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Wrestling cliches with little thought put into them


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"They should stop holding back real wrestlers and put the belts on Eddie and Chris. They'll handle the pressure."



I like you Steak, you're my kind of guy.

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I know you're right Arch but there's something comforting about listening to the old guard talk about the business like that. I don't look forward to a time when we won't be hearing Arn Anderson giving his kayfabed stories on documentaries or Roddy Piper saying that the WWF's global (they call it national) expansion ruined the industry.

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This is only vaguely related to the topic, I know shame on me, but I seem to remember Kevin Sullivan doing a shoot interview or something and the interviewer asking him about 'locker police' or something and Kevin Sullivan replying that he'd never heard of that before. Makes me wonder how many smart fan nonsense would actually be recognised by the more old school wrestlers.

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"After [insert gimmick match name e.g. hell in the cell] these men will never be the same again."


They then come out on Raw looking fairly unscathed and proceed to have another 10 hell in a cell matches in their career.


^^^ This wins it for me.

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Any sentence that tries to add legitimacy to the concept of 'X-pac heat'... Total smark-made bullshit... Any crowd reaction, apart from 'no reaction' is a positive reaction


Completely disagree. Some wrestlers sell no tickets, which means people legit don't want to see them. "X-pac heat" (or more commonly "go away" heat) was the phrase coined to describe it; sure, the term is smarky, but the situation is definitely real. And I don't think X-Pac himself even had X-Pac heat; his character was just tired, but he was still a big enough name.


There are some wrestlers that just drag an otherwise good show down. This is distinguished by groans of fans when they appear or their music hits.



"Any crowd reaction, apart from 'no reaction' is a positive reaction"

That's the same as the tired cliche "all publicity is good publicity", which is complete bullshit.

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