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Wrestling cliches with little thought put into them


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''Tyson Kidd is the most talented guy on the roster.''


Somebody said this?


Yeah it seems to be a popular opinion on the reddit wrestling forum and a few others I frequent.Think CM Punk said it in an interview once and people took it as gospel.

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"Anything good about CM Punk"


C'mon now, I'm not a fan, but behave.



Anyone who legitimately claims to have completed a sticker book as a kid (who bought stickers with lunch money and through theft, not in bags from carboot sales or rinsed the back page missing sticker ad) fully with all stickers perfectly stickered. No you didn't, stop lying.


The rikishi 'did if for the rock' was terrible - no it wasn't, it just happened to be rikishi.


Sid can still work, call him up - fuck off, or while your on, give roadblock a call at the same time.


That Dolph is shit. He's not, but he's no Tyson kid


Anyone that says "......... Doesn't need a belt" - well what's the fucking point then.

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Anyone who legitimately claims to have completed a sticker book as a kid, fully with all stickers perfectly stickered. No you didn't, stop lying.


Shit off with that. I completed two. The WWF one with Undertaker on and a WCW one with Sting on*. Not "perfectly stickered" but you're not taking the achievement away from me.


*OK that wasn't much of an achievement. My dad got it from a car boot sale and it came with all the stickers in a bag. It was empty when I got it, full within the hour. Bit pointless looking back.


The Undertaker one was legit though. I got down to needing about 15 stickers and you could send off for the ones you needed. So my dad sent off for them. I guess you're going to say that's cheating?


Serious business this. If I still had it (ie: if the dog didn't soak it in piss forcing me to bin it) I'd post a pictures of every full stickered page. With a fork, obviously. Just to prove you are talking bollocks, Mr Hayashi.

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Anyone that says "......... Doesn't need a belt" - well what's the fucking point then.


There is an extensive list of people who don't need a belt to be over or draw. Michaels in his last run or Andre for example, hell guys like Santino. Wrestling is like the circus, only one guy needs to get fired out of a cannon, brother. (I'm well aware that is somewhat of a clich

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Anyone who legitimately claims to have completed a sticker book as a kid (who bought stickers with lunch money and through theft, not in bags from carboot sales or rinsed the back page missing sticker ad) fully with all stickers perfectly stickered. No you didn't, stop lying.


I legitimately finished the one with The Undertaker on the front, i still have it somewhere. I was buying ten packs of stickers at a time and i finished the bastard.


Sadly this was in my 4th year at secondary school and before wrestling was popular again so i had to put up with various comments and funny looks for going to the local papershop after school and buying wrestling stickers.


As for perfectly stickered, probably not, but i had lots of shinies leftover!

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