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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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His hair looks better there than it did for his first appearance! A little brylcreem goes a long way when you're thinning.

That's why I was surprised by his hair at Survivor Series after the way it looked very neat in all the promo videos I saw him in, like that 2k14 video.

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Add me to the list for not wanting Heyman to turn on Lesnar regardless of what they do, their partnership works because they have a legit business relationship, I know kayfabe is dead but the more 'real' stuff you can get onto the show the better


Thats why Triple H and Steph work as the Authority, because people know their real life jobs and marriage, if Brad Maddox and Eve Torres had come out a couple of years ago pretending to be some power couple they wouldn't have got the slightest bit of heat

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I agree. If anybody remembers Lesnar's performance during that contract signing, which lead to Heyman coming back, you'll appreciate that Lesnar and his aura is so much more when he has Heyman doing the talking.


Having Heyman for a Lesnar face run also creates a really easy scenario to get heat, with The Authority giving Heyman an almighty pasting leading to his BEAST leaving the woods to fight the good fight.

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Decent Raw, but definitely not a two-weeks-before-WrestleMania decent Raw. The closing segment was good, but it's not good that Orton vs Rollins has been pushed ahead of the title match for weeks.




Sounds like he's cashing in to me. Rollins is all over the shows. He's like late 2010 Miz, where it seems they are putting him all over TV for you to get used to his title reign. They have to have pulled the plug on Reigns winning the title. There's no justification how he's pretty much a massive after thought.


Mania is very interesting because either Rollins is cashing in or Reigns is going heel with Heyman. That's the only way they can explain how they arent going full peddle with shoving Reigns down our throats. This is so unlike WWE booking. Even when people arent buying someone they at least try and make you care. Even Batista, they were still going with him up until the last minute last year.


I agree that Rollins is going to cash in the briefcase and he will do it the next night on Raw.  We know he will do it when he loses to Orton at Mania. That is the usual WWE booking of MITB winners before they win. Then they will probably do another stacking the odds storyline, to try and help Reigns get over. Setting up road blocks so that he can smash them.


At this stage the only interest for me in the main event is the various scenarios in my imagination WWE can go with and nothing to do with the build up..

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If Heyman turns on Lesnar and Lesnar's sticking around, who'd be his new manager? He can't do live promos, that's why he insisted on Heyman being brought back in the first place. As Colin says, the best bet for a babyface run would be Heyman and Lesnar vs The Authority rather than Paul E turning on Brock. Punk vs Heyman was really, really shit. Part of that was down to Punk seeing his arse by then and putting in minor effort, but part of it was just it being hokey bullshit.

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Only noticed with that inset promo they did this week but Nikki Bella looks about 10 years older than Brie, in the face anyway


Also what was with the lad with the tits in the blue top having a fit during Reigns' promo? I know the answer is he's just a knobhead

Edited by Dr.PeterVenkman
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Not a bad go home show, I think the Sting-HHH confrontation was great. Fucking monstrous reaction for Sting live - loudest of the night by far.


Heyman promo was great as usual, even though he's having to retread the same ground every week, he's just so good. I think it would have been a bit of a stretch to have Brock put anyone over and for it to feel believable, but for all his good points, there's just no believability in Reigns beating Lesnar, unless there's some big time shenanigans on the night. They have built this absolutely unslayable monster whose manager delivers the most passionate promos and he's up against meh. Meh on the mic, meh in the ring. It's all down to believability. He can say "believe that" until the cows come home but sadly, I just don't. I don't believe a word he says, and not in a Paul "don't trust a word that comes out of his mouth" Heyman way, I mean a Tommy "You're tearing me apart, Lisa!" Wiseau way. I don't care about anything he says or does because he's a total nonentity. No amount of slickly edited montages of spears and superman punches is going to convince me until he stops being such a sack of soggy dicks.


Iphone pics weren't great but here's Wyatt's entrance:



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