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The Health and Fitness Thread


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The current lifestyle doesn't help. I do a ten hour shift at work, during which I'm pretty much bolted to my desk. The long day also makes me very prone to snacking.


I've been under doctor's orders to join a gym for a fair few months now, so I've got no excuse. I know that after a month or so of regular gyming I'll start enjoying it again, but going back to the gym when you're not in the shape you once were is anti-motivating.

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For what it's worth gents, give Joe Manganiello's Evolution a look for six weeks.
I did it for 12 weeks (which was a bit too much to be honest, as it's only a six week program designed to give fast results so I nackered my CNS for a few weeks following it).

I downloaded it originally, but loved it so much that I felt obliged to throw a few quid it's way and bought the actual book.

Seriously, it'll batter you, but in an enjoyable way because there's so, so much variety.

I HATE celeb programs normally, and usually stick to alternating between a 5/3/1, GVT or when I'm nackered just a single body part split for a couple weeks, but truthfully, it completely transformed me physique and got me fairly leaned out and hard in quick time.

I didn't even do the cardio part, because I was pissing sweat and breathing out of my sheriffs badge come quitting time, so I felt the cardio would be a redundant exercise and negate any gains I was making.


I can't take creatine, dairy based proteins or most pre workouts (I use Hemavol on the odd day) coz it flares up me lungs, so I was just using the ol' paleo or vegan proteins, Slin Sane, CLA and aminos and I saw really fucking good results even with just that shite.
If I'd been taking creatine and a decent protein like something Whey based, I'm sure I'd have gotten even better results.


I'm no guru like our Cookie, but I've learned a decent bit about nutrition and training over the last few years and if you're looking for a quick fix to motivate you, that's your only man...


Sorry Diggers, meant to say, I was in the same boat in June this year. Just looked like a silverback. I trained in a black hoody with the hood up and headphones in and it really helped me shut everything out around me and focus on meself.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Anyone here got experience in doing a half marathon/full marathon? I'm signed up to do the Bath Half this year for charity, it's towards the end of March and I have started serious training for it since the turn of the year. I'm hoping to do a time as close to two hours as possible and am managing to run 4/5 miles at a decent pace without keeling over, which is nice. I'm in pretty reasonable shape, but haven't done anything like this before and some Viz Top Tips would be appreciated as I'm cacking myself somewhat about it.

Edited by Gus Mears
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  • 5 weeks later...

Getting Married in September so been looking at shedding 3 stone overall just would like to be trimmer, been working on the couch to 5k app onto the 6th week and pleased with the progression and been going to Slimming World but not stuck rigidly to it.


Is there any thing I can be doing inbetween my runs that would help weight loss/fitness

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I’d recommend hitting weights in the interim, sir.

I no advocate for these poxy 5am Infomercial programs, but P90X is a very good beginner program for building muscle and stripping fat.

When I’m deloading or need a break from heavy hitting for a week or two (mainly after I’ve had a very heavy weekend on the sup), I’ll do P90X or Insanity to keep me ticking over.

Insanity might be a bit much for a beginner, as even its ‘easy’ days will have a very fit cunt breathing through their Rowntree pipe for ten minutes following, but I’d recommend you get a doorframe chin-up bar and a set of dumbbells and download (from the usual sources) and follow the P90X program.

If you really want weight to fall off you, drop dairy and bread if you eat that.

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So, I'm doing pretty well in my attempt to return to my athletic best (doing the evil crossfit, no less, but in a structured, safe environment) but am constantly under the thumb of the dreaded inflammation.


Not an injury per se (but old injury sites are the most effected, certainly) just areas of bargain basement inflammation, brought on from getting used to the high intensity and having to sit in an office chair all day.


On top of the bitching mobility and flexibility workout I do twice a day (once on a CF day), I've been investigating anti-inflammatory supplements.


Been on the old Krill Oil w/ Antaxathin (sp), Vitamin D and, on Branqueys recommendation, green tea w/ ginger and turmeric. Fuck you Branquey. Tastes like fucking angry arse water.


Works, though.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Yeah, I'm just finding my way into it.


I love it, but I can see why it gets a shit rap at times.


It's a 'group' environment that demands individual responsibility, and the type of person who's usually drawn to group environments usually expects to be mothered through it. As far as I see it, you need to be really tuned into your body, into what your capable of and really highly aware of what you're not. No ones going to say 'that's too heavy for 10 rounds or whatever', it's all on you.


It's definitely the most I've enjoyed exercise since my injuries forced me to get fat at about 23.


I think as long as you're not afraid to use lesser weights where needs be, not afraid to leave got ego at the door, and you're on top of your flexibility and mobility work, it's a great way for non-professional athletes to reach athlete level intensity.


I think finding a good box is important. I tried one nearer me, and they were talking about heavy squats and deadlifts daily, and were general bro-y nobheads. Then I found central London and they seem super responsible.

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Don't blindly subscribe to their 'science' though, either. I've come to the belief that every article written, or product sold, has come from someone's personal bias, that's what's informed it. It might be right for them, but it's not necessarily, definitively right. Listen to your body and filter out the shit that doesn't work for you. I've got a shitty lower back, for instance. I injured it years ago and occasionally it nags it me. It comes about mostly because of tight hams, glutes and hips as well as inflammation/scar tissue. I was prescribed a mobility workout by a therapist I paid through the chute for, which included bent over toe touches and seated hammy stretches. This might have been right for 95% of people, but for me the compression was just eating away at my back.


A lot of what I do now is the accumulation of stuff I've picked up and adapted, not necessarily stuff I've directly lifted from an article or single piece of advice.

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Been on the old Krill Oil w/ Antaxathin (sp), Vitamin D and, on Branqueys recommendation, green tea w/ ginger and turmeric. Fuck you Branquey. Tastes like fucking angry arse water.


Works, though.

Good man, Dazzler!

You want to make that rot-pipe water angrier, fuck some Cayenne Pepper in there! So good for you but hurts your back when it’s going down. Can’t explain it...but you’ll know when you do it.

Very good anti-inflam supp is Serrepeptase, too. Have a google of it. Expensive though, and you need to take about 250000iu a day to reap its benefits, but fuck me it is a little miracle.

I can only afford that on months I'm not taking Ape or Bioforge.

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I had a consultation yesterday with a personal trainer. I want one-on-one sessions with someone who'll kick my arse rather than me just joining a gym and then never turning up. She was great and I really want to work with her... Then she sent me her price list this morning.


Fucking hell, I knew it would be expensive but there's no way I can afford it. I'm so disappointed. I emailed her back to say I just can't afford what she's charging but I don't know what to do instead.

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