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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Raw is well worth a watch. The commentary was like hearing the sound of birds on a summer morning when you have a day off without JBL. I think this may prove JBL is the worst announcer in history, considering how fresh the whole world feels when he isnt there. My cup of tea tasted better, the air seemed fresher. He's so shite. The matches were mostly good as well. I liked the different structure of the show. It had a good feel to it.


Did Jono Lancaster's chin get traded to Smackdown?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Well that was the most confusing and annoying start too raw I have seen in a while.


Roman reigns gets called a looser, demeaned, embarrassed in front of the whole locker room for fucking up seths chances at bringing the gold too the "flagship" show........


Then he gets put in the running for the new title....why?? The?? Fuck??!! Would he be put in the running for a new strap when there annoyed at him.


For as long as I can think vince and creative have shoved people too far down our throats too the point where it isn't entertaining anymore it's annoying.


Kurt angle, jbl, John cena, hhh

Just too name a few have been forced upon us week in week out, headlining ppv's, winning titles and burying upcoming superstars just because they don't know when too take the foot off the pedal and chill out abit.


Apart from that what I watched inbetween looking after my 5 week old son was ok..... New set is swish, the raw title name is fucking dredful, my missus is happy Charlotte lost the belt, I liked the commentary booth/table

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That's the best three hours of RAW there's been since the change in timings, possibly one of my favourite episodes in years. I usually end up making toast or playing a game while its on (during ad breaks especially) but I just found myself really enjoying that. Great commentary without JBL or King to ruin it, squash matches, four PPV level length and quality matches, Sasha Banks being brilliant, Charlotte probably on a Wellness Violation tomorrow, even the Enzo and Cass filler tag match had the comedy calming the crowd moments needed before the main. Hell even only Steph and Mick in the opening segment and even then they weren't so bad.


Brilliantly constructed television. Never thought I'd say that about WWE outside of CWC and NXT.

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Kurt angle, jbl, John cena, hhh

Just too name a few have been forced upon us week in week out, headlining ppv's, winning titles and burying upcoming superstars just because they don't know when too take the foot off the pedal and chill out abit.


Kurt Angle was shoved down people's throats? Did I miss that? He always seemed to get the desired reactions. Who did he going around burying as well? He put pretty much everyone over. Cena and JBL have lost to pretty much everyone ever too.


Oh, hang on. Seen who posted...


Anyway, nice and fresh tonight, none of that authority bullshit, 100000% commentary, a finish to the woman's match which looks like a gimmick bout at Summerslam, entertaining squashes, Faith in Finn, and what looks like perhaps the seeds for a Reigns turn down the road with him being all dejected and seeming insincere at the end.


Sasha Banks, as ace as she is, needs to not be quite so GOGOGOGOGO though. She nearly fucking killed herself on that suicide dive.

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That Sasha/Charlotte match is the best women's match since Sasha and Bayley. At first I was a tiny bit miffed that it wasn't happening on Summerslam but this was better tbh. What a match and a moment, that being on TV for such an important Raw I think will do wonders for the division. That suicide dive though, fuck me, she nearly broke in half - I thought Big E landed badly last night. But that was beautiful stuff. LOVED Sasha's tribute to Eddie to get Dana kicked out, Charlotte's moonsault was a whopper. Great finish. With this and Owens/Zayn the company have knocked out 2 MOTY contenders in as many days


As mentioned, commentary was so much better, and the new look was decent enough. Shame about the rawk theme. I was skeptical about Graves cos he'd been doing the JBL-esque flip flopping as of late but that was just tons easier to listen to.


The 4-ways were both good. Jericho trying to hit Reigns with the spear was hilarious.


Braun's theme and new look were cool. Always like a hilarious looking jobber. Nia Jax looked rubbish, she's just not imposing enough. I wish we still had Kharma :(


R-Truth ending up in the middle of a match by playing pokemon go was actually pretty funny


Gonna be honest! New era and everything, but I'm not happy with Balor beating Roman. Roman feels shuffled down the pack like I worried, carry on this way and he'll lose his heat. Even worse was Roman going 'I respect that dude' and not lariating the shit outta him - lord only knows what they have planned for him, it feels like they've been "planting seeds" since the night after Mania. But hey, we have seen a lot of Roman v Rollins, so this is fresh and intriguing. It's weird to think of Balor as a WWE Top Guy when all his accolades in Japan were junior accolades, but we'll see how it goes eh. Smart way to debut him


Still, really good episode. Everybody ignore that doofus kidkris and check it out.

Edited by sj5522
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Kurt angle, jbl, John cena, hhh

Just too name a few have been forced upon us week in week out, headlining ppv's, winning titles and burying upcoming superstars just because they don't know when too take the foot off the pedal and chill out abit.

Kurt Angle was shoved down people's throats? Did I miss that? He always seemed to get the desired reactions. Who did he going around burying as well? He put pretty much everyone over. Cena and JBL have lost to pretty much everyone ever too.


Oh, hang on. Seern who posted...


Anyway, nice and fresh tonight, none of that authority bullshit, 100000% commentary, a finish to the woman's match which looks like a gimmick bout at Summerslam, entertaining squashes, Faith in Finn, and what looks like perhaps the seeds for a Reigns turn down the road with him being all dejected and seeming insincere at the end.


Sasha Banks, as ace as she is, needs to not be quite so GOGOGOGOGO though. She nearly fucking killed herself on that suicide dive.


And you mean what by I see who posted

Edited by kidkris
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What the fuck man all I was talking about was the roman reigns bit at the start........


I didn't fucking cover any other bit of the show nor did I say it was a bad show.


Amazing isn't it, people really are cunts behind the keyboard

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For what it's worth I agree with you about Reigns.

Berating and shaming him one minute and giving him another Title match opportunity the next makes no sense.


I suppose it could be justified by saying Stephanie wants him out and Foley wants to give him another chance, but having the people in power fighting on Night 1 of the new era would be rather seen-it-all-before.

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Should superstars making their debut generally not have to fight, claw, scratch and battle their way to the top over a decent period of time? Sounds like the show felt fresh and slightly different, and I don't mind Finn Balor but I'm not sure if he deserves to be headlining (or co-headlining) a Summerslam PPV after one nights' work. Still, it kinda happened with AJ Styles and the results were decent on the whole.

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Thank you that's all I was saying.

I made it quite clear I wasn't watching it properly as I was looking after my son.


I suppose people just enjoy putting others down over the Internet.


Back to the point it just seemed very strange putting him down like that then giving him a pat on the back.

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To be fair, you did also say that Kurt Angle was shoved down people's throats against their wishes. Which is nonsense.


Good show.


The rocket boosters being strapped to Finn was refreshing, the commentary was bajillion times better. Enzo Amore still exists. I haven't really watched properly for about a month, but I'm back in I think.

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Quick thoughts on the things that were new:


New logo: Nice, I like it

New intro/ident: Rubbish, why they still insist on this pony industrial/steelworks thing after all these years is beyond me. They fucking love it

New music: No! Get rid of the crappy rock, it's 2016!

New stage: Quite nice, I like the Wembley arch

New announce table position: YES! Reminds me of Schiavone, and Gorilla/Heenan

New ropes: Yes, good call

New rocket strapped to Finn: Very interesting, good to see. If they really want to be fresh, this certainly helps


It's brilliant that NXT has filled a void that has been apparent for so many years now- bringing in someone that the crowd knows and that will instantly get a big reaction. Since the end of the wars, and after they'd gone through all the old AOL/Time Warner contracted guys, they've not really been able to do this. NXT has been a fantastic aid in this sense- just look at the reactions you've seen for the debuts of Balor, Bayley, Enzo & Cass and even Owens last year.

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