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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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That ending pretty much summed up the whole show, all over the place and a complete and utter mess


the only pass mark was stephs tits nearly falling out and vince flipping the bird but failing trying to disguise it

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Raw is really stale. Jericho in his promo even said the ratings, network subscribers and attendance has been low. I dont think WWE has ever admitted that on their broadcasts ever. Roman defending the title in the actual Rumble has got to be a last minute decision just to give it any interest. They might aswell make the rumble match a 3 hour long spectacular and have all their current superstars, past stars, legends, nxt guys, shock entries, celebrities and whoever they can think of to really make it Roman vs The World

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Well that was a big surprise. A Rumble match for the title. Makes me wonder what the fuck else is going to be on the show? But it does do away with the winner goes to WM angle in a year where there is no intrigue in that. Cheap way to get the title off Reigns for him to win back at WM? Put it on Cena or Triple H?


At least there are some questions. Felt like another attitude era tribute show. A stable of jobbers. A guest referee. Refs getting knocked out all over the place. Announce table bumps. And Chris fucking Jericho. Looking like a cunt as usual.


Wasn't a terrible show but wasn't much of interest/ Surprised how little it sold Smackdown ahead of it's move to USA this week.


What's up with Vince McMahon's arms? The top half look like Ultimate Warrior circa 1990. The bottom half look like your Grandad's ten minutes after death.

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Called it!


Me last Thursday in my Rumble match a day thread:

You know, if Vince really wants to screw with Roman Reigns, he'd make him defend the title in this year's Rumble. Sod the 'main event of WrestleMania' stipulation, half the time they don't stick to it anyway.

Anyway, the decision does at least give the Rumble some stakes. The last two have gone so not-to-plan and the two before that were pretty unmemorable so they may as well try something different. As long as they don't mention or reference or tease or do anything even slightly to do with Daniel Bryan between now and then, the crowd might even not shit on it!

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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It read like a really good show anyway, some surprising moments, and I actually gasped when reading that the title will be on the line in the Rumble match. I'm guessing Triple H will cost Reigns the match right at the end, so they fight at Mania, with the title match being elsewhere.

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That wouldn't go down too well. But opens the door for Brock, HHH, Rock, Cena etc to take the belt. 


Rock's struggling to get insurance for his next film. His risk with underwriters went up because he had to miss scheduled filming dates due to injury last time he wrestled (against Cena). I've got £10 that says Rock does not enter the Rumble or have any wrestling match between now and (inclusive of) WrestleMania 32.


I actually don't think he's ever wrestling again, but you can't really bet on "never."

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Isn't HHH 1 behind cena and 2 behind flair in title reigns? I see Hunter winning the belt, Reigns winning it back at mania and then down the line you have Hunter v Cena for the belt to tie the record with flair

Edited by The Duke
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Isn't HHH 1 behind cena and 2 behind flair in title reigns? I see Hunter winning the belt, Reigns winning it back at mania and then down the line you have Hunter v Cena for the belt to tie the record with flair

To get to that scenario though, one of them would have to win the belt again which means that they'd have already tied the record.

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Best as I can remember, Hunter won Big Gold 5 times and the WWE title 8 times, which at a total of 13 would leave him three reigns behind Flair's "official WWE total" of 16, if that was accurate. Which it isn't.


Even in terms of reigns recognized on TV, Flair was champion 18 times. WWE are blissfully unaware that the total that WCW ran off between his return in 1993 and the company folding in 2001 (which had reached 16 by the end) ignored his two WWF title runs. They recognized 10 of his NWA title reigns and he was a 7 time holder of the WCW title with one of each being concurrent i.e. 16 separate reigns. Plus two WWF title reigns, makes 18. Not including all those unofficial switches in New Zealand, Singapore, Puerto Rico etc.

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