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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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If Batista's lack of acknowledgement towards the crowd was a concious move then its not a bad one as he can see to his business such as giving ADR a kicking and head towards Wrestlemania without becoming a man of the people and easily transition to the dark side if that is a direction WWE want to go after Mania.

Edited by Sexy Dad
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Don't know why Batista is still persisting with those dodgy looking new trunks.They're like knock offs of his old ones that he bought down the market for a fiver.


Was hoping Keibler would get the nod for the HOF ahead of Lita,mainly because it would annoy all the mongy CM Punk fans.

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WWE have done well in crushing the CM Punk backlash. The opening segment had a different speaking tempo again, and according to godsofwhipsandchains.net, Michael Cole informed the crowd that Raw was about to go live, and they started a loud Punk chant, to which he responded, "How about you just... go away".

A short clip of Cole and Lawler talking about the CM Punk chant.


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The thought of Cesaro/Sheamus battering each other made the balls tingle and both men didn't disappoint. I'd be up for a midcard match between the two at 'Mania. Both of them are rotten promos, though.


I'm pleased Batista is back to wearing pants, rather than the boxer briefs. His return has highlighted the lack of good full-time heels, which isn't helping him much. Hopefully Triple H looking for a new face of WWE leads to him joining up with Batista and Orton getting demoted.

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Hell yes! I'm definitely going this year then. Any idea the best place to get tickets from (and when they go on sale)?


It's usually axs.com. The titantron advert said March 15th 10am (presumably PST), I don't know if that's the presale date or what.

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Ah, so that's how that Cole/Punk story originated. Disappointed it wasn't on a live mic, would have been a nice brief return to annoying heel Cole.


There's talk that the locker room is divided between seeing Punk as "heroic" (which I think is a bit of a stretch) and those glad to see the back of him. The announcers are definitely of the latter, they wouldn't want to rock the boat with the cushy gig they have, even if they actually liked Punk.

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I'd imagine the likes of Orton (especially), HHH, Batista and Show would be on the "fuck you Punk" side while the lower card wrestlers would be more for Punk. I assume Bryan would be pro-Punk just because of where they both came from, but who knows? It's all speculation at the moment. I don't care how many dirt sheet writers (even ones I usually take salt-free) say they know anything about this, they don't. Punk hasn't spoken to anybody, All they've got is whatever their inside sources can tell them about WWE's thought process right now, which has continually been that Vince is trying to get him back. If Chicago happens and he's not there, don't expect to see him again for a very long time. Given everything he has said about being burnt out even before MITB '11, even for a sure thing Mania main even next year and a bump in pay and (another) big green light push, he's surely not going to re-up for another 2-3 years?

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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He sits in his bus all day and doesn't interact with the mid-lower card wrestlers, by all accounts. Same with Orton. Same with Big Show. Cena has his own locker room. Triple H isn't in the locker room anymore. Undertaker isn't there anymore. Its a different era. A lot of the wrestlers dont know each other outside of their interaction at the gorilla position. All the top guys have buses and a lot of people hang out at catering and anywhere but the locker room. Even Chris Hero said as much on his shoot interview. He said he barely spoke to Punk when he was at TVs that year he was there. The business has changed so much. I imagine the divide is the people who were friends with Punk before he became a big star like him and the wrestlers who have came on the scene in recent years think he's a miserable cunt who keeps to himself. Which was the opinion a lot of people had of him on the indy scene. Its up to you to decide if its a good thing or a bad thing. There's no locker room bullying going on I suppose, but by the same token nobody is bouncing ideas off each other. I think that's the big advantage the NXT lot have. They pretty much live around the same era, travel with each other, train with each other. The next crop of guys might bring the tightness back to the locker room.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Cena has his own locker room.


Is that right? I didn't know stuff like this still happened. I remember the shit Hogan got in later years when people started going on about him having had his own locker room.


The WWE HR Department (may not exist) should require everybody to hang out in the back together in order to increase harmony and to increase the amount of funny stories of people who dislike each other having to interact we get to hear.

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Quite right too. Imagine in your workplace the protocol was everyone was expected to sit in the break out area. Fuck that, like Punk I'd rather go a walk or sit at my own desk. And in passing I might talk to people I actually like.


Then when work starts again I'll work/talk with anyone and even put a song and dance act on in front of clients, having big giggles and interaction with my colleagues.


This is real life.

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Is that right? I didn't know stuff like this still happened. I remember the shit Hogan got in later years when people started going on about him having had his own locker room.

Cena's schedule is way harder than the lot of them. Half the time he's getting flown in because he's coming in from doing an appearance somewhere else. I dont think he's got a bus, but most of the time he's flying anyway. I know a few of them want to just have a kip before the show starts after traveling all day or having a meeting with the writers away on his own. The big stars in WWE either have their own room (Undertaker, Lesnar and Triple H do as well, so did the Rock when he came back) or have their own bus where they hang out on their own. The complaint in WCW was that Hogan was only doing TVs and he turned up never spoke to anyone and just chilled out with Brutus. Cena isn't cliquish, he just has his own room.


For me, I reckon its because nobody wants anyone to see how small their knobs are.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Speaking of which (small knobs) did I dream this or, during the time of the Hulkamania! tour in Australia, was there locker room footage of the likes of Flair and Hogan getting ready? Putting their tights on and shit.


I think I dreamt this and now it's kind of weird...

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Given the amount of time cena spends meeting kids, doing media appearances and working out with guys down his gym, plus all the wrestling, you gotta figure that being in his own locker room is probably the only real alone time he gets.

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