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The Relationship Thread


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How did it come about? Were you drunk? If not, did one of you suggest it?



Both relatively wankered, she suggested it, but it continued when both of us were not wankered anymore the following day.


Sounds like you don't need to worry if the contact has been normal today, if it's going to be weird or awkward it would manifest itself immediately wouldn't it?


I would think so, but she's just got hold of me asking me to come round later and I know where that is going. I'll see what's what later, I 'm tempted to just roll with it for the time being and see what happens.

Edited by Gus Mears
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It's all fine until you fall for her and it's not reciprocated and you stare into her eyes after sex like an intense puppy and she realises you're actually "making love" to her and she's just having a shag.



I think it's the opposite way around to be honest. She basically admitted that she had a crush on me for about five years but that I apparently rebuffed her ages ago while plastered, presumably because I'm a blithering idiot. I really don't know if I want an actual relationship with her. Probably not if I'm honest.  Somewhat damned if I do and damned if I don't on this.



When Gus Met Sally.


:dickin:  But unnervingly accurate, apart from the fact that she's not called Sally and I'm not called Gus.

Edited by Gus Mears
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It's all fine until you fall for her and it's not reciprocated and you stare into her eyes after sex like an intense puppy and she realises you're actually "making love" to her and she's just having a shag.



I think it's the opposite way around to be honest. She basically admitted that she had a crush on me for about five years but that I apparently rebuffed her ages ago while plastered, presumably because I'm a blithering idiot. I really don't know if I want an actual relationship with her. Probably not if I'm honest.  Somewhat damned if I do and damned if I don't on this.



When Gus Met Sally.


:dickin:  But unnervingly accurate, apart from the fact that she's not called Sally and I'm not called Gus.



Do you even have a moustache or is everything on the internet a lie?

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Dear Deidre,


I ended up sleeping with my best female friend yesterday completely out of the blue. It's been a totally (and comfortably) platonic relationship for the best part of a decade, so it was slightly surprising. We've been in contact today and all is fine, but has anyone else ever had a 'friends with benefits' thing that hasn't irrevocably fucked up the relationship? I really wouldn't want this to.

Sounds like it's already fucked up. She's clearly more keen than you for something more than a quick shag. If you turn her down next time she wants sex then it will be too awkward to go back to what it was. My advice is to make hay while the sun shines and get as much sex as you can before it all goes tits up. Best make your peace with the knowledge that the friendship is never going back to what it was.

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Well I stayed over yesterday, same bed and all,  and absolutely nothing happened, we just jibbed about Tony Harrison (the one of Boosch, not the clever one), beer, Moss of The Month Club, the usual random bullshit as before, without bringing up anything serious. I ate pizza and salad, it was grand. I'm veering between thinking this is a good development and tearing my hair out because I haven't got a fucking clue what is going on.

Edited by Gus Mears
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Get a prostitute delivered to his place then? I saw that in an episode of House once, so they must do delivery now.


Tinder does work if you put a bit of effort in. Signed up the other week and I'm meeting a few people next week. #FullMaxwell


I'm meeting 'When Gus met Sally' girl again later so will likely post what state of confusion I'm in tomorrow.

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Slowly but surely, I'm making contacts on Bumble, much to my surprise lol.


In have prospective dates with an Australian blonde, a light-skinned French lady and a Zimbabwean lady. All very attractive. I'm very lucky :-)

Knowing me, I'll be inclined to flake at least one of them before anything gets off the ground.


I have to remind myself that it's the 'dating game' and not narrow my options too quickly. Wish me luck. Lol

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