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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Majority of posters on the wrestling forum on Reddit are made up of these cunts.An example of two thread titles from there,I find the second one particularly hilarious:


Chicago RAW. Im firmly behind the idea of turning our backs to Batista and making no noise.


Triple H is hosting a Live Q&A on Twitter from 3-3:30 pm. I think this will be the most effective way to voice our disdain.
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Do you know what I'm terrified of? Vince bringing CM Sulk back to be the third man in a triple threat match with Batista and Orton. As I understand it, one of Punk's main gripes was that he wasn't main eventing Wrestlemania, so with Bryan taking Punk's spot against Triple H I'd hate for them to insert Punk into the the title match in order to get him to return. Not that I think it will happen, it's just that as we get closer to the Chicago show there's not many other ways I can imagine them re-inserting the scruffy tramp, should he return.


Yeah, I've considered that. If Punk does return, that'll be the only spot for him. He's not coming back to fight Christian or Sheamus.


Similar to the Rumble debacle, the only way to handle this situation:




This Raw will be a car crash, so terrible but oddly fascinating.

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As noted in the Mania thread, the major wrestling news sources are getting sheets with the proposed Mania lineup as it stands a month out, and the title match is listed as Dave vs Orton vs *plus one*. If you want to break bread with a rowdy crowd on Monday, putting Bryan in the title match or doing the stip of "if you beat HHH, you get in the match" might be the best thing to do. Send Hulk out. He's big in Chicago. He can put Bryan in the title match.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Punk really isn't an obvious choice. There's been nothing at all to suggest in any way, shape or form that he's going to be anywhere near wrestling, let alone WWE, Mania and its main event. And besides, even if he had said anything at all, WWE would be insane to give him that spot - regardless of his grievance, they cannot as a business give in to someone who's conducted himself the way he has, or it will set a dangerous precedent.


If I'm wrong, I will happily hold my hands up, but I'm going to nail my trousers to the mast on this one: Punk will NOT be in the main event of WMXXX.

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Actually my original comment about his look was harsh considering the concerns about his health. It's pretty clear though that he hasn't been putting any effort into his appearance and he just looks like he doesn't care, hopefully that's not related to the illness he reportedly thinks he might have, but I don't think the company could possibly put someone who looks so apathetic about themselves in a top spot even without him walking out the way he did. So I don't think he does work in that position really.


And to be honest I kinda wish he doesn't come back so soon for himself as much as anything. If he does have big health concerns, and we don't really know that the poor way he did business isn't relating to them in some way, then him rushing back to headline wrestlemania is a big decision. Hopefully he's not as bad as all that but Vince's kindness to it all might not necessarily be just about trying to coax him back in.

Edited by Vamp
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Aye, Punk didn't look like he should be around for months and months. I can understand them wanting him around while Cena was out, but he should've been sent home after Cena's return at the very latest. Since last year's WrestleMania, the only worthwhile thing Punk has done is one match with Brock Lesnar. That's a lot of wear and tear on an already ill-looking guy for no memorable moments. And I'm sure he made good money even wrestling Curtis Axel and Ryback for months, but I'm not sure it was worth it to anyone. It killed Ryback again when he was just making progress, it served to illustrate how crap Axel is, it watered down Paul Heyman, and Punk gained nothing from any of it.

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If Punk returns at Mania he doesn't need a match.


At Bryan/HHH (where if Bryan wins he makes the main event) have Kane run interference and then have Punk jump the barricade for the save, purely to even numbers and chase off Kane, then Bryan can beat HHH clean before going on to the ME.



Punk shouldn't be in a Mania match, doesn't mean he can't have a role at Mania.

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Yeah, but if it's true he walked out because one of the reasons was he wasn't getting to main event, I can't imagine he'd want to come back for a bit-part role.

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Yeah, but if it's true he walked out because one of the reasons was he wasn't getting to main event, I can't imagine he'd want to come back for a bit-part role.


If he comes back in any sense then I doubt he ever really walked out of the company, but that's me just being cynical.

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Putting DB in the maina main event on raw would be the only way to head of these fools.


Im still not buying " i think ive got an illness" Im still sure that illness would have waited until after mania if he had been given main event standing. Failing that then atleast come on TV say "i need time off im beaten up see you soon"


No way will vince lower himself to put him the main event to get him back.

Edited by quote the raven
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I'd hit it with Batista in the ring and then have Big Dave do his knee slapping laugh when he doesn't come out. People still talk about the Shawn Michaels promo where they hit Bret Hart's music to this day. It would be hilarious. I honestly think you would get a camera shot of at least 12 people in tears.


It would make a much better show if WWE fought the hijacking, than ignore it. Have all the heels rip on the fans. They'd be in for a right shock if HHH just tore into them. Punk will be back eventually. Even if its not Monday. They always come back. So just run with it. Send a dwarf out with poor skin and sideboards.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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