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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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I have this worry that Lana is going face. I really hope not. She's got a film coming out so that turn is probably coming, but I worry a face turn would kill her dead. If she was around a few years back she would well have a GM role.

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She's going to be at Mania, right? I'll be gutted if she isn't, she's been a massive part in Rusev's rise. How have they explained her absence/written her out storyline-wise? The film she's doing, is it a WWE one?

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Maybe with Lana gone Cena will give Rusev a shoeing and they'll do the Macho Man/Liz ending where she rushes down to comfort Rusev. Would melt my cold heart.


Oh yeah, that ending would leave us all with hearts on fire.

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Surely Reigns has got to win the title on Sunday after this push he's had, for them not to pull the trigger now would kill him stone dead. And I really hope it's not with the help of Heyman either, I think he would have the Cesaro effect on him while it would really ruin Brock's act not having his advocate by his side.


The future options for Lesnar to feud with are great though. Rollins, Bryan, Sheamus, Orton, Rusev to name a few. But I'd prefer to see the WWE Title on a full time performer as it would help make them look more special too. I don't necessarily think Lesnar needs the title compared to the others.

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I'm looking forward to this Mania because there's no obvious winner in most of the matches. The title match, HHH-Sting, Rusev-Cena, Wyatt-Undertaker, even the battle royal could all go any number of ways - it should be good just from that perspective.

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I'm looking forward to this Mania because there's no obvious winner in most of the matches. The title match, HHH-Sting, Rusev-Cena, Wyatt-Undertaker, even the battle royal could all go any number of ways - it should be good just from that perspective.

I think Stings a lock. Its his debut match on the biggest stage against a guy who regularly does the job at mania.

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I think there's a chance that Vince and co have realised now that Reigns is not ready, or rather that the fans are not ready to accept him, so with Lesnar now confirmed to be staying on and with him being their hottest act anyway, they may keep the belt on him and use this match as a chance to try to 'make' Roman Reigns, rather than risk the backlash to a title change the people don't want to see. I would like to see Roman get the shit kicked out of him, bloodied and beaten but never giving up and taking Brock to his absolute limit, taking a valiant loss but earning the respect of Brock and hopefully the people in the process. It's not the same situation, but the Stone Cold WM13 thing comes to mind. If they do it right, they can protect Reigns in defeat.

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Maybe that can work, but trouble is, like Ryback, Reigns maybe isn't good enough (yet) to overcome such losses - and as great as Lesnar is, he's no Bret Hart. With the likes of Daniel Bryan and Jeff Hardy they had years and years on the road and know how to get over, no matter the scenario. Not sure Reigns has it in him - how could he, given his experience level.


Pitcos summed up Reigns' scenario best, if he doesn't win, saying that he'll probably get lost in the shuffle and that will do him no good. With all the best will in the world, it seems to be the way with WWE.


Personally, while Reigns isn't where WWE want him to be, I think they are silly not to at least cross the finish line after following their year-long plan. Give him a run at the top of the card until at least Summer Slam, or something.

Of course, a piss easy solution is to have him turn into a bad ass heel with distracting blue contacts, with the idea of him going Batista on The Authority.

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What if during the match Rollins cashes in but actually pins Reigns instead of Lesnar. That can happen yes? Then Brock doesn't lose the title by pinfall, Reigns can say he didn't lose to Brock and Rollins does the sneaky cash in during a match knowing Reigns is an easier target having been in the shield also compared to Brock. Then that's two of them chasing him to Summerslam, kind of keeps Reigns as a tweener, Brock as a mega face and Rollins as the authority heel. Perfect triple threat at Summerslam. 

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