


I'm getting properly pumped for Mania now. Everyone should have done what I have done and not watch RAW at all ever; you'd be more excited this way. 

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Why would you piss that away on the first night with no build on free TV?

To avoid risking a never ending feud like the Punk/Heyman one that almost killed both guys.


I'd normally agree with your post but for this reason, I'd be on board with Lesnar killing Heyman and walking away for a month or two.

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The Rusev workout video is just frigging awesome! I know he's probably losing on Sunday but I'd love it if he won, almost in a dominant fashion like Lesnar did. Rusev vs Lesnar at Summerslam would be huge.

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