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So HHH/Reigns is it then? HHH should not have the title in 2016 and Reigns should not be about to drop the title. Again.

Trips is more over and a better worker than 95% of the roster so the first bit is bollocks. The second part, if done right and with the end goal in mind is fine.

Don't disagree with the worker aspect. Just feel it's another stop start for Reigns. Cannot see it ending well given the recent booking history is all. If Reigns is the guy why not have him go through everyone, legitimately, until Rollins comes back? Just me but it seems daft to keep taking the belt off him.

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Plus, if Lesnar has to sell for mid card no hopers like the Wyatts

A large percentage of the current roster are "mid card no hopers" (or around the same level as the Wyatts). It is not ideal, but there are not too many other options. The League of Nations are on the same level as the Wyatts, so none of them would make for better opponents for him. Owens is at about the same level as the Wyatts as well, so again he would not be much better.


WWE will have managed to ruin they're only other proper star besides Cena

Even Cena is starting to feel like less of a big star. Losing to Del Rio in about 8 minutes for the US title didn't really help though.

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Triple H main eventing WrestleMania now seems so weird. Last year he won a tremendously booked "run-ins and weapons to cover immobility" nostalgia match, and for years before that he was losing to Bryan, Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins, even Axel. It's hard to buy him as a compelling Big Bad in the here and now. Obviously, not as hard as it is to buy anyone else in that spot, which isn't a good sign.


Becky Lynch's voice doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Have I just gotten used to it, or does she actually not sound like Sheamus' rough, fag-smoking granddad anymore?

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You mean that amazing count out loss to Axel where he just walked off after 30 seconds? Put him over big, there.

Well yes, we all know that evil Triple H holds back and buries the young guys to feed his ego and is the worst possible guardian of wrestling's future. But even despite that, he's still been a loser for most of the last several years, so having him be the big threat in the main event of WrestleMania seems iffy.

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He might have lost to D-Bry at WrestleMania XXX, but the year before he beat Brock Lesnar. By current roster standards, I'm prepared to believe he can be in that spot, with all the necessary shenanigans and unfair advantages that he'll get due to his privileged position in the storyline. He's absent for long periods between matches, but I've never once considered him shit and knackered or had a hard time imagining him beating almost anyone they've got around.

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It's just since the loss to Brock. From then until the match with Sting, did he win at all? It feels like he just had about half a dozen losses, including a couple to Roman Reigns. That was my problem with the Roman vs HHH singles feud we expected in 2014. It didn't seem as big as it should because he'd already clattered him.


Even with the storyline working hard to build it, I just can't see it as a bigger match than Reigns vs either Brock or Undertaker yet. Feeding Ziggler/Uso A/Uso B/Ambrose etc to Hunter would help though.

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Well yes, we all know that evil Triple H holds back and buries the young guys to feed his ego and is the worst possible guardian of wrestling's future. But even despite that, he's still been a loser for most of the last several years, so having him be the big threat in the main event of WrestleMania seems iffy.


That's not what I said, but you included him in the list of people he actually did put over, which was a bit of a stretch. Anyway, re: Hunter; who actually thinks that, these days? Triple H is the super mega internet babyface getting fruit baskets sent to him, getting thousands of NXT fans to scream with him and whatknot.


I agree his credibility level as top line heel is not what it was, but his long inactive periods still make him feel like a worthy adversary, even if he went through that period of losing a lot. I think he might be the last person to have a pinfall victory over Lesnar as well. That's definitely worth something.

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I made the mistake of watching that crap. I have to agree with everything said already from y2j looking like a buff butter at the start to show being shit. They really don't get it do they is the bubble so big they are immune to the product. Do they really sit down on Tuesday and say what a great job they did on raw.


I can't even remember why they don't want reigns as champ any more.

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Lynch cut a bloody good women's promo for main roster standards. Passionate, got her story over, didn't resort to AJ Lee tilt head cliche bollocks that the overrated fuck was loved for.


Logical end should be her decking Ric then tapping Charlotte out. Instead I've got a feeling Charlotte is going over.

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Even with the storyline working hard to build it, I just can't see it as a bigger match than Reigns vs either Brock or Undertaker yet. Feeding Ziggler/Uso A/Uso B/Ambrose etc to Hunter would help though.

I think I would prefer Reigns vs. Lesnar but unless you've then got Trips v Rock, I just think that leaves the rest of the card with absolutely nothing. So Trips vs. Reigns and a Lesnar match is probably the way to go.

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I could see them being able to push Reigns Vs Triple H forward to fast lane, having Brock Vs Wyatt at Fastlane for the title match at mania and then having Reigns Vs Brock, Rock Vs Triple H at Mania instead. However I think they will go with Reigns Vs Lesnar either for the title or contendership at Fast Lane then Triple H Vs Reigns, Brock Vs Wyatt and god knows with The Rock if he is wrestling. I could see him being a referee or enforcer in the main event more likely.


Speaking of Brock if he wasn't a part timer I could see possibly see Wyatt taking the belt at the rumble so the title match is on a weaker match at Mania than Reigns Triple H 

Edited by simonworden
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