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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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It'd be a good way to promote "Live at 205" as well. Give some of them a showcase then say "if you want to see more, tune in after Smackdown on WWE Network"

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I'm surprised James Ellsworth isn't in the 5 v 5 match, imagine the pop if he eliminated Strowman or turned on Smackdown because they've been picking on him. 


I'm still watching Smackdown waiting for him to turn heel though, the way Styles threw him over the announces table was great. 

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The Orton storyline seems a lot like a rehash of Daniel Bryan joining the Wyatts and Orton re-joining the Authority.


At Survivor Series I'd like to see The Miz costing Team SmackDown the match, seemingly safe in the knowledge that he's going to be drafted to Raw as a result, only for Raw to choose someone else and leave him to face the consequences from his GM.

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I'm assuming after several replies that, for some reason, 1-2-3 Kid doesn't count (ironically).


I think it's because he wasn't a jobber, that was just his intro gimmick. He was contracted talent. Although the same was true of Colin Delaney, surely? I don't think this has ever happened before in WWE.

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