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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Yeah If they don't him around why would they go to the trouble of offering him a full time deal, knowing he will turn it down, Whats the point? Its not like they have been forced by Law that they have to offer him a contract so gave him something he couldn't take.


If they had no interest in him they would just leave him alone

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He'll reappear eventually. Never say never in wrestling, it's a lot less unlikely than Bret working a match a Wrestlemania, Warrior in a Raw ring or Chris Hero getting a WWE contract.

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Anyone else think Randy Orton came off big time babyfacey on Raw this week? Especially in the way he cleanly despatched Ziggler with a highlight reel RKO. Seemed more than coincidental with all these RKO Vines catching a lot of attention at the moment. I reckon he might be turning face again soon.

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So Raw started with the talky talky. Was there ever a time when this wasn't so? Not that it (always) a bad thing, but would it be weird now to go straight to a match?

Ambrose and Cena did their thing. Cena's showing a few more heel tendencies. I do think they're actually gonna go through with it, and damn the merch sales! Or maybe they'll swerve me. Damn you Russo!

HHH & Stephanie have a little bet on whether the two can co-exist as tag partners. And put them in with the feud no-one wants to see begin, Usos vs the Dust Brothers.

Stardust is clearly channelling Frank Gorshin as the Riddler, and that's a good thing.

Match was odd. Ambrose/Cena vs the Usos for EVER. Then we went to a break and the Dusts were in. No explanation how. They did some nice spots and all the faces did dives, even Cena. Yeah.

Cena pinned Stardust for the win (after Stardust had escaped from the Attitude Adjustment the first time, which was weird). Because the thing to get your tag belts over is have a non-tag team beat the champions and main contenders, right?

HHH didn't like losing his bet and so he made Cena versus Ambrose, with the winner getting Rollins at Hell In A Cell, as tonight's main event. A good decision.

Later, in hyping the main event, Lawler called it a "Pole On A Match", and Bradshaw corrected him, calling it a "Contract On A Match". Those guys.

Hey, isn't it weird to see HHH being this dastardly heel but wearing a ribbon & pink tie to support breast cancer awareness? I'm not saying he should campaign FOR cancer, or that I think it's a bad thing. Just another little sign of how wrestling has changed.

Oh, man, women.

You realise they're basically feuding over makefriendsmakefriendsnevereverbreakfriends, right? Because women. AJ got layla as a partner because she, the champ and babyface here, hasn't got any friends. Nobody in the back likes the top babyface. Women. Unfortunately, this feud means Alicia Fox gets ring time. Paige was doing some nice stuff on the apron, but nice stuff that would be brilliant in front of hundreds rather than tens of thousands where it was lost. Layla walked out on AJ (which AJ did last week, remember?) and AJ won with what was described as a shining wizard. And then, because she's the babyface, beat up her partner. Utter shit.

Randy Orton booked himself onto a PPV. Is it that easy?

Dolph Ziggler versus Randy Orton because reasons. It was an odd one. There was some great stuff but it was a little bit lost on the crowd (early) and me (whole match) because no-one cared about Ziggler. Orton was getting cheers and chants until Ziggler bumped enough to earn some begrudging praise.

I don't know what it is that is so bland about Ziggler. He looks like Jeff Jarrett without the technical skills. Someone here said that he bumps not sells, and that's about right. Orton, however, is a giver, and made Ziggler look a million dollars, giving him far more than he should, but still winning with an innovative RKO.

Oh, yeah, Rollins watched the match from the ramp, standing impassively, sucking heat out of the room. And then kerb stomped Ziggler because they're going to need an IC title programme for him when he's failed to headline.

Then Rollins fought Swagger. Again, reasons. Does nobody ever sit there and wonder, why are these people fighting? It's not tough to make matches that have storyline sense, or make storylines to fit matches you want to do. It's a lost art, it seems.

The match was okay. It was odd doing another balls-out contest so soon after one which the crowd were chanting, "this is awesome" at, but I guess these things are scripted in stone these days, and who knew Ziggler would have a great match? They tried a bunch of stuff, some of it worked, some didn't. Rollins blew a schoolboy. Haha, that's a funny sentence.

Rollins won with a roll-up and then Orton, who'd been watching from the ramp, RKO'd Swagger. Rollins looks so nothing next to Orton it's not funny.

Ah, Rusev versus Big Show, the feud that makes me wish for Ludvig Borga. Bradshaw said that 318 million native Americans would cheer The Big Show's victory. I'm not sure Bradshaw knows what a native American is.

Big Show DESTROYED Rusev early on. I mean, totally destroyed him. Then Rusev hit an outstanding standing dropkick out of nowhere and it swung back the other way, with Rusev softening him up for the "Accolade", which sounds like a fizzy drink. Show made a brief comeback, mainly because Rusev had a resthold on that looked no more perilous than a handshake, but Rusev camel clutched him almost into unconsciousness. Mark Henry hit the ring to encourage and then SAVE the Big Show, causing him to lose. Which protects Rusev somehow.

Then the BABYFACES ganged up on Rusev, two on one, and the HEEL swallowed his fear, made peace with his demons, and attacked them, only to be PUNCHED unconscious. This feud!

During this match my attention wandered a bit and at times it was hard to differentiate between commentators. Cole and Bradshaw have such a similar tone to their voices that it sometimes seemed like one commentator arguing with himself. Which is a GREAT idea.

What's worse than a women's tag match? A women's SIX-man, that's what. And for extra crapness they managed to bring in another, charismaless woman to stand at ringside.

Jesus, it was dreadful. To accurately describe it would demean me as a writer and you as a reader. Brie Bella won for her "team".

Bray Wyatt is a scary man.

Okay, the main event was good. It was odd because you'd think it would be a simple thing, climbing a pole, and there were lots of times when either man, but particularly Ambrose, could have. BUT. This was also a main event on a flagship TV show, so they had to do STUFF~! And it was good stuff, too. Yeah, I'm digging these two. I want heel Cena down the line for another go.

Anyway, Ambrose got the contract, which means he gets Rollins. I hope he kills him. And Cena gets Orton. Which will be one to watch because both are teasing turns.

A decent show. BRING ON SMACKDOWN!

Edited by Linus
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I'd seen rumblings around the "newz" sites over the last few weeks that an Orton face turn was being mooted. They definitely need to jump on it now, he's a social media sensation! He needs to have RKO'd at least a dozen people by the end of the show he turns on, too. Not just wrestlers. Noble and Mercury would be ideal candidates.


Best thing about Raw was Dean Ambrose quoting David Allen Coe. Well, slightly misquoting, actually.

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Anyway, Ambrose got the contract, which means he gets Rollins. I hope he kills him. And Cena gets Orton. Which will be one to watch because both are teasing turns.


A decent show. BRING ON SMACKDOWN!


Another fun read but I do question TBIB


I can't see where you're getting the Cena potentially turning from, He hasn't done anything (to my recollection) very heelish, sure he has had some disagreements/interactions with Ambrose but he has done that before with other main event faces without hinting at a heel turn.


Plus they are already missing Bryan and Reigns from the top end of the card Face wise, turning Cena over to the other side leaves a massive hole, who would Cena face as a heel? Orton might turn soon I agree but Cena/Orton has been done to death (with 1 more still to come) already, then its Ambrose and ?????


Might just be me but Cena seems as far from a heel turn as he has been for a while

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Linus, please don't call JBL Bradshaw, next you'll be busting out Terra Ryzing, Stunning Steve and I'll have to start playing EWR on my 486.

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I forgot the Miz-Sheamus match ever happened. Which is obviously a sign of how that feud is gripping the nation. BUT how good was Mizdow again? So. Over.


Re: the Cena turn. You must remember I haven't seen any WWE in the last 10 years or so, so I can't say I've seen him do this before. The way he sometimes plays up to the crowd that don't like him, does dickish things to the very over babyface, and is obsessed with revenge for something not that bad, are all slight heel clues. Like I say, though, I haven't seen it for a decade so it may jist be standard practice now.

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