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AJ had great storytelling matches with several of the talents mentioned in both ROH and TNA before any of those ex-WWE guys set foot in TNA. Joe and Dragon were not spot monkeys and AJ's matches with them in ROH featured as much mat work as anything Angle and Benoit were putting on in WWE at the time. Abyss was the antithesis of a spot monkey and every match AJ had with him told the "cat and mouse" story, their match at Hard Justice 2005 was a minor miracle considering Abyss' limitations. Chris Daniels may have received loads of criticism but he and AJ had great matches that told stories way back. That Iron Man man match at Against All Odds ( think) 2005, before AJ got to work with any of those guys he's meant to have learned from. Well paced 30 minute match, told a story.


Paul London? I might have missed that one.


I'll say one thing he'll have learned from his association with Flair - trying to become someone else when you became World Champion by being yourself is fucking stupid.

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Again, can't really agree. I saw Dragon in RoH, and while he did eventually evolve into a stellar worker, I thought his earlier stuff was very spotty indeed. Joe - maybe "spot-monkey" is an exaggeration, but he was still quite spotty in RoH. The matches with Daniels - this might make me unpopular, but outside maybe three matches I've seen between those guys, I think most of them are vastly over-rated, and don't really tell much of a story at all.


This ultimately comes down to a matter of opinion, I think - I watched TNA regularly for some time, and IMO it didn't seem to me like AJ became such a great worker until he started actually developing a clear character, which, to me, was when he joined Christian Cage's stable. So many of his matches just seemed anodyne and spotty.

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I've always loved AJ but I agree that he really came on leaps and bounds when he started working with Christian and Angle. I vividly remember internet fans complaining that he was being wasted as Christians goofy sidekick but in my opinion he was doing his best work ever (at the time). AJ has of course become even better since but for me that was a major turning point for him as a performer.

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I am a few days late for the Osprey/Ricochet spot-fest but wanted to add some thoughts to the others people have posted. 


The match was great if that is the style that you appreciate. I personally like a bit of variety and for me a spot-fest can be a good thing when done right and it is not the ONLY thing on the show. I have a tendency to be put off by Ricochet because he comes off a bit 'marky' on twitter and his nods to The Rock in the past have been a bit cringeworthy but I can live with that. This style is a niche style and if you can forget the psychology aspect for the 20 minutes or so it can be rewarding. 


That said I particularly dislike spots where the pair end up doing the same thing 'in sync' only to pause for the crowd adoration. It feels contrived and whilst I am trying to suspend my disbelief for a moment this is the one thing I go 'AGGHH' at! 


People need to be smart. If the posts above are anything to go by Osprey is already becoming a physical wreck and whilst these matches can be entertaining I would prefer to be a boring fucker that has longevity than a guy that does fantastically intricate spots that is wheelchair bound at 40 years old.  What Osprey (and Ricochet to a lesser degree) seems to have forgotten is that you can't keep up that style or pace for twenty years. If you don't hone your psychology and selling skills once you can't do those spots any longer what do you have left? 


For example, it could be argued that Shawn Michaels best matches were following his back surgery when he had to be less risk-taking and more focused on psychology. AJ Styles is another who was a great wrestling but became a better worker once he knew how to pace his spots for best effect. 

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* Ryusuke Taguchi (5-2) – 10 points
* Matt Sydal (5-2) – 10 points
* BUSHI (4-3) – 8 points
* KUSHIDA (4-3) – 8 points
* Kyle O’Reilly (4-3) – 8 points
* Rocky Romero (4-3) – 6 points
* David Finlay (1-6) – 2 points
* Gedo (1-6) – 2 points

* Will Ospreay (4-3) – 8 points
* Volador Jr (4-3) – 8 points
* Ricochet (4-3) – 8 points
* Bobby Fish (4-3) – 8 points
* Barreta (3-4) – 6 points
* Jushin Liger (3-4) – 6 points
* Chase Owens (3-4) – 6 points
* Tiger Mask (3-4) – 6 points


Must say I am shocked Taguchi won his block, it should have been Bushi. I thought Ricochet would win the other group but I think Ospreay is the better choice but seeing Taguchi in such a major match just seems meh. To me Bushi vs Ospreay could have been a really good Los Ingobernables vs Chaos match at Dominion. I hope to God Taguchi does not win this and then take the title.



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Card for "Dominion" (19/6):


Bad Luck Fale / Yujiro Takahashi / Hangman Page v Togi Mabake / Yoshitatsu / Capt. New Japan

EVIL v Hirooki Goto
[iWGP Jr. Tag-Titles ~ Elimination Match]: Ricochet / Matt Sydal © v Kyle O`Reilly / Bobby Fish v Rocky Romero / Baretta v The Young Bucks
[iWGP Jr. Title]: KUSHIDA v Will Ospreay
[iWGP Tag-Titles]: Tama Tonga / Tanga Roa v The Briscoes
[NEVER Openweight Title]: Yuji Nagata v Katsuyori Shibata
[iWGP I.C Title ~ Ladder Match]: Kenny Omega v Michael Elgin
[iWGP Heavyweight Title]: Tetsuya Naito v Kazuchika Okada

Edited by KingofSports
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If Tanahashi's injuries have gotten the better of him and they need to rest him then I would say do not bother with the Ladder!!!! Save that until Tanahashi is ready to face Omega. First ever New japan ladder should mean something and be in a long standing feud and not a replacement match.

Edited by westlondonmist
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According to the Google search I've just done, "Tangaroa" is the Maori god of the sea so I'd guess the INTENTION is "Tanga Roa".


"Tanga Loa" returns way more results about the wrestler, though.

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