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if I'm honest I was thinking during the show how predictable it would be that Orton would agree to be in the authority so he was in the ring with Seth only to take him out and do the whole babyface thing. 


So from a surprise element him not exactly turning on Seth works for me, but depends where they take it I guess. 

He didn't have to rejoin the authority at all though.

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From reading the results, Raw seems frustrating this week. HHH vs Sting is being built up without Sting, Wyatt vs Undertaker is being built up without even the slightest indication Undertaker's even noticed what Bray is doing (what's Wyatt going to do if someone just delivers a note from Taker saying 'sorry mate, not interested, staying in my coffin this year'? Or if he just doesn't show up ever?) and Reigns vs Lesnar doesn't have Lesnar. Plus the fact Reigns lost his match which seems absurd even if he did smash the Authority afterwards. So if Lesnar doesn't pummel him - which he clearly can if Kane and Big Show have been able to - then a sneaky roll up will be all it takes. I want to like Reigns so much but they aren't half making it hard to believe he can do it.


Jon Stewart looked like he had fun.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Yeah it's a weird build for WrestleMania. I can't really recall any previous Mania when in 3 of the big matches that the other opponent isn't around to build a storyline. No Brock & Stinger because they have limited dates on their contract and Taker's probably getting in shape for Mania because he didn't look like himself when they had the photo of him & Michelle McCool were he looked skinny etc. If Kane was a 'face then maybe Bray could have done something with him to pique Taker's interest or something because right now it's like the Undertaker-Wyatt stuff has come out of no where and it makes no real sense why Bray has any beef with Taker. Taker-Sting would have made much more sense instead of Trips being the WWE guy against the WCW guy Sting. I mean they should have done that back in 2001 as 14 years later that doesn't really have any bearing now. So it's scatter-shot booking and throwing loads of mud at a wall and hoping it sticks. 

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It may be only me, but I'm really enjoying Curtis Axel at the moment.
Reminds me of a cross between Planet Stasiak, Ralph Hinkley and Sledge Hammer.


I'm staring to see the appeal in Mizdow, also, which is nice, because I do love being proved an unwarrantedly sceptical cunt.

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#Axelmania was the highlight of the show. He's pretty good when he's playing a complete goof.


Again, I thought Triple H did some fine work selling his match with Sting - despite Booker T's best efforts to deliver a rubbish promo.


Nothing was particularly bad, but nowt really outstanding either. Going by normal Raw standards over the last few months it was fine, but a bit rubbish given we're a few weeks out from 'Mania. This is probably my least favourite 'Mania build since I started watching again in 08, and this year has Sting!

Edited by ColinBollocks
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I don't mind Taker not being there and wouldn't mind if he didn't show until the week before/Mania itself, i'm enjoying Wyatt's stuff more than normal and in a way enjoying that Taker is having a 'supernatural' feud at Mania again after the last 6/7 years of super serious better man stuff. 


However Sting/HHH needs more Sting and Reigns/Lesnar definitely needs more Lesnar. Less is probably more with Sting, but thought he would have been on this week, it needs more input from him in the last 3 Raws.The story is simple for Reigns/Lesnar, but Lesnar needs to show a couple of times to give more heat to the actual pairing of him/Reigns, especially for a Mania main event.


Aside from that I'm quite enjoying the Mania build, lots of simple storytelling but enjoyable. The IC build is fun, Cena/Rusev is again simple but intriguing to how Cena will change his mind and Orton/Rollins was better last night, with Orton "inadvertently"causing Seth to get kicked in the balls. Feels more like Orton is suckering him in now. Hell even Miz/Mizdow is simple yet enjoyable storytelling.

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I thought that was one of Roman Reigns' better performances, and not just a better match because Rollins was in it. He seemed to be making a real effort to add new moves to shut up the "you can't wrestle" morons. It's silly to expect him to mat wrestle ala' Angle or Bryan, but he did a good job with the full nelson slam, tilt a whirl slam and sit out powerbomb. Then there was the post match stuff, taking out the Authority with big punches and spears. The real highlight was the suicide dive, I'm surprised he just busted that out on Raw, something that good could have been saved for Wrestlemania. But that's exactly how to get Reigns over properly with a bigger section of the audience, use his strength in more versatile ways, and throw in flashes of great athleticism too (part of the reason the running apron dropkick works so well). More of the Reigns we saw on this Raw, thanks.


Paul Heyman was amazing, you don't often hear him so fired up, and while I think a lot of his recent work has been a tad repetitive, he really earned his paycheck on Raw. Addressing Lesnar's status without getting too smarky, brutalising Lillian Garcia, putting over both Lesnar and Reigns, and best of all, turning Ronda Rousey into a verb. I tweeted that, but Corey Graves beat me to it by 4 minutes, bastard.


I need to rewatch the Jon Stewart segment as I had to leave the room as it started, but I love Stewart's act of being awkwardly macho while scared shitless. I'd like to see him more on Raw. I had to laugh as it was painfully obvious that he has no idea how to work a low blow, poor Seth. That was about as direct as it gets.

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#Axelmania was the highlight of the show. He's pretty good when he's playing a complete goof

I came here to post the exact same thing. It doesn't feel like Wrestlemania season at all, everything feels underwhelming and unfocused, and yet Curtis Axel is hitting constant home runs as the new Santino. Him listing how long he's been in the Rumble and him tearing off his shirt were two of those rare moments of WWE comedy where I genuinely laughed.


Best thing the guy has ever done.

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 I had to laugh as it was painfully obvious that he has no idea how to work a low blow, poor Seth. That was about as direct as it gets.


TBF, recent evidence suggests it was a small target to aim for.

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