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  • 1 month later...

Hello chaps, does anybody have much experience with lower abdominal strains?  I pulled what felt like my groin about 2 months ago while running, it settled down after a few weeks but it's really inflamed over the past few days.  Yesterday I actually managed to pinpoint where the pain actually is which I wasn't able to do at first - it's in my lower abdomen, pretty much where it meets my pelvis.  I can rule out a hernia, I had one last year in a different place and it's a different sort of pain, plus I can't feel anything abnormal down there.  I've been quite inactive for the past 2 weeks as well due to a broken wrist, so I haven't really done anything to aggravate it.


For reference, it's a similar sort of pain to DOMS and it feels like I've absolutely obliterated my core doing crunches the day before.  It hurts when I squeeze my legs together and, in certain positions, when I lift my leg.


Are there any exercises that would help?  I'll see my GP about it but I've heard horror stories where a lot of GPs automatically come up with "just a hernia, don't worry fam" as soon as they hear pain in abdomen/groin.

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Gas thing, I actually done something I thought irreperable to my lower abs when I had an abrupt sneeze during an attempt at the old dragon flag and seriously thought I fucked myself up and was in labour.

Try some simple bridges to loosen it up. Just an arse raise into a bridge, and iron it out that way. You’re not really engaging your abs by way of bringing your legs towards your midsection that way but you’re still stretching it out. Worked for me. That and Turmeric and Ginger tea twice a day, boss.

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  • 2 months later...

Well I'm feeling like fucking shit lately.  I broke my wrist at the end of October and only had the cast off this week, so I haven't done any exercise in about 2 months.  A few days before Christmas I was making a protein shake, and as I was shaking it I pulled a muscle in my neck.  It was horrific, I couldn't move for a few days.  A few days after it healed, I was sat at my desk at work for longer than usual and it royally fucked my upper back.  I spent most of New Year's Eve lying on my mate's floor while slowly getting pissed because, again, I couldn't move properly.


Anyway, that only healed properly on Tuesday or Wednesday.  This morning I got to work and started stretching my neck, nothing too strenuous, just a few circles.  At one point I rolled my neck forward and it cracked, and now I'm in fucking agony yet again, only this time it feels like the very top of my spine/bottom of my skull.  My head feels heavy as fuck and even the simple movement of raising my arm absolutely kills.  I'm dreading getting up out of this chair because I'm genuinely afraid my legs will give way.


I've never had a history of neck or back problems, but this has all been in the last two weeks.  I'm 24 for fuck's sake, I shouldn't feel like Kurt Angle when I want to scratch my head.  I put the first neck issue and the back issue down to bad luck, but now I'm genuinely worried.

Edited by Slapnut
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Sorry Slapper, I'm in the same as Chest there. Very sorry, but very laughing.

I keep telling you bastards, to try turmeric, ginger and Cissus tea if you're injured. A wonderful, natural painkiller that will not cause catabolism like Ibuprofen or paracetamol.

It tastes like scutter water from the throne, but it's very, very effective!!!!

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That sounds shit, and I'm sorry. But I did laugh at the irony of pulling a muscle whilst making a protein shake :laugh:


Ridiculous isn't it?  I can't bring myself to laugh at it yet, but it'll be something I'll look back on fondly I'm sure.


I keep telling you bastards, to try turmeric, ginger and Cissus tea if you're injured. A wonderful, natural painkiller that will not cause catabolism like Ibuprofen or paracetamol.

It tastes like scutter water from the throne, but it's very, very effective!!!!


I was actually going to try it last time you recommended it, but there was no turmeric in the house.  I've since bought some though so I'll give it a go tonight and report back.  Although, with my recent luck I'll probably re-break my wrist pouring the water.

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I always have turmeric and ginger in the house anyway, but have never heard of cissus. I'm intrigued, and will have a look in to it. My wife hates taking painkillers because she doesn't like to rely on pills for everything, and I hate her not taking them because it just prolongs her complaining. So maybe this could be a good solution.

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It's a really great supplement, Chest.

I buy the Super Cissus on BulkPowders, as it does me a good age. Genuinely, hands down one of the best pain killers I've ever taken, and in combination with the anti-inflammatory likes of turmeric, ginger and cayenne, it's a win/win.

I find, especially at 36, I'm increasingly stiff and sore after a heavy workout and this combo actually nulls it and keeps me going longer. Straight up.


Another great supplement, which has everything in it, is Universals Sterol Complex. I'm not a fan of Universals range (Pak/Stak/Pump etc) coz the side effects on most of their products far outweigh the benefits, but this one is brilliant.

It's dirt cheap and tremendous for the skin, brain, pain, joints and libido.
The only thing is the Trib in it, mightn't be good for the missus...but I'm not sure, boss.


But deffo look into the Cissus. If either of you are asthmatic, it's really, really good for that too.

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