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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Two highlights for me:


Enzo and Cass not needing a microphone.


The intensity of the women's contract signing. When I saw Foley out there I sighed, but he did go to the right place for his promo. Putting over the danger, the threat. 

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Seriously, it's a shambles of a show at the moment, isn't it?

It really is. I keep watching because I find enough of interest on the show. Last week that wouldn't have happened if not for that Goldberg segment that was worth watching even the worst show of all-time for. This week there was nothing at all.


It doesn't help that I've been making my way through June 1998 for the last week or so. It's so night and day it's untrue. What stands out most of all is how Raw currently is so compartmentalised. Nothing bleeds into anything else. In 1998 you'll have the Nation feuding with DX but Shamrock feuding with Own at the same time while Dan Severn is also against the Nation so they'll turn up in each other's segments. Or The Undertaker "arriving at the building" in the middle of a DOA/LOD street fight and just kicking the shit out of two of them because they're in the way. Now it's so slickly produced that nothing is ever spontaneous. Jericho's listing ending up in Braun Strowman's hands for no reason on this show was the closest they got to any sort of cross pollenation.


The fact that it's Hell in a Cell on Sunday and there wasn't even a cell present speaks volumes. In 1998 Rusev would have entrapped Roman in the cage and beat the fuck out of him while JeriKO and Rollins ended up brawling on the top of the thing with JR screaming at the top his lungs and the crowd going apeshit. Then Strowman and Lesnar would have kicked off backstage for no reason while Vince McMahon gulped a lot and Lawler spunked in a bag over Sasha Banks' used knickers.


2000 showed them how you combine that sort of crazy shit with great work. How can they get it so wrong?

Edited by tiger_rick
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As far as the ending, it said on Observer radio that Vince went spastic backstage at the crowd reaction and just ended the segment. And they trotted off.

What was Vince expecting? Lesnar was always going to be cheered in his hometown.


Also, how much are they paying Lesnar to stand around and do nothing? Do they not trust him to speak for himself on the mic?



Seth Rollins is such an unlikable babyface now.

He has never been a particularly likable babyface though has he? WWE do not seem to know how to book him (or anyone else) as a strong babyface. It is like they hope someone else will magically become over as a babyface and they can have Rollins play a heel again (or they hope Balor will be back quicker than expected, can become the top good guy, and they can turn Rollins again).
Edited by DJM
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Yeah Surely They expected Lesnar to be massively over in his Hometown, I don't think it gives any Indication of what the reaction for Goldberg will be like in Toronto, Might get a better indication next week of what the reaction and feeling is to Goldberg now the Initial pop of him being back has gone


Did they ever get round to actually making the match yet or announcing it for Survivor Series? they get plugging the 2 PPVs free if you sign up now which seemed a perfect time to mention that will include Goldberg v Lesnar


The Crowd really turned on the Bayley/Dana Brooke segment, I thought it was Ok and would rather see more things like that and keeping people away from just having another match to set up another match for HIAC.


Bayleys promotion to the Main roster hasn't really connected yet has it, I guess with all the focus on Charlotte and Sasha she has gotten a bit lost in the shuffle with only Dana as an opponent, Emma will be back soon so should provide something different tho they may put her in with Sasha and the title as a fresh challenger as it cant just be Sasha and Charlotte never ending battle for the title.

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Yeah Surely They expected Lesnar to be massively over in his Hometown, I don't think it gives any Indication of what the reaction for Goldberg will be like in Toronto

Brock is Canadian now, though. He lives there and represented the country when he fought Mark Hunt. Probably going to be a huge babyface there.

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I think they're bored. I think they've exhausted everything they're willing to do on TV and thus will be on this continuous autopilot until somebody reinvents the wheel to the point they need to change to keep up. But even then, who has the platform to make it mean anything? There's been loads of crazy stuff outside WWE this year, but it's all so niche. Really, they're much in the same position they've been in for 15 years. And to that extent, I guess why change? This year's WrestleMania was the biggest ever and they're still doing well, even after essentially killing off their core PPV business. Strange times.

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Yeah Surely They expected Lesnar to be massively over in his Hometown, I don't think it gives any Indication of what the reaction for Goldberg will be like in Toronto

Brock is Canadian now, though. He lives there and represented the country when he fought Mark Hunt. Probably going to be a huge babyface there.


Nah, All they need is for Heyman to come out and tell them that Lesnar hates it when the fans cheer for him, and that they should be chanting Goldberg because he likes children and is a superhero for them, and all will be fine again in The WWE Universe!

Either that or Vince will come waddling out halfway through the match and tell the fans to cheer for Goldberg or the match will be stopped there and then.

It is going to be a complete shambles isn't it? Like most of WWE at the moment.

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Its the perfect storm for me. Toronto doesnt usually need an excuse to ruin a main event, and Goldberg's never been to popular in Toronto anyway. And Brock is basically a babyface. He never does anything to make you dislike him. He comes in kills people and that's it. It could be a case of the wrong opponent on the wrong night in the wrong city at Survivor Series.

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Are today's fans the worst ever or what? Ruin a guy's last match in the only time his kid ever sees him? Wow. I really hope not.

Why should fans care about any of that?



Because they're so belligerently desperate to pull back the curtain and make sure everyone knows they "get it" these days that they will shout "YOU DESERVE IT" when the biggest onscreen prick in the company who abuses them every week wins the title. They all care infinitely more about making sure they recognise the skill of the actor rather than the actions of his character. It's going to be a struggle, not because they disapprove of one wrestler's actions towards another, but because they probably can't figure out if Goldberg gave enough of his heart and soul to them to deserve a good send off or if he was pushed too hard and took from the business more than Brock did.

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