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This has probably already been mentioned, but heyman promos about how much Braun reminds him of early Brock suggests a heyman turn on Brock for strowman to win. Brock disappears for a few months and comes back a house of fire. Then Braun has a mouth piece. 

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Braun doesn't need a mouth peice. Granted, he's no Cena or anything but he's doing well with the few words he needs to say. I'd argue one fault of Brock Lesnar is Heyman coming out and rambling every week, as most soundbites from Lesnar feuds are the few words he says himself because he sounds like a real person.

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1 hour ago, Duke said:

This has probably already been mentioned, but heyman promos about how much Braun reminds him of early Brock suggests a heyman turn on Brock for strowman to win. Brock disappears for a few months and comes back a house of fire. Then Braun has a mouth piece. 

I've had the fear about this since they mentioned the feud. It's an easy way to set up a return match, BUT let's not forget how shocking Lesnar is when he has to cut a promo in front of a crowd.

Honestly, I think Heyman could really hurt Braun too.

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The best thing on this show was the John Cena video. The irony though is that the intent of that video appeared to be to pass the torch to Roman Reigns, but all it did was make me want to see Cena come back and win one more title. Admitting that he's forty and can't go like he used to was one of the most interesting things they've ever done with Cena.  Who knew that all Super Cena had to do to make himself endearing was to show a little bit of vulnerability?

I'd love for them to make a storyline out of it, where he loses a step and has to go away for a few months to train and come back for one last run. It'd be the perfect way to keep him relevant whilst he's away making movies or whatever. Film loads of footage now of him training and finding himself, then air a little bit of it every week between now and Royal Rumble. 

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To me, that seems like a double turn with Enzo and Neville, which is excellently done if that's what they were going for. The idea of Neville being over as a face by being a mean badass is great.

Unless this is all designed to get Enzo to legitimately quit without having to worry about a constructive dismissal lawsuit. 

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Honestly, I know I'm a fucking broken record on the guy, but why on earth would you want Enzo to quit? I get that not everyone is in to him because they find the brash, loudmouth act irritating and I respect that. Perhaps in that sense, turning him heel isn't the worst idea. But even the stupidest member of the cast of Made In Chelsea is bright enough to see the upside. He's the best talker to come along in the last decade. He's got superb range. He holds the crowd in the palm of his hand. His work is good, not great, but he sells incredibly well.

If he's a knob, discipline him. Write him off TV, take him off house shows so he loses pay, make him work NXT on the ring crew. There are loads of things you can do. What you don't do is break him down in front of your audience so they think he's a loser. One of the few guys you have who can talk people into the building, can work anywhere on the card with anyone and get people interested and with some improvement can be a massive star for you. It's their 101. Like the way they've ruined Rusev because he got engaged to Lana. Or the way The Miz was jobbed to kingdom come for - well, I don't know what for but I'm sure there's someone with a small-dick he upset in there somewhere.

It really is madness but it's their MO.

The rest of the show looked alright but lacking massively in star power. As people discussed in the PPV thread yesterday, it's what happens when you're only creating one star. It's needless but it's what they've done. Lots of guys are really good and are having good matches but they're just there week to week.

Thought Balor was really good on this show. Really sold how pissed he was coming down to face Goldberg. The sort of work he needs to do to add a couple of dimensions to his character.

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I know if I was trying to make him quit, I probably wouldn't make him champion first.

That Enzo angle was the best thing they've ever done with the CW division. I thought it was quite clearly a heel turn and it was brilliantly done. Enzo bringing up he makes more money than everyone on stage and in the arena combined is pure heel.

Funny we got the Braun destruction after the PPV.

Cena video was very good, as mentioned.

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5 minutes ago, ColinBollocks said:

I know if I was trying to make him quit, I probably wouldn't make him champion first.

If that is their intention (and I personally hope it isn't, I quite enjoy Enzo, especially if he's going to be a heel, so I hope he's sticking around), presumably it's to avoid a constructive dismissal case, on the basis they can "bury" him freely if he's got the belt, because it provides a fall back if it's ever alleged that they tried to force him to quit. 

If Enzo is still about when Big Cass comes back, and he's a heel, do we think Cass gets a big babyface reaction in coming back to squash Enzo?  

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