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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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The way the Authority backstage segments are produced are awful and make no sense. Where the fuck are they supposed to be? Is it a hallway? Is it a room? Why are the all facing one direction at all times? There's not a couch, any chairs, or a computer in their...why the fuck are they hanging around their anyway? How can people just randomly pop up out of nowhere with nobody noticing? When they walk off where do they go? FUCKING HELL I HATE IT SO MUCH.

Spot on. It's hideous. Watching stuff on YouTube like Foley's backstage segments in 2000 or Regal's in 2001 shows this stuff up as the utter dogshit that it is. A room with no walls and a permanent cameraman that in exactly the same in every single city.


The facing the camera thing is part of the reason that Ziegler/Lana segment absolutely sucked too. Not just their awkward stance and terrible facials but the fact they both had to stand there facing the hard camera for three minutes.


Produced by a shit cunt who blows donkeys.

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It is a pity that half of the teams in the "division" are terrible though. New Day, Kidd/Cesaro and Lucha Dragons are good, but PTP, Ascension and Los Matadores are just awful.

Blasphemy! PTP are great!

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I thought the Owens segment was great, the powerbomb looked fantastic and then to stomp on the US title like it was beneath the NXT champion was a cool little moment. Was it supposed to break or anything because they have had that belt for fucking ages now and it's the last one not to be revamped ?


He started a little shakey and I'm not sure the beard does him any favors but apart from that I'm a big fan. I do wonder if these guys coming up still as NXT guys is leading somewhere as neither Zayn or Owens had "moved" to the full roster ala Adrian Neville they were still using NXT graphics etc, is it leading somewhere for Survivor Series or am I just hoping.


Chamber participants were highly disappointing in some ways. Was hoping a few more young guys would be added, Neville should be in there for one. Ziggler and R truth can fuck right off! Even Barrett I don't want in there but accept it. Sheamus and Ryback could be interesting. I think the tag one is better but I would switch out the Ascension and Los Matadores personally for Axel/Sandow (who I assume have been left off either to do something with them later or to be an entertaining opener) and Rowan and Harper

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I swear the WWE writers are trolling us with Lana/Ziggler. It was so cringeworthy and the best we can hope for is either a swerve at the chamber (which doesn't make sense given there's other participants) or a Ziggler heel turn.


Speaking of the IC title, again throwing everyone into the match made no sense, how does R Truth get in there? Pretty much loses every week and is a contender for the IC title? Would have preferred Harper/Rowan but maybe they could end up taking out one of the tag teams prior to the show and end up replacing them?


Speaking of them two I wouldn't mind a Wyatt family return, all three look a little bit lost and maybe putting them back together for the summer will refreshen things up and give them things to go with, would be brilliant if at MITB Wyatt was to win it with interference from the Wyatt Family and them all getting back together again. 

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They've already started the transformation. She seems to have dropped the accent and no speaks like a translator in two languages.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing on Raw, her American accent was really a lot more noticeable then It had been previously


I also thought when she slapped Rusev and he got all fired up staring at her, She was gonna change expression and Shout Rusev Crush and he would go on to just destroy Ziggler and next week she could of explained how she had let the audience go to her head so to speak and Rusev dumping her was the kick she needed to return to her old ways. 


But I guess they have gone full on Face turn with her now

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Loved the Owens/Cena segment.


Owens was great on the mic. You can tell he's been working out as his arms are far more defined.


It's great to see Vince/HHH get over their body fetish and start picking guys on talent and ability, such as Owens.


I wonder what the odds are on Cena showing up at NXT tonight & costing Owens his NXT title?

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The NXT crowd will have a major fanboy shitfit if Cena turns up tonight and costs Owens the title...so here's hoping he does.


Having said that, Cena costing Owens his title just because he smacked him about a little is Hogan levels of cuntiness

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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The NXT crowd will have a major fanboy shitfit if Cena turns up tonight and costs Owens the title...so here's hoping he does.


Having said that, Cena costing Owens his title just because he smacked him about a little is Hogan levels of cuntiness

Only if Cena booked it himself.

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I thought Owens came across brilliantly on Raw. He might look like a fan, but he sounds genuine as fuck. Watch/listen to him talk, and compare that to Ziggler, who does know what the inside of a gym looks like but entered another shit, unconvincing promo that ensures he never rises above the mire.

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The NXT crowd will have a major fanboy shitfit if Cena turns up tonight and costs Owens the title...so here's hoping he does.

Having said that, Cena costing Owens his title just because he smacked him about a little is Hogan levels of cuntiness

Awesome idea! If anythi g but this scenario happens i am going to feel let down.

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