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20 hours ago, ColinBollocks said:

Thing is, as well, almost every one of the CW's he's ripping into are rubbish bores. There comes a point when he'll get The Rock reaction (not in terms of popularity, but where his dickhead comments get cheered on) because he's too entertaining, in comparison to almost everyone else on the roster. He's also a unique talker.

I have always said if Enzo was 6 inches taller and a bit more "built" he would have been the next big star in the company.

Heel Enzo should be immense, he's head and shoulders above everyone on 205 live.

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On 10/4/2017 at 12:24 PM, Scott Malbranque said:

It was definitely an audible groan, Brewster.
The worst collective groan I ever heard was during the Rumble 2000 when Boss Man’s music hit. It must have been absolutely soul destroying to get type of reaction when the crowd were hyped up to all fuck and receptive to pretty much everything.


I went back to check the Boss Man reaction out and stayed long enough to see Boss Man grab Rikishi's hand and choke himself in the corner stalling for Bulldog coming out.

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2 hours ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

At least one positive of the Kalisto switch is that, as of 205 Live, he's gone back to using the Lucha Dragons theme and the Lucha Lucha hand gestures which will get him pops

This was something they should really have considered on Raw - surely the LU CHA LU CHA would've got at least a small pop compared to that 'ball dropping from a 90s video game' one he's been using lately?

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A very weird show.

The Shield reunion, although fun, feels like there's something missing. I can't figure it out. I think it might just be how rushed it  feels. When they did the DX reunion in 2006 it felt like ages between the initial crotch chop teases at Wrestlemania and the eventual reunion in the summer. It evolved slowly, made sense, built anticipation and didn't feel forced. Here, it feels really obvious that this wasn't decided on until the last minute, when they realised they needed a main event for TLC that didn't feature Brock Lesnar. All three of them wearing Shield T-Shirts about half an hour after reuniting was a bit lame too. They looked like a trio of dorks in their matching shirts, a far cry from how cool the Shield used to be. I'm going to be genuinely gutted if they don't put on the riot gear again.

However, all that being said, the Miz was absolutely spectacular tonight. His selling of them coming down the ramp together was really great. He's the star of the show these days. I also can't imagine a way in which the 4 on 3 TLC match won't end up being a match of the year contender.

I don't even know what to say about the Bray stuff. Absolute dog shit. I can't decide who I can't stand more, him on Raw or Ziggler on Smackdown. They're both an absolute chore to watch. 

Dana Brooke shouldn't be on live national television.

Imagine, even six months ago, someone telling you that Kalisto would be winning the cruiserweight title in the main event of RAW. Crazy.

Edited by Supremo
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Caught that 30 minute condensed Youtube version this morning so I don't know if it was that, but they somehow managed to make The Shield reunion boring. They came out to their individual music, they're walking about in their little matching tops with their beaming smiles; it's like they forgot what made them cool to begin with.

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1 hour ago, FelatioLips said:

Caught that 30 minute condensed Youtube version this morning so I don't know if it was that, but they somehow managed to make The Shield reunion boring. They came out to their individual music, they're walking about in their little matching tops with their beaming smiles; it's like they forgot what made them cool to begin with.

I can't believe that anybody thought it was going to be any different, 2017 WWE doesn't do "cool" face characters, weather it's the Shied or otherwise.

They will be out next week cracking horrible jokes in a 20 minute promo.

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The cruiser weights have headlined Raw 2 of the last 3 weeks now (maybe its 2 of the last 4,  but regardless), sort of feels like WWE are giving them one last roll of the dice? I got to admit I'm more invested in the division now than I have ever been but i'm still only watching 205 live a little

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2 minutes ago, theringmaster said:

The cruiser weights have headlined Raw 2 of the last 3 weeks now (maybe its 2 of the last 4,  but regardless), sort of feels like WWE are giving them one last roll of the dice? I got to admit I'm more invested in the division now than I have ever been but i'm still only watching 205 live a little

The main event is where it always was at two hours. The CW are in the death spot.

I liked all the stuff they did with The Shield on this show. It is too soon and it's not had a great build but standalone it was good and the crowd ate it up. Worry like TKOOS that they'll be cutting horribly unfunny 20 minute promos in future but we'll see. 

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Called it.

Fans clambor for it, get given it. And are now shitting all over it.

Comparing this to DX’s reunion is hilarious too. Talking about how well done that was yet at the time people criticised it for being two 40 year olds clinging onto their youth and acting like they’re young when clearly not. 

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29 minutes ago, FattHardy said:

Comparing this to DX’s reunion is hilarious too. Talking about how well done that was yet at the time people criticised it for being two 40 year olds clinging onto their youth and acting like they’re young when clearly not. 

I think he's just talking about the evolution of it. That DX run was fucking horrendous. Talk about dorks in matching T-Shirts.

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47 minutes ago, FattHardy said:

Called it.

Fans clambor for it, get given it. And are now shitting all over it.

Comparing this to DX’s reunion is hilarious too. Talking about how well done that was yet at the time people criticised it for being two 40 year olds clinging onto their youth and acting like they’re young when clearly not. 

The DX reunion, from the Wrestlemania teases to the night that they finally pulled the trigger, was one of the best storylines they ever did. In terms of building something up and making the fans clamour for it, it's up there with Batista vs. Triple H. There's nothing better in pro-wrestling than when the fans cotton on as to where they're going, but are made to wait for the climax. Everything that followed that first night was pure shit, but that doesn't make the build up any less excellent.


My worry is that the Shield reunion didn't even have the build up, or awesome pull of the trigger. They've skipped straight to the losers in matching T-Shirts. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Edited by Supremo
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It's another example of the change in the audience. They haven't got the patience to let a Shield reunion build. Look back at history at long builds, Hogan v Sting at Starrcade 97 or Taz v Sabu in ECW, those built for close to a full year, then you've got shorter but still well executed builds like the Batista face turn. That's not to say that a Shield reunion has to last as long, but if it doesn't happen after a few weeks, fans seem to get bored. They want it to happen, but it has to happen now. Not start it now and have it culminate in six months time when you're going into the biggest show of the year and you've got the most eyes on the product were the payoff is seen by the most people possible. No do it now to plug the end of year gap when people stop caring.

Take Nakamura and AJ Styles coming to the main roster for examples. Whilst you shouldn't put any stock in the YouTube comments section or Reddit or any of those other ghastly places, the second that Nakamura showed up you got "they better feud him with AJ" or "just feud him with AJ Styles already!". Granted, they had a good match at Wrestle Kingdom that one time, and they could do so again, but you build the anticipation to that (which they did start to plant seeds for it a couple of months back) rather than spaffing it away immediately. And what if they did go straight to Nakamura/AJ? Where does either man go after it other than into something less meaningful.

Same with AJ when he first came in. Yes he got a great pop at the Royal Rumble, but there will have still been alot of people unfamiliar with him so you then have to show why his arriving in WWE is a big thing, that's why you have his debut match against a guy like Curtis Axel and his first feud against an established Chris Jericho, so you can show him off a bit first rather than throw him straight into the main event because he was great in New Japan.

Let the climax build, otherwise you end up being Captain Cumquick, and no-one wants to be him.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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