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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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When Orton's in interviews away from the WWE he just oozes so much natural natural charisma. He's been on autopilot for most of the past ten years and he still gets some of the biggest reactions at live events. He's shite on TV but who isn't? With his looks and personality, I'm not surprised he cares so little about the WWE. What would he achieve from putting in 100%? A heavier work schedule, more pressure, bullshit from writers backstage, and more wear on his body? He's already worth more than he can spend and all he has to do is go through the motions.


Remember the last time he was on fire? Before they fed him to Shane O'Mac and banned that punt kick he was using. He probably looks at Big Dave and wonders why he's still there mixing it up with The Miz, Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler.


If Orton was ten years younger and came up in that late 90's WWF locker room, he could've been another Austin or Rock, for sure. 


You look at Batista, Cena, Orton, Lesnar, and Punk. WWE could have had a fantastic 10 year run with those on top. Bryan, Barrett, Sheamus, Ziggler and the rest of them would have been great mid/upper carders but they'll go down in history as being shite because WWE couldn't book for shit and made them all world champions.

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The only interesting thing on Raw for me was the Wyatt Family showing up and standing opposite the league of nations. For a few seconds I thought they could be onto something and maybe turning them Face. Then everything that followed was just a mess. 


Speaking of the Wyatt Family did anyone see Smackdown last week? It was worth watching to see R-Truth appear for 20 seconds and to disappear again in true Wyatt magic fashion. 

Edited by Briefcase
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I did actually think they were responding to the awful RAW after Survivor Series because last week's show did feel a bit more lively and chaotic with the short matches, non finishes, having a title match in the middle of the show, the League of Nations forming and then the handicap main event.


That continued at the beginning of this week with the 18 man elimination match at the beginning, which was really cool. However, the rest of the show was back to the same boring shit so if they were doing that on purpose then it didn't last long. The Reigns/Sheamus segment felt like a bad pantomime and god knows why they continue to try and make Reigns into a Rock/Cena joke telling babyface. It just isn't him.

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Just watched the opening 40 mins of Raw- I thought that was absolutely brilliant. It's exactly what has been missing from Raw- excitement and a bit of unpredictability.


Sheamus in fairness has carried himself quite well since winning the title (he's better than ever in this respect in my opinion), and the Wyatt Family coming down for a face-off was pretty cool. Shame Little Spike isn't with the Dudleys but Rhyno is a decent addition- unlike Dreamer.


When Reigns and his pals joined the 'chaos', Reigns looked boss. Standing in the crowd with his arms folded with the Usos and Ambrose behind him, he was the man. The crowd were really behind him too, in fact the crowd were brilliant all throughout the match.


Very fun chaotic match, everyone seemed on form and the staredown between Reigns and Rhyno got a decent reaction (better than the Cena/Orton staredown in the Rumble that one time). Good finish, right result, what a way to kick off the show.


I haven't watched anything after this match, but I'm guessing from the comments on here perhaps I should leave it there...yeah?

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Damn, that Reigns segment. Sometimes he deserves more credit than he gets on the mic but that fuckin segment... I've never seen somebody climb a ladder whilst digging a grave for themselves at the same time

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Sometimes he deserves more credit than he gets on the mic


Deserves more credit? Reigns is awful on the mic. If they turn him heel at some point then the first thing they need to do is get him a mouthpiece.


He's not awful at all. He just doesn't suit the wannabe-Rock promo style that WWE's top babyface MUST have. There was no problem with his promo with Renee backstage. He's good in short, sharp bursts. Sheamus is good on the mic but both of his promos in front of the live crowd were fucking awful too. Because the material and the style is shit.

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Sometimes he deserves more credit than he gets on the mic


Deserves more credit? Reigns is awful on the mic. If they turn him heel at some point then the first thing they need to do is get him a mouthpiece.


He's not awful at all. He just doesn't suit the wannabe-Rock promo style that WWE's top babyface MUST have. There was no problem with his promo with Renee backstage. He's good in short, sharp bursts. Sheamus is good on the mic but both of his promos in front of the live crowd were fucking awful too. Because the material and the style is shit.



Sounds like Reigns is probably a good promo more in the Batista mould. He was great for the low-key, soft-spoken but bad-ass promo, especially as it made his angry outbursts seem more ominous and menacing.

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Again, Rick nails it. It's the material that's the issue and that's usually the case for people that aren't riddled with insane charisma or are really popular, like The Rock or John Cena - and even they sometimes struggle to make things like "kung pow bitch" acceptable.


Reigns clearly doesn't have the ability to pull off John Cena's left over promo lines, but it doesn't stop WWE from trying. Does anybody know if Vince is still personally writing all of Reigns' lines? It makes sense that they continue down this path when it's Vince thinking it's all right good stuff, as who wants to tell that nut that his work is corny (which, I guess is universally the issue, from what I read).


Granted, I haven't watched much Raw since Wrestlemania, but when I did he's shown enough that he's not Cesaro bad at the promos. His good stuff is when he's being the straight talking bad ass. You believe him when he's that character. When he does the jokey jokes he seems like he's the boring bloke in your office that is trying too hard to fit in.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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