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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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As bad as the show was, and it was horrid, the UK really does have the worst fans in the world.


Give me silence any day over:


Let's go Colby (at Rollins)

Leo Kruger (Adam Rose)

You're not Russian (Rusev and Lana)

Hunico (Sin Cara)

Tyler Black (Rollins again)

You can't wrestle (at Ryback and Sheamus)


Truly fucking awful. Hilariously, some of the morons behind me that were chanting this shit refused to participate in the usual back and forth Cena chant because, get this, the crowd is only trying to get themselves over. Jesus fucking Christ!!

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Seth Rollins' real name is Colby Lopez.

 Wasn't it CM Punk who said something like "Fans who know wrestlers real names are celver, fans who call wrestlers by their real names are morons"?


The irony that the fans chanting Colby are probably the same fans who want Punk back in wwe

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Decided to read the report this morning before I waste time watching it because the UK shows are almost always shit and the rumours of half the roster being elsewhere would have made it worse.


It actually read as a decent show given the talent available with the show long story on Sting joining the nWo, I mean Ryback joining The Authority. Seemed like pretty decent development for the big match at Survivor Series.


So at the moment we're looking at Rollins, Kane, Henry, Rusev & Harper vs. Cena, Ziggler, Swagger, Show & Ryback. presumably with Swagger now written out to be replaced by Orton.


I think it'll be a good match at the end of this. Just a shame to month to month booking means it doesn't mean anywhere near as much as it should. They are desperately trying to write tension that isn't there.

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I think it'll be a good match at the end of this. Just a shame to month to month booking means it doesn't mean anywhere near as much as it should. They are desperately trying to write tension that isn't there.

But The Authority might lose their jobs!!!!! Um, yeah, not really feeling the tension of the heel being displaced.


I love Brock as champ as an idea, but this part-time champ thing is killing the momentum. With everybody floating about near the top unable to vie for the title there's not a lot to fight for. Brock at least needs to appear on Raw once a week, even in non-contact form, to keep the chase alive. Even a weekly taped tron "yeah you shlubs don't deserve me. In MMA I only fought twice a year so you should think yourselves lucky," "I haven't seen any talent worth giving a title shot for, why don't y'all have a 4 week tournament to find the best of the best?" Or turning up in person to watch in from the Brock Box and sneering at the poor quality of the contenders.


Ahh, armchair booking.

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So much really fantastic stuff could have happened but it was ruined by one of the most pathetic crowds I've seen and some terrible booking in the last 10 minutes.

They ran a really interesting "Will he/Won't he?" double turn with Ryback all night, and people were obviously wanting to see him turn on the Authority. When he did though, it was just a really weak punch on Rollins and then immediately being kicked in the head. He should have wiped the Authority out straight away like he did in the end rather than pissing about and killing all the heat.
Then, they return Luke Harper in a 10 second segment that was showed when everyone was probably leaving the building.

They really don't know how to book the simplest of things anymore do they? Real fucking garbage, just like that crowd. 

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Then, they return Luke Harper in a 10 second segment that was showed when everyone was probably leaving the building.

I wasn't there but I don't believe they played it to the crowd.


Yeah it will have been played to the crowd, after the main event finished, and it was 10 seconds. Luke Harper, who could have gotten a huuuuuuuuge pop for his return if they had an entrance and actually came out and swang a few lariats. But nope.

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