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I don't think Reigns winning the match does too much damage to the rest of the roster, most of them are fucked anyway


They put Austin over everyone in '98 and it worked, if they want to go full pelt with Reigns have him win it, put him against Hunter at Mania then you've still got massive matches with Cena, Lesnar and Rollins to go with after Mania, maybe even Taker and Ambrose

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Well they have to get the title back off Reigns in a believable way as there's no point in making the match with Triple H at Mania a championship match.  I was a bit pissed off to hear that the Rumble will have a 60 second gap between entrants again like '95. It goes over far too quick that way.

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It says something about how bad Creative has been at creating stars when they need to go to these lengths to try and create some drama.


I love it for presenting something completely different to what we're used to getting in the Rumble. I'm trying to view it as "bold" rather than "desperate." But yes, I think Hunter will win.

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Well they have to get the title back off Reigns in a believable way as there's no point in making the match with Triple H at Mania a championship match.  I was a bit pissed off to hear that the Rumble will have a 60 second gap between entrants again like '95. It goes over far too quick that way.


I haven't seen this referenced anywhere else? Where was this said? If that's the case then this Rumble will be horrible. 1995 is by far and away my least favourite for that reason (and possibly the terrible roster) but a) 60 second intervals and b) the predicted "authority making Reigns the first entrant who retains the title" would be a bigger booking disaster than last year. I was initially excited by this years Rumble reading the Raw results this morning however that may be due to fantasy booking in my head. Reality has set in and I fear this years Rumble could be very predictable in the coming weeks.

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Do they ever really stick to the entrant timings anyway? I'm pretty sure they start the countdowns whenever they want.


I like the tile being on the line in the Rumble. At least it's something new. Plus, if you assume that Cena and Cena are in it, then that already makes it feel bigger than most years. I'm fine with Hunter winning it too. Reigns vs. Triple H is a great Wrestlemania match.

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I'm surprised at the reaction in here to the Rumble stip. Can people explain why it's SO bad? I'm more excited for the match than I was the prospect of the standard Rumble/Reigns defence combo. It's the belt, man. There's no way the last 5/6 minutes of the match won't be hot as fuck and the rest of the match have entertaining high stakes. Plus it leaves the title match possibilities open longer when we don't know who else they might have in their back pocket for Mania.

Edited by NEWM
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If that were to happen I don't see the point of putting the title on Triple H only for Reigns to win it back at Mania. Far too predictable.


Well, it's going into overdrive on the "give them reasons to cheer Reigns" principle. Other than sticking him out there with Lesnar or Cena (which either at this point could split the crowd) it's a suitably high profile deal for Roman for the big occasion, and it's a chance for Hunter to finally give him the leg up that I thought he was angling after giving him when The Shield were being booked to better Evolution in those tag matches. Giving Roman one more mountain to climb against artificially insurmountable odds now rather than just having him settle immediately into defences against midcard heels that he should splatter (because there are no main event heels, not really) might be more palatable.


Is it predictable that a booked Triple H © v Roman Reigns match at Mania would end in Roman winning? Yes, it's pretty clear that if that's the story they're going to tell, that Roman wins in the end. Don't care, to be honest. Predictable isn't necessarily bad if the story is logical and the story you want to see told, and it's well executed. I go to a dozen movies a year where I know the good guys are going to win in the end. Even within pro wrestling, I blew a huge stack watching Wrestle Kingdom last night, when three of the matches were pretty clear who was going over, but they were the RIGHT guys to go over and the guys I WANTED to go over, even though I never truly doubted the results. Better the right stories told well than swerves for swerves sake.

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It's silly when you think about it. You sit and plan out the scenario that makes the most sense, which is what raid has detailed above. It's the right story to tell and is backed up by months of previous goings on. But because wrestling fans have figured it out, they complain it's too obvious. If they do something else, then people complain the booking doesn't make sense. The scenario above makes sense to the story they are telling, obvious or not. Wrestling fans are their own worst enemy.

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If that were to happen I don't see the point of putting the title on Triple H only for Reigns to win it back at Mania. Far too predictable.


Well, it's going into overdrive on the "give them reasons to cheer Reigns" principle. Other than sticking him out there with Lesnar or Cena (which either at this point could split the crowd) it's a suitably high profile deal for Roman for the big occasion, and it's a chance for Hunter to finally give him the leg up that I thought he was angling after giving him when The Shield were being booked to better Evolution in those tag matches. 


It would have been a safer bet to have done it then. Now, for the WrestleMania crowd, WWE would want to get the "HHH is evil burial man" reaction, not the "fuck selling beatdowns, WE ARE NXT" reaction. Cena is probably a safer bet than Triple H is for that crowd to boo. Unless Hunter squashes Ziggler, Ambrose, Jericho etc en route to WrestleMania and does lots of snide promos about his friend Mark boycotting the show. And even then, Reigns isn't the perfect opponent for that build. The real problem, though, is...


Giving Roman one more mountain to climb against artificially insurmountable odds now rather than just having him settle immediately into defences against midcard heels that he should splatter (because there are no main event heels, not really) might be more palatable.



We're still in that boat after WrestleMania. Bar a heel turn from Ambrose (terrible idea) or Jericho (might be alright), who is Roman Reigns fighting at Extreme Rules, Payback etc? Can't be Bray Wyatt again. And I don't know how you get anyone to that level now, to be honest. Sheamus isn't going to be a viable option because they've just done it. Rusev and Owens are the best guys, but to elevate them, you'd have to reboot the Cena feuds that would have got them ready to face Reigns a year earlier. I'd like to see New Day dominate with the tag titles and one of the midcard titles post-Mania and set up a Kofi or Big E match against Reigns for the big belt one month, but I don't think that'll happen. 

Edited by King Pitcos
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We're still in that boat after WrestleMania.


We are, absolutely. But better after WrestleMania than now. Chuck everything at having Reigns beat a legend now, and people might be more accepting of that spring of Reigns vs Rusev, Wyatt etc.


I won't lie, I am slightly disappointed that my "Cena wins Rumble, wrestles Reigns at Mania, loses clean" prediction from summer through to yesterday may not come true. Cena passing the torch to the next top babyface in a way Austin didn't get chance to and Hogan never did... that's the ideal for me.


Although the childish mark in me still wants Triple H to be the champ for Roman to knock off at Mania. He's a villain I can boo with abandon and I'd get more "YAY" out of Roman putting him down that I would have Lesnar or Rollins, had things worked out differently.

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If the Rumble match has Roman, HHH, Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, some good returns like Daniel Bryan, maybe Kurt Angle, even throw in Vince McMahon in there, then this Rumble could be quite fun. I would love to see Lesnar suplex city Daniel Bryan over the top rope to piss off the fans.

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Lots can change between now & after mania.


Rollins will be back.

Wyatt's can feud with Roman.

Orton will be back.

Ambrose could turn heel.

Rusev/Owens could be elevated.

Not to mention all these new guys they've signed from Japan.


Failing that Kane/Big Show will probably do a job.

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