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You get the idea that WWE think of Cena/Orton as this legendary epic pairing that the fans love, like Austin/Rock or Hogan/Warrior...but neither man brings the best out in the other and they've never had a classic match, angle or promo together and the fans have never really given a shit. I think Cena/Punk is the closest we can get to that from todays generation. If they put Cena/Orton against each other at WM30 it's going to get booed out of the building.

Edited by LaGoosh
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You get the idea that WWE think of Cena/Orton as this legendary epic pairing that the fans love, like Austin/Rock or Hogan/Warrior...but neither man brings the best out in the other and they've never had a classic match, angle or promo together and the fans have never really given a shit. I think Cena/Punk is the closest we can get to that from todays generation. If they put Cena/Orton against each other at WM30 it's going to get booed out of the building.

Orton/Cena had a lot of good matches and angles, it's just they did it so often that people were burnt out with it. I think most of us are warming up to them facing each other again. I know I was dead against it, until I started missing Cena and I lost interest in Bryan hold the WWE title.


Done well, it's probably the biggest match they have with the full-timers.

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I've lost interest in WWE since Night of Champions. Of course, I'll watch again but they always have this shit lull at this time of year. Have I tuned out because Cena isn't there and he is a character I care about seeing in the main event? Possibly, but I don't think it can be all attributed to that.


I'm not normally one to comment on WWE without seeing the shows, but Night of Champions was a shit end. It was deflating. I can't imagine many people felt he was keeping the belt. I was waiting for Triple H to come out and when he didn't I knew it was being taken from him on Raw. Of which I didn't watch because it sounded shit.


It wasn't a feel good moment when he won. They messed with Bryan from the night after Summerslam - of which I mentioned at the time. He was treated like a little bitch which no one wanted to see. There was momentum that was halted by that. Still, it was certainly salvageable, but there's only so much of him being taken down without a big, defining comeback that you can do before fans lose faith. Him winning the title means nothing to me anymore. Same with Orton. They've lost the spark. I'd have had him out of the title picture through The Corporation not giving him a title shot and him winning the Royal Rumble with his moment at Mania.


If their thinking is of building Orton for an Orton vs. Cena match, I question their thinking where they're not building for the future. Ryback could have worked a treat too but they buggered that up. I still think he can get into the title picture and I like his smug bully antics. Is Ryback's backstage bullying still happening?

Edited by Sphinx
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Beating Bryan doesn't make him Triple H in 2000, but I'm still not having that it means nothing (especially if they have Orton coming out of it looking like the bastard of old).

They wouldn't. If Orton wins, it'll be Big Show or Michaels looking like the bastard more than Orton. Unless they did a Shield/Barrett/someothercuntBryancanbeatnextmonth run-in to cause the finish, but surely it's either DB wins or he loses via a big heel turn, considering the "THERE'LL BE A DECENT FINISH THIS TIME, WE SWEAR" campaign. There's no excuse for them doing a cop-out ending like they did with Ryback vs Punk last year, and Orton winning cleanly just destroys Bryan.


The more I think about it, the more I can only see a Bryan win or Michaels turn. If Big Show knocked Bryan out or Dean Ambrose tripped Bryan up to set up an RKO, it'd be weird for Michaels to count the pin. If HBK isn't either a baddie or raising Bryan's hand at the end of the PPV, but he counts a dodgy win for Orton under duress, I think we're getting Michaels vs Triple H at WrestleMania.

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Beating Bryan doesn't make him Triple H in 2000, but I'm still not having that it means nothing (especially if they have Orton coming out of it looking like the bastard of old).

They wouldn't. If Orton wins, it'll be Big Show or Michaels looking like the bastard more than Orton. Unless they did a Shield/Barrett/someothercuntBryancanbeatnextmonth run-in to cause the finish, but surely it's either DB wins or he loses via a big heel turn, considering the "THERE'LL BE A DECENT FINISH THIS TIME, WE SWEAR" campaign. There's no excuse for them doing a cop-out ending like they did with Ryback vs Punk last year, and Orton winning cleanly just destroys Bryan.


The more I think about it, the more I can only see a Bryan win or Michaels turn. If Big Show knocked Bryan out or Dean Ambrose tripped Bryan up to set up an RKO, it'd be weird for Michaels to count the pin. If HBK isn't either a baddie or raising Bryan's hand at the end of the PPV, but he counts a dodgy win for Orton under duress, I think we're getting Michaels vs Triple H at WrestleMania.

Yeah I'm thinking that too. That's why I can see Michaels getting battered by somebody, with it later coming out that Triple H was the one that put the hit out on him.


Maybe they have somebody take out HBK (or Orton RKOs him) and Triple H sends out Scott Armstrong to do the deed. Triple H can feign ignorance about it, as he wouldn't get somebody to batter his best pal in the whole World.


Or, of course, he raises the hand of Bryan which winds up Triple H.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Bringing back HBK to wrestle Triple H would be such a waste though. I know they're best friends but other than Summerslam 2002 I've always thought their matches were pretty dull. The hell in a cell match especially seemed to last for 2 weeks. It wouldn't surprise me if that's what they are heading towards though.


Bryan is in a worse position than he was at Summerslam but I still hope he wins the title at Hell in a Cell.

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Bryan is in a worse position than he was at Summerslam but I still hope he wins the title at Hell in a Cell.


It's a real shame and (theoretically) Bryan was a made man at SummerSlam. As was Orton, in my opinion, as the new 'corporate' champion.


Had they had HHH refuse to give Bryan a re-match (before eventually being forced to do so by some means or another at an event like, say, the Royal Rumble) and allowed Orton to work other challengers (like CM Punk, for example) it could have built anticipation for their eventual match and enhanced both of them as people the audience give a shit about, in my opinion.


As it is, they've wrestled twice since SummerSlam and both have come out the other end worse in my opinion.


After all, think about when Rock was made 'Corporate Champion' in 1998. Him and Austin didn't clash until 4/5 months later and their match headlined WrestleMania.


I know, different time, different situation but I really think neither Bryan or Orton have done well from what was, on paper, something that seemed set to enhance both of their careers.

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It seems weird that they've almost half-arsed both sides of the Bryan/Orton deal. Bryan has been made weaker by both the failed title reigns and by all the talk of him being too small and ugly. Meanwhile Orton has needed constant bailing out by The Authority and has pretty much failed as the corporate Champ already. Randy hardly looks like "the future" if even the dastardly heel bosses think he's a bit shit and needs loads of help.


As Snitsky said above; Bryan was all but made after he beat Cena clean as a whistle and Orton was red-hot as the bastard heel for robbing him of his moment and his title. All of that heat has evaporated after two months of shit finishes and odd-booking. Bryan going over Cena should have been the biggest deal for his character ever, but that match has been all but forgotten already.

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Bringing back HBK to wrestle Triple H would be such a waste though. I know they're best friends but other than Summerslam 2002 I've always thought their matches were pretty dull. The hell in a cell match especially seemed to last for 2 weeks.


Agree about HIAC.

Only matches i liked with them were the Summerslam (mainly due to it being HBK'S 1st match back), Royal Rumble & the main event of the last Raw of 2003.

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I'm hoping for this: nobody wins the title at HITC. Don't care how it ends, but nobody is champion. Deadly Game tournament set up for Survivor Series, with Bryan and Orton receiving the obligatory bye to the next round. Before the PPV, The Shield seemingly turn their back on the new corporation and Reigns & Rollins decide to enter the tournament, the crowd are behind them after they stand up to HHH.


Cody meanwhile is on fire and reaches the tournament final vs Reigns. Face vs face. HHH helps Reigns win, who seems confused st first then realises he is champion and celebrates. Rollins, who was at ringside, asks him what's going on. Reigns replies "Always keep your enemies close, but I think that's close enough now" and floors ol' skunk hair. Trips and Vince hold their new champion aloft and the era of Roman Reigns begins. He already has a massive target on his back- Cody wanting revenge, Rollins wanting answers and Bryan wanting his clean rematch for the title plus Punk looking to get back up there.


Ok I've basically just taken Survivor Series 98 loosely and changed the names, but fuck it. That was good.

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Reigns is amazing. But, he ain't there yet.


I don't think they can leave HIAC without a champion, I mean they might as well all be walking around wearing t-shirts that say 'BUY THE PPV. PLEASE BUY THE PPV. WE PROMISE YOU A PROPER CHAMPION. OH, AND A DEFINITIVE RESULT IN THE BRYAN/ORTON MATCH. HAHA. SEE WHAT WE DID THERE? WE MEANT CENA BEFORE. HAHA. BUT, NO, PLEASE BUY THE FUCKING PPV.'


It'd be a big shirt, admittedly.


Plus, they just don't have the goodwill with the audience anymore (it'd have been a push in 99 to be honest) to pull off a third screwy finish and another month without a champion.


I'd love it if Bryan wins, Triple H goes bonkers and floors everyone with sledgie, announces that he's the new number one contender, covers Bryan, counts to three himself and then legs it off giggling like he's seen a tit.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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It's a right shame they're already teasing the split of the Shield. They're the only thing left in the company I could give a fuck about. By the look on Reign's face he's gonna squash the two little blokes and send them back to NXT. They've become such an important part of the show. The drop in quality will be massive without them.

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