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Wrestling cliches with little thought put into them


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Anything near a piledriver is a finish to me. Pisses me off when it's not.


One of the most irritating things in lucha at the moment is the over use of piledriver like moves. You'd think for a country that once built a storyline where piledrivers were so dangerous that they were illegal that there'd be less of the headbump galore that the Indy scene badly picked up from puro but nope. Even ultra conservative CMLL, where they've put a ban on people doing dives in the early matches, don't seem to be telling people to bugger off with that noise.


It hardly ever seems to be a proper piledriver either these days, it's all that Canadian Destroyer esque shit.

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"I want to be all about wrestling. I want to take it back to the Attitude Era." Particularly when said by a WWE diva who clearly never watched wrestling, particularly women's wrestling, in the attitude era.


"Wrestling is too aimed at kids now. It should [suggestion which translates to 'go back to how it was when I was a kid']."


"[Name] deserves a title/WrestleMania main event because he's a full-time wrestler."


This is only vaguely related to the topic, I know shame on me, but I seem to remember Kevin Sullivan doing a shoot interview or something and the interviewer asking him about 'locker police' or something and Kevin Sullivan replying that he'd never heard of that before. Makes me wonder how many smart fan nonsense would actually be recognised by the more old school wrestlers.

I was reading a discussion on Wrestlingclassics a few months ago about internet lingo. Here: http://wrestlingclassics.com/.ubb/ultimate...=9;t=049559;p=2


Jack Brisco had never heard of "workrate" until he started seeing people use it on that forum.


Any sentence that tries to add legitimacy to the concept of 'X-pac heat'... Total smark-made bullshit... Any crowd reaction, apart from 'no reaction' is a positive reaction


Completely disagree. Some wrestlers sell no tickets, which means people legit don't want to see them. "X-pac heat" (or more commonly "go away" heat) was the phrase coined to describe it; sure, the term is smarky, but the situation is definitely real.

That's nonsense. Most wrestlers don't sell tickets -- if they did, WWE would be running ten tours simultaneously, using the likes of Kofi Kingston vs Fandango as headline matches. Not being a ticket-seller is unrelated to the shit "X-Pac heat" term. Plenty of wrestlers that don't sell tickets still provide solid fodder for cheering and booing to keep the show ticking until the real stars come out. "X-Pac heat" translates as "I am on a forum and don't like [wrestler name] so want to dismiss the crowd response they get." If there's a wrestler that's making people boo, Stone Cold Steve Austin giving them a stunner will get a bigger reaction than if he gives a stunner to a wrestler that people sit on their hands for. Either way, the stunner's getting a pop. But it's getting the bigger pop if it's on a bloke who the fans hate enough to boo loudly. The entire point of heeling is to get fans to want to see you get battered by a babyface and fuck off.


"I didn't enjoy watching Raw as much as I thought I would when I read the spoilers"

:laugh: Brilliant.


He did a Snake Pit with Hogan and DDTed him but got cheered too much or something.




Seriously though, it goes to show the star power they had way back when to not put the belt on Jake. Crack habit and having a transitional move like a DDT as a finisher aside, he'd have had 10+ runs with the belt during the PG SUX era.

So would Piper, Perfect, DiBiase, Rude etc... Although this point has just struck me: They probably wouldn't, because if they were in the PG SUX era, they'd be even-stevening with their win/loss record, never doing interviews or storylines, overexposed, and fans would be twenty years evolved past their heyday and have seen all the moves a million times (your Jake "transition hold" comment was tongue in cheek, but that move was a huge part of his act and it'd mean nothing if he was a current wrestler). We tend to think of the older wrestlers as being better and bigger stars and that they'd be huge if they came along today, but a good 98% of their aura was probably the way that wrestling TV protected them back then.

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Any sentence that tries to add legitimacy to the concept of 'X-pac heat'... Total smark-made bullshit... Any crowd reaction, apart from 'no reaction' is a positive reaction


Completely disagree. Some wrestlers sell no tickets, which means people legit don't want to see them. "X-pac heat" (or more commonly "go away" heat) was the phrase coined to describe it; sure, the term is smarky, but the situation is definitely real.

That's nonsense. Most wrestlers don't sell tickets -- if they did, WWE would be running ten tours simultaneously, using the likes of Kofi Kingston vs Fandango as headline matches. Not being a ticket-seller is unrelated to the shit "X-Pac heat" term. Plenty of wrestlers that don't sell tickets still provide solid fodder for cheering and booing to keep the show ticking until the real stars come out. "X-Pac heat" translates as "I am on a forum and don't like [wrestler name] so want to dismiss the crowd response they get." If there's a wrestler that's making people boo, Stone Cold Steve Austin giving them a stunner will get a bigger reaction than if he gives a stunner to a wrestler that people sit on their hands for. Either way, the stunner's getting a pop. But it's getting the bigger pop if it's on a bloke who the fans hate enough to boo loudly. The entire point of heeling is to get fans to want to see you get battered by a babyface and fuck off.

I don't disagree at all with the origin of the term. I do think X-Pac got a reaction that equated to "Fucking hell, this guy again".


However, I don't think I've ever read someone saying "It's not genuine heat, it's X-Pac heat" about anyone and agreed. It's especially funny when someone has recently debuted. The fans are booing this guy because they're sick of seeing him. After three weeks?


I've never read of Del Rio having X-Pac heat. And that fucker does. In my house anyway.

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