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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Time to jack Raw in until Royal Rumble I reckon. None of the storylines are doing anything for me. Orton vs Big Show headlining a PPV is uninteresting on a scary level. It reminds me of mid-1999 WCW, where they have Nash and Sting and DDP and Savage in main events, and it was like "how many more times can this lot wrestle?" Its just the same cast of characters in different roles in the same position of the card.


They need to bring Hogan and Undertaker back. Inject some new blood into the shows.

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They tried doing the SI thing with Del Rio too when he was babyface earlier this year. Wouldn't surprise me if Cena starts YES-ing it up eventually.


Like Ian said the BigShow/Orton feud just seems so boring and obviously filler it's unbelievable. Everyone has been talking about how they've fucked up Bryan's momentum and heat during the last few months but I don't think they've done much good for Orton either. He's just another goon. I thought the Punk\Harper match and the 6 man tag were good though.

Edited by digforvictory
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I've always found Big Show to be a Ray Stubbs main eventer. Wheeled out to headline a tour against the current champion when the major stars are injured/disintereted in working.


But headlining a PPV is something else. Ammo for guys like Hogan to say "I can make a difference, brother".

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Yeah, the not so subtle side glances they were doing were a nice touch, if they are thinking of a 'Mania match.


Show/Orton is an unwanted distraction from the Triple H v Show match they've spent months building up.


Orton needs to do more "I'm well prettier than you and your lass would chuck you on the off chance of a feel". More promos like that, with girls screaming in between at least gives us something resembling a character worth hating. Right now, Orton is leaving me a bit apathetic.


It's rubbish that CM Punk is yet to have any sort of decent interaction with the big heels. Granted, the Wyatt's may very well be part of Triple H's army, but again it seems like a bit of Winter filler until the proper PPVs.


Triple H is pretty good, though. The interactions with Vince should be well good.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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I'm at a stage now where if I take a break from wrestling, I doubt I'll be able to get back into it. I love wrestling for the bits where is great, and I suffer the shit for that. But, I think if I got out the habit of suffering the shite then I'd struggle to willingly go back.

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What keeps me watching is that in terms of match quality you're guaranteed at least one belter each week these days, maybe even 2-3. Match quality is really high. It's just booking and character development that is at an all time low.


The thing with Kane is...why bother turning him to Triple H's side anyway? Triple H already has The Shield to do his dirty work and they are dominating enough. All Kane did in that segment was pass them a bunch of chairs, Triple H could have done that if he wanted. It doesn't help that the huge Kane looks weirdly small in a suit.


Maybe they've decided that the best way to fill the 3 hours each week is to have Kane do an hour of this:

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I stopped watching from Night of Champions, but know I could get back into it come the Rumble. Like Butch said, this is always a shit period. If you start seeing the big boys back, you'll probably want to see it.


3 hour Raws are too much of a chore for me usually as you have matches which might technically be good but don't draw you in emotionally. I like The Shield, but I've become desensitised to their matches through them having so many matches. A lot of it doesn't mean much, especially when they do PPV re-matches on weekly TV. But when there's a big event to build to, I'm on board. That's why Survivor Series should be made to mean something again. August to January seems too long without a meaningful PPV.

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Yeah, totally possible. But do you think he's a good pro wrestler?

Yes! & No! I love to hate the prick! He does his job well as a "sports entertainer", he's top 5 in the world in that game. His wrestling is rather suspect at times, but he always delivers the emotive side against guys I'm 101% behind

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Best thing on the show was Fandango shaking his hips while stood on the apron to try and distract Natalya while she was twatting Summer Rae, It's characters like him that make the 3 hour Raw's bearable, I remember The Rock saying in some interview about how Fandango is proper into his character and it shows, he stands out from the rest of the undercard like a sparkly dressed thumb


Only other thing of note other than the interminable last segment and Kane I assume going back to being Isaac Yankem was that I involuntarily said "fucking hell" when the Bellas and Eva Marie came out, Christ they looked good

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The main event confrontation and Punk vs Harper were really good. Stephanie looks incredible, Big Show's been on form for a while now, and the building of the Wyatts feud was done well. And Kane in a suit is a novelty! He reminded me of Johnny Ace.


Highlight for me, though, was Big E Langston vs Ravishing Randy Orton. Cracking from the start of Orton's promo (I'd say that's his best ever) all the way through the match. If they follow up on it, that match has helped Big E tremendously.


Everything else was just autopilot filler.

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Trying to get Tyson Kidd over by sticking him with his crap,annoying wife isn't going to work.


Are they trying to hide the Bella Cena is slipping it to's inflated chest by having her wear that white vest or what?bit odd they have them dressing differently after years of them always wearing the same gear.

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