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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I do think Nikki's the most well rounded Diva they have in terms of personality and wrestling ability (next to Sasha but Nikki is more established) and deserves the position she is in.


Nikki has been far the most improved Diva I've seen in the last two years. I wouldn't call her "good" rather than "competent" but her execution of a lot of stuff looks a lot less sloppy than before, she can pull off a couple of power moves, and she's adept at playing a hateable twat to the point I resent myself for allowing her to stir a slight sexual desire in me. Her sister on the other hand remains useless.


Alicia Fox said "Oh I've been with the company for 9 years" and I honestly couldn't tell you a single thing she's ever done. 


Her only noteworthy role in any storyline that anyone cares about, is she was the wedding planner Edge cheated on Vicky with.


Other than that.... err.... they made her go mental two years ago when they tried to position her as an actual threat to Paige, which fell flat on it's arse since she's spent years getting beaten literally every week by literally every other woman on the roster. It was virtually Lesnar defending the title against Bobcore in terms of my suspension of disbelief, that one.


Still, having seen Alicia in person, I would safely say that I'm a bit in love with her.

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Do WWE sell some kind of radio deal where you can listen to the commentary from your seat, these days?


Otherwise, it was a major coincidence that the brief "CM Punk" chant kicked off as AJ Lee was mentioned, and the "JBL" chant the second he acknowledged that (fucking abhorrent) "We are awesome" chant.


Braun St®owman is the first call-up with zero in-ring time on the NXT tv show since Ambrose, I think.

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A few of the less than reputable newssites are claiming that Cena is politicking to keep the Divas belt on Nikki Bella.


Although that is entirely possible I do think Nikki's the most well rounded Diva they have in terms of personality and wrestling ability (next to Sasha but Nikki is more established) and deserves the position she is in.

Surely that's been the plan for months now, to keep it on her to break the record. Unless she drops it before the next PPV (which she won't) she's done it. And does she really need to have Cena politic for her?

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Unless she drops it before the next PPV (which she won't) she's done it.


You know, I was thinking last night before the 6-woman was revealed to be happening, that she might lose it soon. With her three being annoying heel characters I thought they might start mentioning the record so she can start mentioning drawing near to it then throw a massive strop when she drops the title and falls just short of the record. Maybe wishful thinking, but I think that's a more entertaining idea that giving her something else to crow about. She's obnoxious enough already.

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It'll annoy smarks so she should break the damn record now we're this close. The reign has annoyed me in that it's bored the shit out of me but I don't really care about AJ Lee so if they wanna be petty and break her record go for it. It was an agonizing prospect a few months ago but now they really might as well.

I actually don't think the Bellas play up to it enough how hateable they are, so this'll be good heat when it happens. Even when a babyface inevitably beats her, she'll still have some value saying you'll never be as good a champion as I was etc. rather than them becoming irrelevant

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I like Titus, but he needed to shut the fuck up when the Dudleys came out.


The commentators were actually doing a decent job of showing enthusiasm/shock, then you have him talking over them with some monotonous "we're just as good as them" rambling. Doing his best to ruin the moment.


Darren Young still bores me to death, comes off like a bit of a prick too behind the scenes seemingly getting a cameraman sacked.

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I was at all three shows this weekend and I felt like punching almost every person I came across at some point or another.   I know NYC has a reputation for it's tosser crowds but seriously. Though I couldn't argue during the women's match, even I was falling asleep.  Amazing RAW to see live.  The fans were buzzing as we left the arena talking about the possibilities of what's to come. 

Edited by Stephanie
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Loved Raw this week, so many pleasant surprises. 


New Wyatt member looks deadly but how long this this last until he gets squashed or rolled over? Be good for him to be the muscle in the group but not wrestle competitively or outside of tag team matches, this also sets up a Wyatt vs Shield match down the line and I wonder whether Seth could turn face in a month or two and rejoin the Shield as previously rumoured? 


Speaking of Seth I love the scenario we now face where not only does he defend the US title & World Title on the same night (NOC) but the possibility of Seth defending the US title only for Sheamus to potentially cash in and make this a world title match, could the person challenging for the US title (presumably Cena) then also be entered into the world title match? Imagine the scenes if Cena were to also be in the world title match and was to walk out with the belts? (enough of my shit cash in predictions).

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When was a Shirld reunion rumoured? Not been dicky, I honestly can't remember hearing about it.


And I don't think they should, at least not yet, otherwise you're only a little over a year since the initial split just to put them together again and no one has gone anywhere, you might aswell not have even bothered. Seth hasn't had a decisive win as champion, they bottled it with Reigns because of the boo-boys and Ambrose has done fuck all apart make himself look a pillock by making a TV explode in his own face.


And this while convoluted "did he cash in on the US belt or the world belt" needs to stop

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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The Divas Revolution is the shittest thing in years. It's made all the worse knowing that Nikki Bella and Paige were crying on social media about how disrespectful the Brooklyn crowd were. Fuck off girls, your angles and matches are absolutely awful. People aren't going to get on board with a supposed revolution just because you tell them to. You have to actually, you know, deliver. That god awful MizTV segment where they were all bitching at one another couldn't have been more removed from how awesome Bayley vs. Sasha was. It's night and day. The only difference between the Divas division now compared to beforehand is that their matches are slightly longer. Everything else is exactly as shit as it was previously and absolutely nobody on the writing team understands why it works so well in NXT.

Loved the Sting angle at the end, but I simply have no trust in Vince's obsession and insecurities over WCW. Sting will undoubtedly cut a bunch of promos specifically saying this has got nothing to do with WCW, but by the time of the match he'll likely be booked to lose and the commentators will be chuckling and harping on about how Sting may have been able to become WCW Champion, but this is WWE, where the real competition is, or whatever. "Ha! WWE wins again!"

New Day are the best thing in the company by far. Love them.

Returning Dudleys and debuting giant Wyatt member was great. It really felt like they were trying to make the post-Summerslam RAW a big deal similar to the one after Mania. Hopefully they do that every year.

But yeah, fuck the Divas Revolution.

Totally agree with all. Some good things upcoming for Owens back in NXT which I'll look forward to seeing.


Do you accept the direction they've stood by in presenting Seth Rollins?

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The Divas Revolution is the shittest thing in years. It's made all the worse knowing that Nikki Bella and Paige were crying on social media about how disrespectful the Brooklyn crowd were. Fuck off girls, your angles and matches are absolutely awful. People aren't going to get on board with a supposed revolution just because you tell them to. You have to actually, you know, deliver. That god awful MizTV segment where they were all bitching at one another couldn't have been more removed from how awesome Bayley vs. Sasha was. It's night and day. The only difference between the Divas division now compared to beforehand is that their matches are slightly longer. Everything else is exactly as shit as it was previously and absolutely nobody on the writing team understands why it works so well in NXT.

Loved the Sting angle at the end, but I simply have no trust in Vince's obsession and insecurities over WCW. Sting will undoubtedly cut a bunch of promos specifically saying this has got nothing to do with WCW, but by the time of the match he'll likely be booked to lose and the commentators will be chuckling and harping on about how Sting may have been able to become WCW Champion, but this is WWE, where the real competition is, or whatever. "Ha! WWE wins again!"

New Day are the best thing in the company by far. Love them.

Returning Dudleys and debuting giant Wyatt member was great. It really felt like they were trying to make the post-Summerslam RAW a big deal similar to the one after Mania. Hopefully they do that every year.

But yeah, fuck the Divas Revolution.

Totally agree with all. Some good things upcoming for Owens back in NXT which I'll look forward to seeing.




Surely Owens is done with NXT now? There's nothing for him to accomplish in Full Sail anymore.

Edited by Zebra Kid Mark
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From the WWE facebook page:


BREAKING NEWS: This Monday on WWE Raw, ‪#‎TeamPCB‬ will compete in the FIRST EVER Divas Beat-The-Clock Challenge to see who will be the No. 1 Contender for the Divas Championship!!!


Also Rusev vs. Ziggler in a rematch from Summerslam.

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