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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Why go to the trouble of reporting he busted his nose and had surgery done if you're just going to pass it off as completely irrelevant.

Why would you tell your audience that the guy who's going to main event WrestleMania is off TV for several weeks? Idiots.

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That Reigns segment was tremendous.


Some very odd things on the show, the Trips/Ziggler match was so weird, started off ok but it seemed like they had no plan, like at all, I hate Wrestling that is clearly choreographed move for move in the back but you gotta have SOMETHING, they just hit a move, then lay next to each other in deep, audible conversation about the next few moves, then rinse and repeat, if you aint gonna plan things out, just be fucking good, be better, it's one of many irritating little things that remove me from the moment and take me out of the show. At one point I thought they were going to fetch a chair each and sit in the middle of the ring discussing it.


The last segment was painful to watch in my opinion, I'm not getting anything from this Shane stuff, I really wish I was I'm trying to, but it's all so bad. His mic work is atrocious, his offence is a shambles, did you see Vince roll out of the ring, jesus lord don't this man have to perform anything remotely physical anymore, he looked like he was made of wood.


EDIT: Knew there was something else weird, this New Day/LON stuff is beyond me, what are they doing here, does anybody have an answer, because the New Day have definitely not turned, and are definitely not behaving like a babyface team, they are just Babyface by process of elimination as LON are just liked LESS. There was some good action in that match and due to WWE's absolutely absurd booking you could hear a mouse sneeze because the crowd don't know what the hell to do. Just define your acts for Christ sake, it's not hard.


EDIT NO. 2: Stephanie Fucking McMahon. Talk about timing, what with the Room 101 thread, What actually is her obsession with slapping folk about, and hard aswel, she doesn't pull the slap at all, it's full bore, then Trips smashes through Ziggler, who is last seen crawling to the back as Reigns comes out, she literally never gets comeuppance. God I hate her, fucking unbearable twat, please Liam, I beg of you, stick this fuckwit in Room 101.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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Why go to the trouble of reporting he busted his nose and had surgery done if you're just going to pass it off as completely irrelevant.

Why would you tell your audience that the guy who's going to main event WrestleMania is off TV for several weeks? Idiots.

Because it adds to the angle? The whole you broke my face payback revenge thing?

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Charles Robinson is in deep shit by the looks of it. Jericho went mental when he tried to continue the match. Fasinating seeing how angry Jericho was. You could hear Jericho asking if Neville was alright and he went straight to the finish, only for Charles Robinson to do the whole "his shoulders are up bit." Not in the business of defending Jericho, but he's in the right there. Robinson should have counted 3 instead of his whole play by the rulebook bollocks.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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The Undertaker looked like an absolute fucking idiot last night. Probably the least intimidating he's ever looked once he got all his gear off. There needs to be some sort of company wide intervention on crap barnets because it's one thing for shit haircuts to have hold of newer talent like Ambrose and Neville who still have time to do the right thing, and for retired headcases like Ric Flair but it's another for The Undertaker to take off his murdering hat and reveal what looks like the collapsing remains of a burnt out thatched cottage on top of his melon. That gear always had him on a very thin tightrope, but he just looks fucking stupid now. Muffin top over his leather jocks, only tanning his face for some weird reason, birds next syrup. Mental.

Edited by Cannibal Man
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Charles Robinson is in deep shit by the looks of it. Jericho went mental when he tried to continue the match. Fasinating seeing how angry Jericho was. You could hear Jericho asking if Neville was alright and he went straight to the finish, only for Charles Robinson to do the whole "his shoulders are up bit." Not in the business of defending Jericho, but he's in the right there. Robinson should have counted 3 instead of his whole play by the rulebook bollocks.

Or, the match was supposed to finish with a Jericho DQ so he told Robinson to count a two so he could shove him for the DQ. Certainly seemed that way to me.

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