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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Roman Reigns hesitating to high five that outstretched hand when he first appeared in the crowd was a worrying sign. He's a six-and-a-half-foot musclebound super-model and yet he's visibly shitting a brick about what a crowd of skinny nerds thinks of him every week. It'd be great if he'd take his fucking time getting down the stairs and carry himself with a bit of poise while he's doing it. Every week he does one brief glance into the middle distance before putting his head down and legging it to the bottom as fast as he can, like Ruel Fox trying to barge his way through a crowd of Dennis Irwins. It doesn't project the confidence that a top babyface needs, in fact it does the opposite. 


There was a Royal Rumble a few years ago where 29 of the participants ran to the ring at full pelt. The only one who took his time and walked down there at his own pace was Flair; not only did it make sense in the context of the match but it also projected a bit of self-confidence. Flair needs to have a chat with Reigns about how you get to fuck all the cows instead of just one.

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how did the Shield enter for both of their Mania matches?

Through the crowd. To be honest, it'll look silly if he doesn't walk through the crowd at Mania I reckon, as is embedded into his character.

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Just looking at some facts, he's the third or 4th most over full-time babyface with the live TV crowds (Cena, Bryan & maybe Orton) and Raw ratings are low for this time of year, I'd say he's definitely not where WWE want him to be - seeing as the idea is he'll be the bloke doing the numbers for the foreseeable future. From my own stand point, I'm really not all that bothered about him winning the title in the main event at Wrestlemania, which shouldn't be the case because I actually quite like Reigns.


However, they're 100% commented to making him a star. Even if he's still not really ready in a couple of weeks, you would imagine WWE will get it right eventually by keeping him strong, so long as Vince doesn't get fed up and go in another direction of course.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Raw was half decent this week. I thought all the main segments delivered and actually felt somewhat like 'Mania-calibre feuds, which is shocking given what we've had so far.


Sting showing up at the end and basically stomping on the Barry White memories of last week was brilliant. Fiery Sting is always much better than Mute Sting and him and his hair had the fans going mental. Fuck you Barry White!


John Cena v Rusev is impossible not to love if you are in anyway into real pro wrestling. Russia v Cena is living up to its potential.


Also, I thought they did a grand job trying to hype up the Lesnar/Reigns match. You had Lesnar/Heyman promising untold violence in two cracking segments and Reigns was on point with his promo - I'm chuffed he shot down the fans for chanting "Daniel Bryan".

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Yeah I thought Reigns was good, although his "I think. I can. I believe" or whatever it was slogan is more than a bit lame. I reckon him vs Lesnar is probably going to be great. It's a shame they can't blade job anymore, with his long hair a bloody Roman Reigns facing off against The Beast would be an incredible visual.

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I thought the reaction to reigns was OK and his promo was half decent. The Daniel Bryan chants are not crippling in my opinion and he handled them great. That said I read an interview with him recently not sure if it was a transcript but it would have sounded great as a promo and he should be working down those lines a bit more...need to dig it out


What's with the heyman moc cut off 2 weeks in the row. Is it a shoot as he goes off script a coincidence or because it happened last week Vince thought it would be funny to fuck with him this week?

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The Brock Lesnar sit down promo was absolutely brilliant. He is genuinely scary sometimes. I'm probably being delusional but I have a feeling he may retain against Reigns...


Other than that it was an enjoyable Raw. Much better than last weeks.

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Russian lawyer was great, I want more of him and his Texan drawl.


That ending seemed so stupid with Rollins spending the entire show making Randy think that he'd have no one in his corner only to reveal the ruse before the match thus rendering his advantage pointless. Completely saved by Sting though and obviously that's how it had to play out to get Sting in there.

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I've not watched Raw or SD for two weeks. It's no because I'm not interested in WM but because I'm not interested in them ruining my interest with placeholder TV. Might watch this weeks, sounds much better.

It isn't. It's pretty much the same show they put on every week. Not sure why people think it was any better than usual.

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