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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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I can't stand Enzo and Cass so that would be my worst nightmare. I already have to skip their segments, the inevitable tag title reign will make me unhappy

I don't like you.


Cool :) I find them very annoying and have done since NXT. I don't know how or why cutting a promo where you name items of food followed by "how you doin?" Passes as a good promo these days.


I wouldn't call it a good promo either. They are great though. They make the best of some terrible material and when given a chance to be a bit creative, they come up with some decent stuff. Enzo's particularly superb. He talks great, he's got a unique look, he'll have a go at anything and he bumps brilliantly. Cass is a bit wooden still in everything he does but he's good enough alongside Enzo. The kid's gonna be a star. You'd have to be stupid not to take him there.

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I can't stand Enzo and Cass so that would be my worst nightmare. I already have to skip their segments, the inevitable tag title reign will make me unhappy

I don't like you.

Cool :) I find them very annoying and have done since NXT. I don't know how or why cutting a promo where you name items of food followed by "how you doin?" Passes as a good promo these days.
I wouldn't call it a good promo either. They are great though. They make the best of some terrible material and when given a chance to be a bit creative, they come up with some decent stuff. Enzo's particularly superb. He talks great, he's got a unique look, he'll have a go at anything and he bumps brilliantly. Cass is a bit wooden still in everything he does but he's good enough alongside Enzo. The kid's gonna be a star. You'd have to be stupid not to take him there.

They're not for me. I find Enzo highly irritating, but that's just my opinion. An opinion I can't really find anyone else sharing. Sure, he's more confident on the mic than most, but it makes me mute the TV because it does my head in. Cass will probably get that big man push one day when they eventually break up. I always imagined their break up would involve Carmella somehow if she gets back with them.

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Enzo plays a great face in peril and the crowd always gets behind him.


They make a great team, the crowd is always behind them, and they're solid on the mic and in the ring.


While they're 'not for you', I can definitely see why crowds love them and why they're one of the most over teams on the roster - if not THE most over. Certainly deserving of any title run that comes their way.


I wish more acts got the crowd reactions they do.

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That whole schtick they do is catchy and infectious. They're over like rover and if they do split them up Enzo will be a great mouthpiece for somebody. It's all about Big Cass getting a singles push at some point, though.

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Does anybody else dislike the new camera angles and constant herky-jerky movements of the cameramen that are being used. The cameras never stay fucking still for even 5 seconds.

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I guess the logic behind it is to show the viewers at home how much fun the live crowd is having? It is pretty terrible, though. I wonder whether they're cutting costs by using local camera guys instead of having their own crew?

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I guess the logic behind it is to show the viewers at home how much fun the live crowd is having? It is pretty terrible, though. I wonder whether they're cutting costs by using local camera guys instead of having their own crew?


That'd be ok if they didn't cut to people looking like they're about to commit suicide at times.

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I guess the logic behind it is to show the viewers at home how much fun the live crowd is having? It is pretty terrible, though. I wonder whether they're cutting costs by using local camera guys instead of having their own crew?


That'd be ok if they didn't cut to people looking like they're about to commit suicide at times.


That's true enough. MAybe they should use a couple of plants. They're probably trying to find the next "Streak guy" or "Angry Miz Girl" Or whether the Highlanders have turned up.

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Does anybody else dislike the new camera angles and constant herky-jerky movements of the cameramen that are being used. The cameras never stay fucking still for even 5 seconds.

Oh yes, absolutely yes. I only watch the PPVs with regularity and NXT don't do it so I forget they do it that way now, usually takes me about half the show to get used to the fact that a simple hard camera showing the whole ring is a thing of the past.

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Styles won the match but isn't medically cleared to wrestle, but Ambrose took that spill through the tables etc and is main eventing the show against Miz as thought nothing is wrong? Alexa Bliss was great as champion. A few more weeks of ducking the rematch before being ordered to defend will make people white hot for the match when it does happen. It was a good show. I think only having two hours forces them to get on with it, and also means they have to try and keep some guys off the show in terms of match time so it feels a little more novel when they do wrestle. Miz and Maryse are bloody brilliant as well.

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