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I only watched the 4-minute highlights package on WWE.com, but I thought Owens did well. I never liked him on the indies, but he won me over in NXT and continued to do so here. I don't mind the gut; as others have said, it makes him look a bit different to everyone else. It was his height that I thought would be a concern, but he didn't look like that much of a shortarse compared to Cena, which was good. The powerbomb was made to seem suitably impactful as well. It could have all gone a lot worse for him, and I'd be happy to see him and Cena have a brawl sometime.


I'm more worried about what'll happen with Rusev now, unless long-term they're heading for a WrestleMania VII style reunion with him and Lana, in which case I'm all for it.

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A tad surprised with some of the negative Owens comments on his promo. I was pretty lit when I watched this afternoon and was screaming that they hit a home run on this as it unfolded. I was sceptical on Cena doing the job right away for Owens, but both I thought delivered exactly as I wanted it to happen. What more could you want to set up NXT and a programme with Cena. Clearly he wants to work with Owens so I look at it as a good thing. I thought he fitted in quite nicely on Raw. He didn't look out of place at all I thought.


I've got no problem with the Owens look whatsoever. Fat, thin, athletic, giant whatever, he's Kevin fucking Steen and he'll do well whatever he's thrown by Hunter

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It is a pity that half of the teams in the "division" are terrible though. New Day, Kidd/Cesaro and Lucha Dragons are good, but PTP, Ascension and Los Matadores are just awful.

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Really disappointed that Harper and Rowen are not in the chamber tag match.


Would also rather have had Axel and Sandow than fucking PTP.


As for the IC match, Neville should have been in it just so that he could do some high risk manoeuvre from atop of one of the pods.

Edited by Bosco Blick
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As for the IC match, Neville should have been in it just so that he could do some high risk manoeuvre from atop of one of the pods.

From what I was reading over the weekend, WWE are not sure what they want to do with Neville. It looks like they are going to be having him feud with Bo Dallas though after what happened on Raw this week.

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How long before Rusev and Lana split up backstage too then? 3 months?

Rusev will be working for House of Hardcore in 6 months and Lana will be engaged to Roman Reigns. Few relationships survive the onscreen split in real life.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I can see being put off by his look, the only thing that bothers me is those god awful tattoos mind, but I can't get behind the notion of Owens promo being anything like terrible.


You could see he was nervous from the start, but this is a guy who despite all the gimmick talk about doing it for his family and all that has got a kid that he loves he was willing to fuck off a career with WWE for to keep looking after, and who is a full blown John Cena fan. I'm willing to bet even Owens at some point couldn't have imagined a guy with his look or style would have been in such a grand position in the company and that he'd be making his WWE television debut laying out John Fucking Cena. I'm willing to let any line flubs or shakes off because it sounded more genuine than anybody i've heard in a long time.


He's an unestablished developmental talent to a majority and he's just walked out and basically John Cena to fuck off. He hasn't shook his hand or tried his damndest to have the best match he can or tell the people he's thankful for the opportunity or whatever, he's told them and the biggest star in the company they aren't worth a fuck to him, that he's been doing this longer than their hero and then he's webbed the shit out of him and danced on his beloved title belt that he's just spent about 5 minutes putting over.


Stage fright, mad look or whatever, he handled it like a star. There's not many other people lately in higher, privileged positions on the card who've done the same for a long time. It set him apart from everyone else who's had a go of the challenge. He'll be fine.

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I, for one, loved Owens' promo.

It started in a sense of basic Heel/Face establishment lines ,("These people aren't worth my time"), but when Cena offered to "give him some veteran advice", it all changed. Owens really came out of his shell, and in my eyes gave Cena a good telling off. The power bomb and title belt stomp at the end cemented that he's top drawer stuff.

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I thought Owens looked great on Raw. He does look like a fan having a go at being a wrestler, but he also has the it factor. He could be this generations answer to Stone Cold, in the way fans lived through him watching him batter the boss. Owens has the potential to be someone the fans live through, because he looks like a normal guy.


Only issue with that is he'd need solid booking. As soon as creative get bored and he starts trading wins with other mid carders his star will plummet. Protected like he was in that segment he could be a key player

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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How long before Rusev and Lana split up backstage too then? 3 months?

I thought it looked like a swerve to be honest. God forbid if it was a genuine "wooing" of Ziggler.

It's already getting tiresome.

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Ryback was great in that opening segment. Just a good old fashioned white meat babyface. Although Triple H and Stephanie did try and ruin it with their overbearing terribleness. Enjoyed his match with Sheamus too. With two losses on a row however knowing WWE's booking style Da Big Guy is probably winning the IC title.


The way the Authority backstage segments are produced are awful and make no sense. Where the fuck are they supposed to be? Is it a hallway? Is it a room? Why are the all facing one direction at all times? There's not a couch, any chairs, or a computer in their...why the fuck are they hanging around their anyway? How can people just randomly pop up out of nowhere with nobody noticing? When they walk off where do they go? FUCKING HELL I HATE IT SO MUCH.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Ryback was great in that opening segment. Just a good old fashioned white meat babyface. Although Triple H and Stephanie did try and ruin it with their overbearing terribleness. Enjoyed his match with Sheamus too. With two losses on a row however knowing WWE's booking style Da Big Guy is probably winning the IC title.


The way the Authority backstage segments are produced are awful and make no sense. Where the fuck are they supposed to be? Is it a hallway? Is it a room? Why are the all facing one direction at all times? There's not a couch, any chairs, or a computer in their...why the fuck are they hanging around their anyway? How can people just randomly pop up out of nowhere with nobody noticing? When they walk off where do they go? FUCKING HELL I HATE IT SO MUCH.

Don't even get me started on the backstage segments. Laziness of the highest degree. Even TNA do a vastly superior job of producing them. Not to mention Lucha Underground.

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